MindMap Gallery Best Vampire Series
This is a mind map that contains information about the best vampire series.
1984 - George Orwell
How to Learn Things Effectively
Building a StoryBrand - Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
Flip the Script - Getting People to Think Your Idea is Their Idea
FREE TO FOCUS - A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less
INDISTRACTABLE - How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life
LEADERSHIFT - The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
NINE LIES ABOUT WORK - A Freethinking Leader's Guide to the Real World
Best Vampire Series
New york times best seller
Eclipse:109 weeks
New Moon:156 weeks
Breaking Dawn:58 weeks
Twilight:146 weeks
Broke records for New yorktimes best seller list.
Relates to Teenagers
Relates to teenagers.
Girls like Bella,clumsy,awkward andunpopular can relate to twilight and how itfeels to have a person that loves you.
Guys like Edward that are shy,not becausethere vampires but because they'redifferent.
Better than Harry Potter
Harry Potter was on the top 10 of the USAToday best seller list for 13 consecutiveweeks.
Twilight was on the top 10 of the USAToday best seller list for 52 consectutiveweeks.
Twilights fan base is larger than HarryPotters and there is only on Twilight moviereleased.
Twilight worldwide boxofficenumbers:$382,511,081
Keeps people interested in Reading
Been quoted by fans that"Stephanie Meyer writesher story well and makesyou believe theunbelievable."
Book Reviews
"the book is intriguing"written in a book review bySimone Snaith.
59,156 people gaveNew Moon a "5" forrating
"it's an addicting story thatyou can't get boredwith."Tammy Hart
Main Topic
Movies have had tremendoussuccess in the box office and insales.
Stayed close to the bookenough to not alter thestory.
Box office numersworldwide:$382,511,081