Poetry is very straight forward and easilyunderstood. Allow class to come to agroup understanding before speaking
More Universally relatable
Original Text
Coming home from a longjourney/Returning home/ProdigalSon/Soldier
Activity: Since this concept is a familiar oneacross many different cultures, open up theclass to discussion about what this songmeans to them.
Personal connections
Activity: Allow students to share stories orother texts related to subject of the song.
Verse 1
Tell me where is the road I can call my own,That I left that I lost so long ago. All theseyears I have wandered, oh when will I know.There's a way, there's a road, that can leadme home.
Verse 2
After wind after way when the dark is done,as I wake from a dream in the gold of day.Through the air there's a calling from faraway. There's a way, there's a road, that canlead me home.
Verse 3
Rise up, Follow me, Come away is the call,with love in your heart as the only song.There is no such beauty as where youbelong. Rise up, Follow me, I will lead youhome.
Language: English
Emphasized "Wh" on each occurance insong.
Where, Whay, Whind, Etc...
Heavy Shadow consonants
On word "ownA"
Teach different types of shadow vowelsand how to mark in music.
Exercise: When the choir isn't givingenough shadow vowels, ask them whattype of shadow vowel they want to put onthe word. Urge them to do it each time.
No rolled "r's"
Demonstrate: Difference between two. NotBritish English
English Vowels
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Ask: "How is this song laid out?" Whatcould that mean? How could it relate tothe text?"
Feeling of "Coming Home" comefrom repetition of the interlude/intro.
Explain what strophic means in music
Activity: Ask class what other strophicsongs they know.
Repeated Material
Verse 1 repeats to Verse 2
Interludes and Prelude are identical
Ask: Are any of these the same?
Ask: How are they the same? How are theydifferent?
Activity: "How could we make each verseunique?"
Repeating the same thing 3 times inboring
Come up with a different theme word foreach section.
Dynamics, Text stress, musical alterations,etc...
In the Soprano Voice
Activity: "Do you hear the melody?"
Point to the section singing the melody
Sing soprano line as class
Ask: How can you as a singer help themelody be heard?
Sing quieter
Switches to solo during 3rd verse
Do a similar listening activity as above withthe whole choir including sopranos,listening for soloist melody.
Based on Pentatonic Scale
Demonstrate: Sing F major scale. Then singF Pentatonic
"How many notes did you hear on thesecond scale?"
"Does anyone know what this scalecould be called?
Teach Solfege hand symbols
Sing: Basic warm ups while using handsymbols.
Solfege the soprano melody while singingit as a choir.
Meter Changes
2 meters
Most of the song is in this meter
Sing: Through one verse of the song onsing counting to feel the motion of thetriple meter
Common meter in folk melodies
Ask: "Do you know any other songs thathave a similar rhythmic feeling? Howdoes it make you feel?"
Only happens for one measure at a time
Sing: Opening "Home" Motif section onsing counting, switching from 3/4 to 4/4.
Meter Changes
Demonstrate patterns for 3/4 and 4/4
Activity: Class conducts themselves whilesinging. and looking at each other.
Creates a student interpretation of thefeeling of movement through the piece.
Activity: Watch teacher conduct differentcombinations of 3/4 and 4/4 measures andcount with the beat.
Occurs during:
Ask: Which parts of this do you think arepolyphony? what makes it sound like that?
Activity: Have student sing knownmelody, then sing with them onembellished rhythm
Explain that this is Polyphony
Activity: Have student sing a known song,then sing with them
Explain that that is homophony
"Breath together, Sing together"
Activity: Audiate parts in head and watchconductor, breathing audibly at markings.
Ask: "What points do we breath as a choir inthe song?"
Mark and demonstrate: Breath marksthrough road map, commas as breaths.
Demonstrate and sing: Sing through nobreath and breath marks (MM. 14, MM.8, Etc.. *Say now sing it like that*
Ask: "Who noticed what I did there? Howdid it sound when I sang it that way?"
4 Bar Phrasing
Ask: "Why might we want to staggerour breaths?"
Publication Information
Pub #: SP 370 (SATB)
Company: Paulus Publications
SATB (SP 370)
SSAA (SP 370 sa)
TTBB (SP 370 tb)
Instruments needed:
Allows for students to control feeling.
Easy for spontaneous performance. Can bevery fun for students.
If a student has a good idea for add (i.e. Astudent who also plays violin doubling thesoprano solo) this can get more, differentstudents involved.
Main Topic
Key: F Major
Ask: "Does anyone know what makes this FMajor?"
Explain:1 Flat ; Only if nobody knows theanswer.
Sing: F Major arpeggio to octave, TDRScale back down; Coming down holdDLFR and resolve
Sing: "Pick a chord in this Triad",*Play I, IV and V of F Major*
Only chromatic Step occurs in tenor line
Tenors only: Sing Measures 1216.
Pitch Check: Move through notes one at atime to tune MM. 14
Sing: MM. 14 hold F major Triad; Move bysteps into A major, then ask them toresolve. Go through chords a couple times.
Ask: What does this change in tonalitysymbolize or mean to you?
Sing: While holding A Major, havesopranos move to the G and Tune.Move through the chordprogression out of time.