MindMap Gallery Bharatha Kandam Map
This is a mind map that contains information about Bharatha Kandam.
Vegetarian Circular Map
Hozier Album
What is Valentine's Day
Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes
Connections Between the 6 Main Religions of the World
Myths and heroes
Do's and Don'ts in a foreign country
Minoan Trade Routes Map
Gender Equality
Bharatha Kandam Map
devoted son
fullfilled his dharma
most well known incarnationof Vishnu
his father loved him more thanhis other sons
Prince and then king of Ayodhya
loyal husband
Ramayana is as large as the bible and it hasbeen known to man since 700 BCE when itwas written by Valmiki in Sanscrit
mainly talks about Rama as a hero
Written in verses called Sloka, in Sanskrit,and in Anustup
Sanskrit is an ancient Indianlanguage
the verses are divided intochapters called Sargas
specific events or stories aretold within the Sargas
the Sargas are then dividedinto books called Kaandas
Kaanda refers to the stem of sugar cane
Kaanda can also refer to aparticular story or event while astory is read
Rama - one of the incarnations of Vishnu as well as the king of Ayodhya and main character of Ramayana
Sita - incarnation of Lakshmi andRama's wife who is captured byRavana
Ravana - evil king of Sri Lanka who lives in palace where he brings Sita and tries to get her to accept his proposal of marriage
Hanuman - the monkey general who is highly devoted to Rama and helps him greatly
Sugriva - king of the monkeys who makes sure all the monkeys try to help Rama
Lakshmana - Rama's halfbrother who thinks theworld of him and is alwaysby his side
Different Versions
Indian Version
Tulsidas Ramayana is the mostpopular version
Goswami Tulsidas rewrote the TulsidasRamayana in 1574 and focused more on thefact that Rama was an incarnation of Vishnu
Kamban Ramayana is anotherpopular version but mostly inTamil Nadu
written in Tamil
some parts of the story wererewritten to better show the ideas ofTamil
Out of India Version
form of Ramakian is the national epic
tells more about Ramas battlewith Totsaken
little plot change, but some
Sita only gives birth to one son. The magician then gives her a second
most of the religious aspects are taken outbecause the Thai people are mostlyBuddhists
the only way it is preformed isas a puppet show
plot is mainly the same
Ramas mother is paralyzed
Shatrugna, Ramas thirdbrother does not exist
stories of the characters aredifferent
Bala Kanda
Rama and Lakshmana, as wellas their siblings are born
Rama strings the bow of KingJanaka of Videha
the king gives his daughterSita to Rama
Ayodhya Kanda
Ramas father gets old
wants to make Rama king
Ramas father's mistress reminds him of herone wish that must be granted for giving himchildren
she banishes Rama for fourteen yearsand makes her son Bharata heir to thethrone
Sita and Lakshmana go with him
Their father dies and Bharata issupposed to be king but says it isRamas throne
Aranya Kanda
Rama partakes in manybattles with demons
Ravana is told by his sister ofSita's beauty
kidnaps Sita
Rama meets the monkeys
they know that Sita is in Lanka
Hanuman flew across the ocean
then made himself a cat andcrept around the town
they build a bridge to Lanka
ocean god helps them getacross the ocean
many battles and Hanuman finds herbsthat cure Rama and Lakshmana at once
Rama kills Ravana
Rama gets Sita back but says he cannot bewith her because she lived in another manshouse
Sita goes into the fire to proveshe did nothing wrong
Agni, the fire god tells Ramashe is pure
Rama becomes king
Rama's people are mad that hetook Sita back
Lakshmana takes Sita to theGanges and deserts her
she has twins, Kusha and Lava
Rama meets his sons when theyrecite Ramayana to him at afestival
Rama makes Sita vow thatthese are his sons
the earth swallows her
Rama gives his power to his sonsand goes to heaven to be withSita