MindMap Gallery Types of Clauses Grammar
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Types of Clauses Grammar
Main Clause
Has a subject and verb.
Can stand alone as a sentence.
Adjective Clause
A suburdinate clause that modifies a noun or apronoun.
Use relative pronouns such as: who, whom,whose, that, and which.
Relative pronoun may be dropped at thebeginning of an adjective clause.
An adjective clause is sometimes needed tomake the meaning of a sentence clear. That iscalled an essential clause.
A nonessential clause is when an adjective isnot absolutely needed in order to expressthe complete meaning of a sentence.
The relative pronoun that usually introduces anessential; the relative pronoun whichintroduces a nonessential clause.
Noun Clause
A noun clause is a subordinate clause used as anoun.
Words that can be used: how, that, what,whatever, when, where, which, whichever, who,whom, whoever, whose, and why.
Subordinate Clause
Cannot stand alone as a sentence.
Has a subject and a predicate.
Adverb Clause
An adverb clause is a subordinate clause thatmodifies a verb, an adjective or an adverb.
It tells when, where, how, why, to what extent,or under what condition.
An adverb can come either before a main clauseor after it.
Sometimes words may be left out to avoidrepetition and awkwardness.