MindMap Gallery Risk Taking Skills Definition
This is a mind map about "Risk Taking Skills Definition".
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Risk Taking Skills Definition
Show appreciation for risk taking
Teacher comments and behaviorreveal their attitudes
"Thank you for taking a risk!"
Show appropriaterisktaking examples fromeach student's work
Model risk taking
Be open minded
Introduce new teaching strategies
Discuss risk taking anddemonstrate something you havenot mastered
Try again!
Demonstrate "metateaching" bydiscussing the risks you are taking
Build appreciation for risk taking into class management
Consider ways to rewardgenuine peer support for risktaking
Be prepared with naturalconsequences for unsupportivebehavior
Create a safe learning climate
Learn and use students' names
Build trust
Do not tolerate bullying
Encourage postiveteacher/student relations
Use humor whenappropriate to ease tensions
Allow opportunities for failing
Consider how you handle errors yours and students
Create situations in whichstudent work is not evaluated
Create assignments that allow formultiple drafts and nonpunitivefeedback
Encourage Inquiry based learning
Invite question asking
Invite theorizing
Create context for problem solving
Demonstrate how to turncontroversial topics into researchquestions