MindMap Gallery BSI School
This is a mind map about BSI School.
Edited at 2021-01-11 07:12:04BSI School
Interdisciplinary Special Projects
Human Rights Unit (Documentary)
Research in ML Cluster
Analysis of media texts in ML & Humanities
Production of media in ML/Analysis ofproductions in Humanities & ML
Moveable Do: 2013 Red Hook Sandy
Music Curriculum: Solfege
Social Studies: Red Hook History
5 Forever Factors
Science & Technology
Red Hook Social Studies Lessons
Transformation 1: 1860s
They made themselves the
shipping hub of the world.
Geography of it had to be
altered by landfill
Beard got ships to bring in
the landfill for FREE
William Beard was political b/c
he could get people to do
Creates economic
opportunities for many people
Vocab: Waloons
Built the first Grain elevator
1860s industry opportunities
met the geography of the
Transformation 2(?): 1960s
Robert Moses
Transformation 3: Fairway
Transformation X: Sandy
Kids share out re: their trip
Kids Visit Fairway
kids filmed what they saw
donna talked to kids
used 5 forever factors
connected history of site to present day
economy in 1860s, neighborhood died
people left, Fairway helped people come
kids were putting together
differences from the past to
jackie & andy from Fairway
talked to kids
parents were into it (history)
BSI Kids meet kids from Red
Event: Flash Mob at Fairway in Red
Grand reopening
Mayor there
Flash Mob
performing Moveable Do
moves from Do to hear it for
DTE works with local
Red Hook students
i.e. Taquan a.k.a. Happy the
documentary rapper
Minecraft Ship Building
Day in the Life Videos
BHS Documentary Filmmaking
STEM Lab Showcase
Safety/Acceptable Use Policies
Early Stages: Digital Citizenship Contract
Students in 4th grade build itbased on a framework
Use student discussions to generatecustom policy and build contract buyin.
NYCDOE Acceptable Use Policy
2015 Developed the BSI Acceptable Use Policy (coveringbits on digital
citizenship, social media, home/school relationship, mobile
device use in school)
BSI School Website
public website on Wordpress
REBUILD 20162017
School Loop (45)
School Loop
Dismissal changes
Food Menus
Good Reads
Summer Packet
Staff Links
Communicate the personality of the school
Allow different audiences to find what theyneed
Calendar (Google Embed)
weekly newsletters posted by admin
Announcements: index of News tag
other tags they might be looking for
ABOUT BSI (the brochure)
Initiatives (HOW WE GROW)
static intro text identifying current initiatives
partnerships: text about why we partner, and
list of partners (blurbs on partners & links to
websites and tags on our site)
Reach the World
Literacy (on site page)
what is the curriculum based on
playlist of videos
link to common core
Math (on site page)
Science (external site)
Tribes (external website)
Media Literacy (on site page)
Contact & Location
how to get a seat
open house info
NOTE: link to news in the blog
Open House
MS Guidance
Open House
CLASS PAGES (window into the classroom)
Blogs from every classroom
Photos & videos posted by teachers
curriculum updates and exemplars
Parent Resources
link to BSI PTO website
Student Links
Staff Google Site (intranet)
Admin Announcments
Links to all staff documents in Google Drive
Links to Log in to your Class
Rubrics for quality teaching
Danielson graphics, etc.
what else would be good here
PTO website
Goals for Media Literacy
Working backward from the skills kids
will need to execute media production
projects that build on BHS archival
footage (media literacy, critical
thinking as authors combining text,
images and audio); And to express themselvesthrough public/private facing portfolios
Google Drive Goals
Curriculum Goals
Access and comment on student workas well as collaborative curriculum docs
Upload photos of student work to annotate
Develop curated Student Portfolio folders
Students learn to digitize, organize andpublish their best work using available toolsand Drive
Logistical Goals
Establish naming conventions (i.e.Grade, Class, Year, Title)
class number
teacher/student name
OR grade level
Organizing Docs in Folders with NamingConventions
Move Shared Docs & Folders from Shared with Me
Understanding Uploading &Conversion of Files (Word esp.)
Convert Word Templates to Google Docs Versions
Create selfgrading quizzes (Flubaroo Plugin)
Create Forms for surveys & quizzes
Creating & Using Templates in the Template Gallery
Templates: File Make a Copy
REBUILD staff documents in
Google Drive (BSI
Documents Folder)
Administrative Collections (CEP,
Forms, etc.)
Howto Documents
Custodial Form
Tech Support Request Form
Teacher Effectiveness (Danielson PD, etc.)
Professional Goals
Admin Memos
Grade Level Collections (i.e. Grade 1)
Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plans
Link high level folders from Staff Website
Student Google Drive Goals (Gr 35)
Each student makes a folder and shares it with
Media Lit & Classroom Teacher
Students could have content area folders, and
a portfolio folder (optional)
Media literacy teacher teaches skillsand maintenance
Building towards 7th grademultimedia mash up of BHS
FOOTAGE, and portfolio
Class Website Goals
Blog news & announcements
Post pictures & slideshows
Develop Resource List
List of Units of Study with Essential Questions
Amazon Wish List
Donors Choose
Adopt a Classroom
Create Screencast and Support Resourcesfor all of the above linked from the StaffWebsite
Develop Vertically Integrated Curriculum Mapaligning Digital & Media Literacy Standards withCore Curriculum Content
K Activity Websites/Collaborative Productions
Suggested home extension
Will collaborate on teacher guided multimedia projects
1 Basics, Keyboarding & Collab Projects
doc formatting
OS Basics
Keyboard Shortcuts
1/2/3 Typing Practice
Typing practice games
Reinforce with Google Drive
Home Row, ID the letters on the keyboard
Introduced by Michael, reinforced at home
1/2/3 Web Research Best Practices
Learn keywords, search terms (browser, Internet, search
engine, URL, etc.)
Connect to units of study
Scaffold by searching within specific
loaded sites
Introduced by Michael, reinforced in classroom
2/3 reinforce & assess above through Small Scale Independent Digital
Presentations (google)
Blogging or publishing writing on google site (i.e. Peace
Google Maps (custom)
Add more based on what fits with current units
Starting in 2013: Student Portfolios using Google Apps
3rd Grade Google Drive (TBD)
Introduce Google Drive
Start a portfolio folder shared with teacher (and all instructional
typing practice
manage all digital work from any computer home/school
4th grade pilot in 20122013?
students manage limited accounts
all written work is archived in docs
Portfolio folder in Drive, and/or Sites could be where they
showcase their best work teachers would make
recommendations for what to include in the portfolio site.
images of any written work can be
photographed and uploaded to Google Drive
Drive + Blogger or Sites
Google Drive Overview
Google docs word processing (in cloud, collaborative)
Google Forms
leave a survey for your kids on your class blog
display results as a graph
students post surveys, or quizzes online
Flubaroo autoquiz assessments
5GB Storage in Cloud per account
Google Presentations (like powerpoint)
3D Drawing
4 reinforce & assess abovethrough Independent Digital
Google Drive Portfolios of text and multimedia work
Typed work published in school and online
iMovie video production
Google Docs Presentations
Collaborative archived we elements within Units (i.e. Seth
Low in 1st grade with more student
involvement, Peace blog + multimedia)
Kids are starting to choose tools based on how they serve
their communication goals
Video Production
Digital Citizenship
balancing inquiry driven with search efficiency
teacher comfort
Yearly focus on a type of production per grade level
Projects integrating content, CCLS, &
media literacy cluster skills & concepts
K1 ongoing logs of learning (rotating through
different kids, assisted by teacher or TA)
24 Varying levels of independent student
GOAL: Design projects that align with CCLS &
develop media literacy (understanding
concepts + hands on practice)
Improving baseline Staff Digital Literacy competencies in a
more simple set of tools (Drive, Sites...)
Building awareness of Media Literacy broad concepts where
they support Common Core Standards (i.e. critical reading &
writing with new media, making choices in digital realm:
citizenship, as producers and consumers)
Keep it simple and manageable minimize coreteacher time
spent teaching digital mechanical skills byinvolving the cluster teacher in planning.
Reign in the number of tools teachers are requiredto use, and have them overlap with student toolswhen possible.
Other Student Production Software
Google Apps Accounts
Gmail ( limited)
Minecraft EDU
MindMeister Graphic Organizer
Screencapture & image annotation:Jing/Screencast0matic
shared Twitter accounts @bsi686
micro blog by kids
lessons learned, takeaways, quotes, news...
by kids for the parent followers and to
archive learning over time.
format teaches brevity; referring to links that support
statements; building in others thoughts/ideas; collaboration
Edmodo (safe social network)
Google Custom Maps
Media Literacy & CCSS Relationship
Definition of Media Literacy
critical thinking & literacy extended to new
media: core principles
requires active inquiry and critical thinking about the messages we receive and create.
expands the concept of literacy to include all forms of media.
builds and reinforces skills for learners of all ages and requires practice.
develops informed, reflective and engaged participants essential for a democratic society.
Media are a part of culture and function as agents of socialization.
People use their individual skills, beliefs and experiences to construct their own meanings from media messages.
you are already experts if you boil it down to
basic communication: who's author, what is
their intention, and what audience is this for?
production = "writing in ne"w media
not hard for kids to pick up skills
communication tool box
kids can be empowered through SCHOOL to use
these tools to communicate with the
quality/effectiveness you try to teach them with
21st century citizens need to be able to think
critically about the media they receive and
create in order to be informed citizens of a
mediadriven democracy and lifelong learners.
Relevance to CCSS
fit them into existing work to help connect with standards/goals
new media can be included as
texts, informational texts
nonfiction etc.
media projects can demonstrate communication
skills, comprehension, meaningmaking, etc.
Internet research best practices
perfect for getting students who struggle withambiguity, perseverance, understanding, etc.through discussion and critical analysis.
Media lit at BSI Year 1 Video
Digital Strategy Team
Team Members and Roles
Donna & Nicole (admins)
Assessing how Media Literacybest serves BSI kids, staff andgoals
consulting on big picture planning
hardware purchasing consulting
Programming staff time to buildMedia Literacy skills and plans
manage staff website
Rhys (consultant: big picture curriculumand communication)
Helping to define what media literacy means inthe classroom & cluster within the schoolculture
Facilitating grade level and medialiteracy collaborative planning
unit/project/activity planning
PD: to build skills and resources
PD: inclass modeling and assisting
Facilitating staff skill development
Working with ML teacher on scope & sequence of skills
Facilitating intrastaff communication and homeschoolconnection through digital tools (Google Apps,Wordpress, etc.)
Michael (media literacy cluster teacher)
Teaching scope and sequence of digital literacy skills
Reinforcing skills through projectbased work
Working with teachers to develop projects connected to
classroom CCSSbased units
Tech support
updates, reporting issues, training students
to manage issues and troubleshoot
delegating support issues to CUNY intern
Managing student portfolios
Leading rollout of Hapara/Google Classroom
Kyra (library media specialist 20142015)
Define Digital Citizenship for school culture
Coordinate Digital Citizenship lessons with ML teacher
Facilitating digital research and library time
reading identity unit
book clubs
copiloting anecdotal sharing system
Help students navigate digital and traditional texts
Leading student portfolio design
Coordinating between classroom and media literacy (35)
Supporting teachers in organizingGoogle Drive and commenting on studentwork
Facilitating staff use of Class Websites (35)
Development of shared anecdotal portal
Facilitating staff use of Class Websites (K2)
Developing staff website
K1 portfolio system workflow
General teacher roles
Coordinate integrated units with Michael/Sara/Rhys
aligned with media literacy
concepts, digital skills and CCLS
know how to fix basic problems in
classroom tech (with initial help from staff website)
communicate key skilldevelopment needed by studentsper grade level
maintain class websites
Parent Volunteers
Bringing in specialized skills,and connections to outside help
Collaborating with teachers: documenting projects,K2 portfolio, managing
photos, class website, etc.
Updating computers
Documenting events and uploading photos/video]
PC or ?
managing backup of BHS video project
homeschool communication
website updates
Maria Sierra
website updates (photos)
Created filemakerpro database
Michael (Sophia's Dad)
Donald S.
archiving, storage specialist
Roy (systems designer/coordinator 1314
Projects & Roles
Student Google Apps &Portfolios (MN/Rhys/Kyra)
Portfolios (discussion notes)
Decided on a Student Portfolio pilot
Break it down to rubric and fictional needs
Do a test run with DML team and 4th grade
Find out what's missing/needs
Google Drive
Current state
posting the scripts
Scripts for managing
dashboard for teachers and administrators
New Visions
Andrew Stillman upd.org
Network of schools (SSO)
Google G Class Folders
script for managing student portfolios
Red Rover (Sophia's Dad)
Capturing Analog student work
Capture a photo of the work, annotate with
Preview app on Mac
Scanning to PDF or JPG (Fujitsu Scan
Media Literacy Cluster Rollout 2013
5th grade fullswing
4th grade starting slow
3rd grade starting in Oct.
Focus on Naming Convention
Establishing Student Works in Progress folders
Sara/Sevgi learning to access herstudent folders
Digital Ready Program (DOE)
Michael Preston
? What do we want in there when they're in 8th grade
How do we want them to show them off?
Locked Student Portfolios
Would be locked down
Teachers would be deciding with thestudents what goes into the thisfolder
Make a copy of a student doc and put it in the folder
Students would be view only
Personal Best Portfolio PLAN HERE
Naming Conventions OUTLINE
Class# Unit Name
Student Work's in Progress Folder
Open to students
Exemplars Folder (teachers only)
Middle School Portal Planning(Donna/MN/Rhys/Anna)
Homework Portal Overview
homework pushout (downside is kidsdon't read it before their home; lostroutine)
Looking for successful models
Connection to Google Apps would be a plus
Building out what you want it to do
parent notification
calendar per kid
google classroom
pushing documents out
not for grading
not for parents
looking at assignment progress
creating and disseminating documents to students
schedule/class calendar
class website
curriculum overviews
schedules (pics of it)
homework (pic of white board)
important documents
class photos
amazon wish list
BSI Calendar: minicalendar: lookinginto the future; class calendar
streamlining branding
taking the place of the year in the life document
one website
grade by grade
Latest news from the
Looking for prefab system (skedula,jupiter grades, etc...)
informing parents about progress
downside, it's only up as fast as she could go (lag)
filemaker pro (electronic anecdotal)
hot issues will contact parents automatically
digital portfolios
Anecdotal Reporting
Hardware Distribution
5th in the room
6th carry them from class to class
pick them up in the morning
drop them off at end of day
Lower grade clarity
Laptop sharing
Public WEBSITE (Rhys)
old custom WP site
difficult to update
main page photo loading
hard to find things
difficult to add new pages
new hosted WP site (Spring 2014)
train Donna to post regular States of the Union
parent volunteers adding photos (i.e. Maria)
train parent coordinator to regularly update
encourage parents to subscribe ratherthan wait for email blasts
BHS Videos Keystone Project
BHS Video Artchive (Helen/MN)
BHS Old Notes
BHS Future State
Interviews started in 1st grade
Founding class = 7 formal interviews
Other classes = 3 formal interviews
1080 mins per video
60 students per grade
Donna, Kyra, Nicole formal interviews
Worst Case: 300GB per kid; 64TB
needed total (that's for expanded files)
6th Grade Students access footage
for a final project starting in 20142015
Fall of 8th Grade students will
complete project for their High School
Safari Montage
BHS Immediate Needs
File Management
moved into folders by year of graduation
info added to spreadsheet
Tools Needed
Drives for Back ups
Crash Plan $7.95 Month
backing up to Donald's server
backing up to cloud storage
Buy Best Possible SD Cards
$57.95 per
buying 5 64GB Cards now
Cameras: Canon Vixia HD for now (x2)
4x 2TB Drives Currently need to
be backed up
Good through this year
buy drives for
redundant backups
Cutting out the transcoding step
Brad (?)
BHS Oral Histories Current State
Current Process
Parent Volunteers Record on
Canon Vixia to SD Card
1 16GB SD card for 56 student
interviews per day
Problem: cards fail
Idea: improve quality of SD Cards (Class 10)
10mins to 1.5hrs interviews
SD Cards Transcoded and
Stored on 24TB External Hard
2nd Canon Vixia is used as a deck to
transcode file to Quicktime and file gets
Folder: Graduating year
Folder: Last Name, First Name
20XX First Name first initial of last name (Grade#)
Folders are moved to an
attached external hard drive
Excel spreadsheet with archived
by folder by year student will
SD Cards are wiped out
Importing via Canon takes 1hr per video
External Hard Drives
Stored in Michael's Office 310
Direct Recording on SD Cards
Canon Vixia (records
compressed HD canon format:
MT files)
BHS Taking over Archiving
BHS providing whole archiving structure
BHS takes SD cards from camerasbacking up and storing the videos in thearchive
16 days per 60 interviews
24 days per 80
BSH Brings back one clean copy on a harddrive
Safari Montage for storage (?)
Denise McKenna: Hire a Coop highschool student (?) maybe from a CTEschool
BHS Video Archive FutureState Solution
(as of 2.20.13)
starting with 1 drive bypassing
the camera card
As of 2.20 it's looking too expensive
Naming conventions same as elsewhere
Pelican Kit for recording: camera, drives,
batteries, mics
Transferring files onto existing archive drive
4TB Drive from Donald for starters
OFFSITE storage is not sent
Going to try HandBrake transcoding
software as alternative to iMovie
BHS: Student Video Editing (MN)
Where will students retrieve and edit their footage?
Hard Drives for the grade to allow home work?
What are they editing on?
FCP with iTunes login?
Volume purchase license
When are they editing?
ML Class
Elective Time
Interview Theme in 5th Grade
Math interviews in 5th grade
5th grade documentary interviews?
Short facilitated interviews
6th grade talents documentary interviews?
Kids have been suggestingquestions/Kids interviewing/interest inprocess
Imagining student documentaryworkflow
Access the footage
Manage it, create working project
35 hrs of interview
Download other projects from Vimeo
Log & Mark Selects
What are recurring themes?
What do you think you want to say about yourself?
Ohms webbased indexing ofinterviews (oral historymetadata...S)
allow kids to think about howthey should index their footage
involve Renee Hobbs in on theoral history indexing planning?
PR Database (PC)
Student PR DataBase developed
by Mark
knock: too much of a security breach
trying to develop it to pull
summative data out of formative
conference notes could go in directly
you can see other teachers' notes
don't judge your colleagues'
notes! it's useful to
looking to share it with the DOE
anonymize the comments/student
names/ATS/teacher names, etc.
share standards
when a student leaves the school
formative assessments are
shared to the next school that's
share the standards
they are fluid
they are CCSS aligned
important part of the process
has to exist outside the DOE firewall
Updated to FMP 12 (oct 2013)
Using FMP forConference Notes
developing the formative assessment
create videos of conference
notes on an iPad
working on pilot with Wolfe on the
formative assessment piece
trying to work it on the iPads for Conferring
Email Management (PC)
Parent mailing lists are not manageable
Too many lists, not able to see who's on what list
looking for more robust software
mail chimp // constant contact
recruiting parent volunteer
Tech Support & Management (MN/Rhys/CUNY)
acknowledge limitations
lots of hardware in building
limited tech support
student tech leaders in each class
teacher maintenance roles &
sign out routine: NEEDS WORK
commitment to learn best practices for
maintenance (your knowledge, student help)
BSI personnel devoted to this now
Michael: first line of defense in building
Rhys: troubleshooting, limited time to fix things
use parent volunteers & organize tech support
parent volunteers
process is reporting via form on the staff site
looking to provide screencast tutorials on staffsite for basic selfsupport (i.e. syncing GoogleDrive)
Volunteer People Power (Donald)
Systems Solutions Manager
Investigating and executing solutions
Setting up workflow for Volunteer workers
Some young labor or Organized Volunteers
Software Philosophy & Purchasing
Open Source Alternatives to photoshop
Adobe CS5 $20/kid
$180$300 Google Chromebooks
selfupdating, great for daytoday notebooks
bring them to media lit lab
use older macs for media production (not ascritical to update this software as withbrowsers)
NYSTL money
Dismissal/Bussing (?)
Real Time communication to staff
collating parent info
tracking students
think about Remind???
Class Websites (Anna)
Digital Capital Plan
Purchasing Needs
Need 2 for BHS and general shooting
Direct video capture:
BlackMagicDesign Hyperdeck Shuttle
devices for sketching connected
to comptuers
buying 12 Bamboo Capture for starters
Classroom Desktops
iPads (not available on ResoA)
these could be the best solution for student
for student capture to portfolio
start with a class set for Tech Cluster
Macbook Airs
Video Editing
Design with digital slates
a set for each 12? or just use
white for now?
Digital Design
High End Video Editing
Final Cut Pro
Adobe Premier (bundled with CS Suite)
3D design
Google Sketchup is free
Thinking Freeware or Open Source
3rd party updates and repairs
Software OS Updates
Reaching out to different City Council Members
where kids live
$250K, 50K
2013 new desktops, new mimeo
Limitations on what you can buy
PTO Funds
Tablets and Illustration Tools
Photoshop (Adobe CS5 see about
Subscription Model look at
12 Tablets Leaning towards Bamboo
is there a bluetooth option?
wireless enabled?
Feb 21st
Will they be hooked up to the laptops
monoprice (discount gear)
using it for File Maker Pro
Conference notes
teachers would have desktop, laptop and
Digital Assets (Hard/Software)
iPads (Staff only at present)
Interactive White Boards (Mimeo and Smart)
120 Chromebooks
6th grade (56 kids)
Writing and Portfolios managed by Hapara in GDrive
each student logs into a CB every day
students carry laptops to other classes as needed
5th grade (90 kids)
30 per teacher (2)
Computers stay with 5th grade teachers
Where do 6th graders pick up/drop off/charge
Where do 6th grade CBs live at night
Special permission to take them homefor kids who don't have computer athome?
rollout to 6th in 201415
Setup folers with teachers & teach them hapara
Portfolio planning
When do they get them all day vs.just in ML class?
intro to the book
intro to routines
Setup classroom management for teachers
32 MB Air in Media Literacy room
Media Literacy
47 MB Air in 2 Carts on 4th floor
Currently in hallway at night
4th and 3rd shared
4th grade has half Air half White MB
Available for special projects (iMovie, etc.)
68 White MacBooks (???)
60 in 3rd floor closet
reimaged to Mavericks 10.9
Teacher MB Airs
1 per classroom
4 in media literacy room
5 more in random places (unknown)
Online Grade Books
Online Grade Books
Looked into...
Engrade (within Google Apps)
Jupiter Grades
Went with: School Loop Parent Portal
File Maker Pro Report Cards
BSI Staff Use of GSuite
can forward to other email accounts
conversations are grouped
Google Sites
The place to share finished resources with
students & parents
(TBD) organized by unit, and resources from
Google Docs are linked
photos, forms, newsletters, student work
Google Calendar
staff events
public events
personal/class calendars (optional)
Google Drive
within bsi686.org accounts
using conversations feature in the margins
while collaborating on documents (try it by
highlighting some text and clicking Insert +
creating a portal of shared folders called
curriculum resourcescollections
PD Workshop 2012: How to use your Apps
Getting everyone Logged in to Google Apps
first initial + last name @bsi686.org (i.e.
click Login to Apps on left side of
Google Apps Hands on Work
Forwarding: click Settings in upper right
(little Cog icon in upper right) + Mail Settings
+ Forwarding and POP/IMAP
Signature (?): i.e. Nicole Nelson
Assistant Principal
(718) 6215730
Google Docs
Adding new comments
Resolving Comments
Comment/Email Connection (it sends you one)
Sharing & Publishing Docs
uploading Word Docs to Google Docs
Filing new Docs in Shared Collections
PD: Google Docs Curriculum
Collections (folders)
How they are organized
How to open them
How to Find and File them
handson work below
Structure Example:
Grade Levels
Content Areas
Lesson plans
Curriculum Maps
Rubrics & other resources
Examples of annotated student work (?)
Copy/Paste skeleton into ATLAS
Copy/Paste CCSS from ATLAS
Cog + Calendar Settings + Notifications
set up email notifications so you don't forget
about this calendar
optional set up mobile phone alerts
show how to look at different calendars by
clicking on/off
show how to set colors
allday events vs. hourly
repeating events
More Actions: copy to _____ calendar
Google Sites: Class Pages
review Class Sites
create unit pages announcement page
template (optional); description of unit
at top and links to Docs resources
blog posts for related student work
activities for kids
photos of field trips, etc.
extension activities
Example: Middle School Art site
(worksheets, powerpoints, etc. for
students). This teacher's Google Site will
be a online back up for kids, and potentially
a paperless bank of resources for her class.
She can also think of this as a teaching
portfolio of exemplary work. See the setup
on on of her Unit pages (click the arrow for
the link)
add page
edit page
insert (image, maps, calendar, docs, etc.)
student accounts
publishing to school website
using sites/docs as class portals (students
turning in work, managing portfolios, pushing
out assignments, handouts, etc. on class sites)
Any docs, calendars, etc. can be shared with
outside Gmail/Google accounts
Google Classroom (see Class Management Software)
Staff Docs & Data Organization
Google Drive (seelinked map)
unit maps & related docs
Archive and home of live curriculum and school documents
File Maker Pro
report cards
Wordpress & Google Site blogsfor home/schoolcommunication
Video: Vimeo Pro Account