MindMap Gallery Beyond Good and Evil Mind Map
Beyond Good and Evil is a non-fiction-based philosophy. Beyond Good and Evil is widely regarded as a book published by a philosopher for philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche, and it is one of the most well-known of that group. Universalism, or the idea that some specific truths might be applied across all times, to all people, in all societies, was seen as unhelpful by Nietzsche at this stage in his life. Instead, he argued that determining when personal sacrifice is worth the public benefit depends on the moment, situation, and perspective. Nietzsche attacks the idea of using opposite terms such as "Good versus Evil". In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche accuses past philosophers of lacking critical sense and blindly accepting dogmatic premises in their consideration of morality. Specifically, he accuses them of founding metaphysical systems upon the faith that the good man is the opposite of the evil man, rather than just a different expression of same basic impulses that find more direct expression in the evil man. The work moves into realm "beyond good and evil” in the sense of leaving behind the traditional morality which Nietzsche subjects to a destructive critique in favor of what he regards as an affirmative approach that fearlessly confronts the perspectival nature of knowledge and perilous condition of the modern individual.
Edited at 2022-08-23 08:39:17