MindMap Gallery Writing Brainstorming

Writing Brainstorming

Writing Brainstorming is the deliberate attempt to generate new ideas or solutions to problems. It's a useful preliminary stage in writing—creative, academic, or business—that helps writers know exactly what's going into their projects. Because ideas are the most valuable resource in any communication, brainstorming for writing is an essential part of the process. However, for people who mostly wait for ideas to come to them, Brainstorming can be difficult or even frustrating. Consider brainstorming for writing to be a type of compartmentalization. You set aside time for editing and outlining, so why not also set aside time for ideas? When your mind is already in brainstorming mode, it is easier to generate ideas in bulk.

Edited at 2022-08-26 03:07:36

Writing Brainstorming

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