MindMap Gallery System Theory Types Mind Map
System theory is divided into five levels: the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. The microsystem level concerns itself with individual relationships and behaviors that take place within a particular setting or environment. The mesosystem deals with interactions between two or more settings, such as families and schools. The exosystem refers to the “context within which the system exists,” – including policy documents, legislative frameworks, and larger societal norms and values. The macrosystem centers on broad cultural values and beliefs regarding parenting practices, educational attainment variations, etc. Finally, the chronosystem considers elements of secular changes that occur over time, such as changing family structures or population increase/decline in a given area. Create a similar mind map using EdrawMind and export the files into different formats per your requirements, like PDF, PNG, SVG, and even as an outliner.
Edited at 2022-12-13 04:01:08