Tommies and Fritz met in no man land celebrated christmas togrther.
1) They wish each other cheerfully 2) They shared food 3) Drank 4) Talked about their families 5) They played football 6) Exchange carols
Main Charactors Jim Macpherson: Caption of his english troops Hans Wolf: Captain of German troops
They wish to resolve conflicts , end war and meet their families.
Jim Macpherson dead in the war
The author drove to Bridport to the Return the letter to connie.
Connie was in nursing home as she was partially burnt.
In the Conservatory He sees an old lady ( 101 years old connie )
He hand over the letter to her.
Connie thinks that her husband returned from war.
There was glow of happiness spread all over her face.
The author buys an old top roll desk and starts reparing it on christmas eve.
He pulls out the draws and he finds an envelop inside the tin box.
It was a letter written by Jim Macpherson to connie his wife on December 26, 1914
Out of curiosity the author reads the letter. It described about the wonderful things that had happened on christmas day.