MindMap Gallery Hopehood
Here is a site map of hopehood.org and includes what I'm working on, worked on, what I'm most focused on(gold), what we could do, and what I do on a weekly basis. Plus it serves to answer a friend's question, "working on / enjoying recently. What short-term goals you might have etc. You go first. :o"
Edited at 2021-09-23 17:39:44This comprehensive mind map delves into the multi-layered structure of reality from a psychological standpoint, breaking down various elements that contribute to the human perception of reality. It explores the interaction between sensory inputs, cognitive processes, emotional responses, and experiential data to form our understanding of the world around us. This guide is aimed at students and scholars in psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science, providing a detailed framework for exploring the nature of reality and consciousness.
The "Interactive Character Encyclopedia" is a dynamic tool for writers and narrative designers, offering an in-depth look into character development and story arcs. It serves as a visual aid to map out character emotions, goals, oppositions, arcs, and backgrounds, along with their interconnected relationships and evolution throughout a narrative. This resource is ideal for authors, game developers, and screenwriters who are crafting complex characters and seeking to bring depth and authenticity to their stories. It aids in ensuring consistent character motivations and developments, which are crucial for compelling storytelling.
Here is a site map of hopehood.org and includes what I'm working on, worked on, what I'm most focused on(gold), what we could do, and what I do on a weekly basis. Plus it serves to answer a friend's question, "working on / enjoying recently. What short-term goals you might have etc. You go first. :o"
This comprehensive mind map delves into the multi-layered structure of reality from a psychological standpoint, breaking down various elements that contribute to the human perception of reality. It explores the interaction between sensory inputs, cognitive processes, emotional responses, and experiential data to form our understanding of the world around us. This guide is aimed at students and scholars in psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science, providing a detailed framework for exploring the nature of reality and consciousness.
The "Interactive Character Encyclopedia" is a dynamic tool for writers and narrative designers, offering an in-depth look into character development and story arcs. It serves as a visual aid to map out character emotions, goals, oppositions, arcs, and backgrounds, along with their interconnected relationships and evolution throughout a narrative. This resource is ideal for authors, game developers, and screenwriters who are crafting complex characters and seeking to bring depth and authenticity to their stories. It aids in ensuring consistent character motivations and developments, which are crucial for compelling storytelling.
Here is a site map of hopehood.org and includes what I'm working on, worked on, what I'm most focused on(gold), what we could do, and what I do on a weekly basis. Plus it serves to answer a friend's question, "working on / enjoying recently. What short-term goals you might have etc. You go first. :o"
Start Welcome
Strategy Placement Exam
Strategy Placement Exam
Paradise Award
Case For Hope
What is my Purpose
Paradise Vision Map
Time Heart Story
Time Traveler Interview
Strategy Theater
Peace Hike
Life Dashboard
Reality Map
undefined Lets keep it real, catering to where you are in life. This journey has different strategies for different hills. Once you realise the goal and your potential its just a matter of strategies to overcome your weaknesses and make you strong enough to avoid tripping when you move.
I am at risk.
Life Strategies
undefined You don't have a Personality Ruts feel like walls, but I tell you the truth, you CAN climb out and set a new groove! YOU ARE NOT your feelings, or your personality, or your label. You are what you choose to do and you are FREE to choose to do something else!
undefined Control Success
undefined Better at listening since you are slow to talk.
undefined Discourages practicing love/communication strategies causing a negative loop of energy tax on those same strats
undefined Affirming Relationship
undefined Human Interaction (by practice)
undefined Listening
undefined Hope
undefined Creative, imagination, idealistic, mentally elseware
undefined Paying attention to here/now
undefined Fix
undefined Responding to the world.
undefined Affected by circumstances
undefined Feelings feel unreliable
undefined Rationally Guided
undefined Poorly empathises
undefined Feeling Feelings are real
undefined Has sensitivity to other's emotions
undefined Poorly rationalizes
undefined Flexability
undefined Open Minded
undefined Struggles to Narrow to conclusion
undefined Completion
undefined Responsible
undefined Struggles to see big picture
Assertiveness (Extraversion)
Enthusiasm (Extraversion)
Withdrawal (Neuroticism)
Volatility (Neuroticism)
Compassion (Agreeableness)
Politeness (Agreeableness)
Industriousness (Conscientiousness)
Creative (Openness)
Intellect (Openness)
The Improvisers
PNTI - “quantum mechanic” - This mode uses a wild intellectual instinct to perfect systems
PNIT - "context jumper” (mashup) - Tends towards comparing seemingly incompatible systems, and thrives on unorthodox metaphors.
PINT - "secret courtesan" (mother of pearl) - court several identities at once without thought of consistency.
PITN - "reed in the wind" (ninja) - Hides in plain sight blends in to evade direct interaction.
PTNI - "cold shower" ("reality check") - This mode excels in efficiently reducing systems to the simplest metaphor. This activity can be sobering.
PTIN - "collector" - Somewhat similar to the "cold shower," this mode collects ideas into a centerless framework.
The Speculators
NPIT - "niche maker" – This mode tends to create systems starting from a specific example, creating the framework to fit the criteria of the intuition-object. They want to find a place for everything, and a frame big enough for everyone.
NPTI - "mediator" – With a kind, agreeable nature, an INTP in this mode wants to classify and sort much like the "niche maker", but tries to do this from within whichever system is dominant.
NIPT - "social hacker" (“virus”) – This identity mode tries to infect others with a prevailing thought in order to create self-replicating satellites. The best memes are created by this mode.
NITP - "specialist" -- The first of our value-heavy modes, this mode creates an identity through adherence to usually one thought-style or system-style (one that may evolve slowly over the years), finding the similarity of all things within this framework. All is integrated into the existing system or style based on recognizing pre-existing patterns and such, and incorporating new elements where they best fit.
NTIP - "armchair general" – This mode plays to win, and may not even realize not everyone shares that attitude. An "armchair general" will usually win long before playing the game, having created and/or perfected the gaming system.
NTPI - "arcologist" – Near kin to the "armchair general", this mode tends towards creating utopian architectures. It does this out of a strong intuition of global truth.
The Solipsists
INTP - "manifesto" – With a strong sense of values and identity, this hermit-like mode leads to a greater truth by quiet example.
INPT - Bodhidharma – This mode, the second of the hermit-like modes, seeks to transcend personality through calm reflection or meditation. This does not necessarily mean they're prayerful or even spiritual.
IPNT - Deadhead (Tolkienite) – Like long-simmering hippies, this mode may involve quiet yearning for a simpler existence, usually involving nature or anachronism.
IPTN - "gamer" ("pothead") – This mode uses themselves as the basic element in their fantasy worlds. Consequently, they tend to make self-indulgent frameworks to inhabit.
ITNP - "slow burn" (Ubermensch) – This mode wants to have the most unbiased perception possible, but in order to achieve this must constantly rethink and slowly obliterate any personal association that might fetter objectivity. This mode can get caught in an endless judging-perceiving cycle of re-examination.
ITPN - "reset button" – This mode has all the identity strife of the "slow burn", but tends to externalize it as a concrete activity of some kind. Both modes tend to be the most objective of all the modes insofar as they constantly force themselves to face their faults.
The Editors
TNIP - "global paradox" – One of two pure rationals, this mode has a knack for boiling anything down to a single metaphorical paradox.
TNPI - "saboteur" (“survival of the fittest”) – The second of the pure rationals, the "saboteur" tends to find a favored heuristic with which to destroy any system. This mode prefers to destroy in service of a stronger whole, which it ironically knows will never be perfect or complete.
TIPN - Ourobouros (the phoenix) – This artistic mode tends to be always destroying and creating itself, finding an identity in the process of constant self-creation. This is like a mellower version of the "slow burn" and "reset button" modes.
TINP - "silver bullet" (Kryptonite) – This mode tends to be always searching for the Achilles' heel of a system, and appreciates being recognized as the person who brought it down.
TPIN - "stress test" – This mode is the pure analyst who succeeds in dispassionately running simulations in their mind. These are potentially the best visualizers out of all the 384 so-called subtypes.
TPNI - "actuary" – This mode is the most ambivalent of INTP identity modes as well as the most logical. The pure debater.
Thought Experiments
undefined Give yourself a virtual bank account and then take all your friends and family and choose who and how much to invest in each of them. Now explain your decisions. Now the features you've described worth investing, apply them to yourself, and features you described not worth investing, remove from yourself
Life Coach
undefined Imagine you are a life coach and a client comes to you for help getting their life in order and accomplishing their goals. This client is also you, what do you tell them to help them overcome their problems?
Collect and Validate a Wide Variety of Perspectives
Make Connections
Story Telling
Learn as an example how to learn
Modes of Learning
Learn By Doing
Learn By Teaching
Learn By Watching
Learn By Reading
Learn By Writing
Learn By Questioning
Learn By Reading
Bike Riding Base
Student is inspired.
Student gets on
No frontloaded tutorial
Student Leads
Teacher Supports running along side
Teacher lets student balance within limits
Teacher Listens and Watches
undefined Instead of assuming students ability and knowledge, the teacher watches how good they are handling what they've been given and give them more opportunity to balance.
Teacher does not scold student
undefined Instead teacher knows the student trying to balance tasks his brain to work out the formulas without the student's involvement beyond the challenge to efficiency. The brain only needs time, opportunity to try it's algorithms.
Montisori Base
undefined This is a Tasting Strategy which is useful in discovering your interests and what is possible. Babys taste everything, How do you know what food you like unless you try foods, how do you know what your strengths are and thus what would be the most effective application of you unless you try things?
Interest Menu
undefined Students follow their interests. There are multiple project centers to choose from. The student chooses projects they are most interested in. They have to spend an amount of time on projects but the student gets to set their own pace and direction and project. Keep the path flexible to mirror the student's choices and understanding.
Wholistic Purpose Driven Project
undefined Instead of learning math and programming and design individually you learn to build a robot and chasing that goal you learn those subtopics along the way. Includes presentation.
Relationships, Not Tests
undefined because the teacher can tell through relationship what the student understands. They are paying attention, taking notes, and asking questions all the time.
Master Availible
undefined To answer questions or to ask pointed stimulating questions. Someone who knows the subject to a mastery level as a mentor to help them get it as needed. Not leading them but following them and giving them a nudge as needed.
Iteration Base
undefined For the example of learning to write, start by getting on the bike. Write on a topic of your interest.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Swap And Fix
undefined Take another persons' writing and fix it to your latest standard.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Reality Model
undefined Make a complete mindmap file of all of the topics you have beliefs about the world. Don't just include what is certain but the possibility space with ideas your unsure of. Weigh each possibility for reliable models. Return to this map to test and update it. Diverse Reality Model is more robust and harder to target and dismantle large portions in a fatal way, instead by researching ahead of time you can become comfortable with the possibilities ahead of new evidence.
undefined Ender Fallacy The Straw Man Fallacy Adhominium Fallacy False Dicotomy(Black and White) The Bandwagon Fallacy The Appeal to Authority Fallacy The False Dilemma Fallacy The Correlation/Causation Fallacy The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy Cherry Picking Fallacy The Burden of Proof Fallacy The "No True Scotsman" Fallacy Plausibility=possibility=likely fallacy Appeal to Emotion The Fallacy Fallacy Conjunction Fallacy Overfitting Underfitting Problem of induction Bias Opportunity cost Sunk Cost Loaded Question Begging the question (Circular) Appeal to Nature Genetic Fallacy Special Pleading Ambiguity No You Us Them
Perfect Form Principles
Show your work
undefined Provide support for every claim nested in your argument
undefined Don't let the argument be offended, don't cause or take offense or let anything end the conversation until each component of the argument has been completed.
Logic (The method of Reason)
undefined Theory What is logic? How would you define good logic? Dotails-Start with some examples, or better yet start with the goal of logic; to learn truth and communicate truth. The teacher said it would be like defining restruction a made up term. That's why he says to start with examples. Here are some bad ones; It's raining so I should bring an umbrella. I calculated the size of the room I'm in is 0. I know that altruism means sacrifice, I know that socialism sacrifices the rich to the needy, socialism is a system of altruism. Teacher says ask rebooting question; What facts of reality give rise to the need for such a concept? This is what I was saying that we start by understanding the need. In this case what facts give rise to the need of logic? Reality is independent Wishes and Beliefs and Preceptions don't normally change Facts, if they did you wouldn't need logic. We are free But you do need to think/judge wether the fact is true. The fact is presented, i need mountain dew, if I don't do work on that fact I am going react to what could be false. If I instead do work(logic) I can defend against false facts. We are limited and imperfect Ignorance and error is possible. Logic is a method of work to determine truth. Logic is a set of procedures for building and verifying knowledge(true concept of reality) Logic is a tool of integration and connecting different concepts. Logic is to form a concept which is to distinguish(draw a line) between a range and a foreign range. Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification. Art : A method involving choice and judgement. Identification : Discovery of identity(reality). This is done through integration(connecting appropriately and applying concepts of reality along those connections.) All thinking is a process of identification and integration(connections). mankind learns to identify a perceived object as a table, he learns the table is made of wood made of cells made of molecules made of atoms. This process(work) is for the purpose of answering "what is it" he means to establish truth which is logic. What is the steps of this method? Right Materials Preception (Proper collection of new knowledge) (Tests, senses, interpretations, corrections) Orientation (Compare based on a fundamentally appropriate characteristic) Connection (Integrate well) What are the Axioms of Logic Law of Identity A is A Law of Contradiction and Excluded Middle A isn't non-A Either A or non-A To be is to be something, so to be non-A is to be something else Because reality isn't contradictory if your identification is contradictory then you can know it doesn't reflect reality and is false. Also need to distinguish regular and exceptional reality. A way to do that is to use logic on logic by making the argument; If reality is independent from our will, and work, then proper logic will produce true statements. Sometimes the work of sharing logic is to share preceptions/definitions/knowledge but if you both have equal knowledge instead you will be activating the knowledge and drawing the connections to the logical conclusion. Give examples of Philosophy determines the course of history Thinking in Examples and Principles "To understand principles you have to think in examples" Wider Abstractions vs Exampled Convictions. The process of integration. Building a consistent holistic world view. Why do we want a world(reality) view rather than a situation only view? because it is sturdier and more likely to stand up against reality. We can have other motives but a stable foundational world view should come first if you hope to stand on any other view. Principles are abstractions and don't exist but can be perceived concrete through examples which do exist. Homework terms to define seven, I didn't know how to define, but he said the number just following 6 in a series of whole numbers. This is enlightening because it requires a history of knowledge to build upon like he first taught. The point is don't be circular window; a hole through which light and or air can pass. if this was defined with glass and sill in the definition you would be guilty of a "certain error" using current examples but instead of metaphysical wider examples of the principle of a window. Any man made thing is defined in terms of it's purpose, except life, and indeliberate junk. the point of this homework is don't be parochial(narrow) war; the act of fighting, or a specific fight on a large scale. Who says how large is large scale? A number of people could be given as part of the definition. prize; A cherished result of praise or of a praiseworthy action. dignity; a feeling of worth, or an action the produces that feeling racism; an act or belief that is rooted in unequal value among a species about race. How to Define Terms What facts of reality give rise to the need for definitions? What is the purpose of definitions? Every 1 of the 30,000 non-proper words indicates a concept. Definitions give you a means to sort your concepts. It's for recalling the already sorted concepts not for categorizing new concepts. Genus deferential method, Genus category or kind, Differentia is the difference or what makes it special within the category. I'm noticing this is further hierarchal and linear relationships and nested like windows folders, but from experience this is a wholly insufficient method for sorting, the superior method is unbound prioritized tagging and strict id number. He said it just needs to be fast but computers can help tags be possible through auto real time translation. Aristotle's rules can have exceptions these are just considered useful for him. He thought you can't know enough to define a thing perfectly because how do you know if the scope is too broad or too narrow until after you've defined all the things. The teacher's answer is that definition is the last step, so first you conceptualize the concept then you define it with a word. Rule 4 what is the fundamental difference in the thing? Rule 5 obey the fact that the human brain can only hold a few things in attention. Also the definitions aren't the unit but the node for calling up the connections to that node. So dog is for pulling up "likes bones" "produces hairballs" "sounds barks" Give examples of the concepts What facts of reality give rise to a need for the concept Give examples of nearest relative Identify the category Identify the difference that distinguishes it from other items in that category Formulate; write it all, essentialize it, Test against the rules at the end. I say instead the definition in the mainstream what the author of the claim intended not what the original definition is. How to Define Terms Part 2 The point is this proces is anaogous to thinking logically because there are 2 fundamentals of cognitions, to integrate, and to differentiate. Fallacies
undefined Preception is the base Preception in the neurology would be sensing and holding knowledge in attention memory. There are biological capacity limitations to hold many items in our attention at once which limits our ability to compare contrast and structure plan. But humans have a powerful ability to combine items into concepts(chunks) so you can hold these groups and in turn more items in attentive memory. Logic can depend on context outside what you are calling up into memory so use tools to draw it out and procedurally swap domains as you go in a way that self contains as possible allowing for larger context respecting deductions. You perceive as an input but also you perceive the connections which can loop back as more inputs.
undefined Most often error in logic is not one of preception, it's not that your eyes feed you a different reality. Most often error in logic is not one of inference except for the error undistributed middle confusing confuse "all" for "only"; All A is B C is B Therefore C is A Errors are most often made in concepts. How do you define a concept and what do you categorize and overlap your definitions? Do those concepts disagree? Does your concepts hold appropriate concreteness/functionality or are they sloppy or lazy weighed? "S is P" means: S is a unit of or integrates with other things in the category P Therefore apply to S what you know about P
undefined Deduction is explication to make explicit what's implicit. You know implicitly Socrates is mortal based on the implications of the prior knowledge of his being human and the knowledge of all humans being mortal. But you have to draw explicit conclusion for Socrates yourself for the logic to have been completed for him. You can skip the work as redundant or you can draw the line connecting the knowledge to Socrates' case depending on the need for the proof or showing your work in other words can be necessary or unnecessary. What is 140 times 30,281? You know the answer implicitly and that may be enough depending on the requirements of your life, but the requirements of your life may demand the explicit knowledge produced by running the calculation and converting the knowledge to a useful form like 4,239,340. S is M M is P S is P The Subject is connected by Middle term to Predicate.
undefined Simplest atom of deduction All A is B C is A Therefore C is B
undefined Proposition is a sentence that says one thing. Socrates is Mortal. We nearly never state all the premises of a concrete argument because common sense or culturally or perceptually they are close enough to what is understood already and is a waste of time being obvious to all parties involved in the argument.
undefined These are abstract ideas so you need to have examples of real things that the abstractions refer to in order to define Concepts. The wall is wooden. This proposition has no meaning unless the concept of wooden already or it is connected with further explanation or example. Logic is to form a concept which is to distinguish(draw a line) between a range and a foreign range. Before you can share an argument you have to equalize the concepts meaning you have to redefine the terms and concepts and then your argument line can be drawn to connect them. If the person you are arguing to does not accept your concepts the line connecting them will not logically follow for them.
Holistic World View Model
undefined Concretes exist and Abstractions do not exist. A specific color of green is concrete but the range concept of green is an abstraction.
undefined Richard Feynman, "To understand a principle I have to carry along an example and watch the principle run it." "People think I'm slow because I ask for concrete examples of their abstract equation components, but I can notice errors in their equations to their surprise they think I'm following the mathematical steps but that's not what I'm doing, I have the specific example of what he is trying to analyze and I know from instinct and experience the properties of the example, so I jump up with a mistake noticing my example is not acting as they propose. Movies are examples of the abstract concepts about the world or a situation or philosophy perceivable in action. A good example is clear An example won't do it's job of clarifying an abstraction if it itself is not clear. A good example is clear cut An example won't make your abstraction obvious if it itself is not obvious, avoid making examples that are edge case or could work for multiple abstractions. Make sure it calls to memory the right status or connections. Don't refer to a 17 year old as a boy because while it may be true it brings to mind the wrong connections. Simplify it so you don't overwhelm the persons attention so they won't let you integrate it into their own world view. The more metaphysical it is the more timeless it is. The more dramatic and emotional it is the more it draws out your connected thoughts. It also stimulates your subconscious to do the work it would otherwise lazily avoid the work. What does your consciousness value worth doing the work. Include all the units and only the units. Even if the fundamental characteristic the definition can still apply if enough surrounding relatives are still hold it in place so if a human is someone who survives by rational characteristic and a defect makes a human loose that characteristic it can share enough in common with other humans to hold it in place as well as there is the fact that other humans' rationality can help the retarded person survive and maintain their definition that way.
First Principles
Do I want to save energy and take the elevator
Do I want to save time and take the elevator
Do I want to wire my brain to take the hard choice by taking the stairs
Intuition emotional low resource cost
Logical, methodical, considerate, high resource cost
undefined Solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.
Refactor Everything
Question Everything
Divergent Thinking vs Convergent Thinking
undefined Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. It is often used in conjunction with its cognitive opposite, convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a ‘correct’ solution.” (related: groupthink; Maslow’s hammer — “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
Scientific Method
This method is for analyzing only some types of information
Base Assumptions
Standard of evidence
undefined Thinking about the logical fact that there is someone on the planet who has the most accurate world view when compared with everyone else on the planet, that there is a most right person, gives me the fuel to know that knowledge about reality is at minimum somewhat possible.
Belief is a Tool
undefined You are not your beliefs, like tools beliefs are strategies you pickup when appropriate During training you can choose to believe you are worthless and need to constantly improve yourself, so you wake up and work hard, then you can choose to put that tool down and pickup the belief that you ar unstoppable on race day to motivate yourself to reach your own expectation. You can believe you might die tomorrow and so prioritise and optimize you final day and not waste it. And at the same time you can put on the belief that you will live for hundreds of years and so plan bigger than life projects, you will feel free to imagine a better world and then start building it. Do not identify with your belief otherwise you can't grow and you limit your toolbox and you capability. But what about truth? There are base assumptions we all make because they are outside our ability to know for sure, its the uncertainty that we are applying as tools. If we can test a belief to certainty we should use it every time but for the huge amounts of uncertainty, use belief as a tool.
Belief is not Identity
Truth vs Rule Based Living
undefined You can live by truth, First you discover truths, if an option occurs you can check all truth articles to decide from. You can Live by rule, First you discover truth, then you develop rules based on truths, if an option occurs you can check all rule articles to decide from. Both strategies have strengths and weaknesses.
Overthink(Overthinking is Impossible)
undefined True freedom is found through captive thoughts. Self control frees you. Don't let your thoughts control you but force them to align with your purpose so you can be fulfilled."We take every thought captive, to make it obedient to Jesus." 2 Corinthians 10:5b We often quote, 'take every thought captive' but Paul's advice doesn't stop there, remember 'to make it obediant to Jesus.' What is the purpose of captivity but to rehabilitate, to be then released as a functional part of society? Likewise, Take every negative thought Then compare it with an inoscent version of yourself. Then trade your thought for his for he is who you want to be. Take every harmful belief, Find the countering optomistic truth. Then obsolete the false belief for you don't want your life to be recorded as harmful. Take every unfortunate circumstance, event, memory. Then imagine the long term positive eventual conclusion. Then live the habit of optimism, knowing God wins for us in the end. "We know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose." Roman's 8:28
Prepare for Death
undefined Consider what is worth dieing for, the idea comes to mind on the show stargate when a replicator was made with the purpose of absorbing a planet and dieing in the process, when asked about it, she said it was fulfilling and she looked forward to it.
Life Torch
undefined Write a file that points to each of your project files. This will serve as a last will and testiment and should include access to your accounts. Anything that helps you pass the torch should be included.
Love Yourself
undefined I struggle to love myself because I know me, but it is imperitive I find what God sees in me."How can You love me God?" I've learned to thank myself everytime I do something wise or healthy. Don't mistreat yourself and appreciate you, for treating you right. For you are God's, so you better treat His children right. Then as you make gratitude a habit you will begin to see what God sees. You've heard it said, love others as you love yourself, this is the famous golden rule, but if you haven't learned how to love how can you love yourself let alone others? Jesus didn't hold your love for yourself as a good example for how to love people, He said love how I have loved you. How did He love people? Ultimately he died, symbolically taking our place, but even while he was being tortured to death, he forgave his enemies. He humbled himself to be born in a animal food bowl, he didn't demand praise, he washed peoples feet, labored as a carpenter. He was slow to respond, once drawing in the dirt before responding to a question. Sometimes he remained silent as his response. He helped people and healed them, he welcomed the lowest society had rejected and didn't fear anything. He encouraged people and taught in questions stooping down to their level starting with what they knew and shepherding them to understanding. He also took time to be alone with His thoughts praying and reloading (realigning with his purpose) see reloading strategy. Your maker came and gave an official instruction in person, "Love each other as I have loved you." If you loose your life you get it but if you save up your life you missed the point of life. Imagine what would happen if we followed this one instruction and poured ourselves out, every drop, nobody would be hungry, or alone. Suffering would cease as people met Him by watching Him move in those that subscribed to His lead. A movement that would cross war lines in the sand and defy expectations of limitation. Don't hold back or hold out. God loves you, love like that. The one who made resources by an ok googleplex command is the God of abundance. Reject the lie of scarcity and pour out. Are you a pile or a flood? Do you store up for yourself or do you pour yourself out for others? Without God I can accomplish nothing of ultimate value. Anything good in me is not me. Thank You for teaching me to trust You with Your's and lifting stress off my shoulders and carrying Your will to completion. Thank you for teaching me to deny myself and edify Your reputation with this life.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
undefined To think of yourself how you are in reality, no greater no worse. Let's brag on God only, and not ourselves. It's not as if I'm clever or wise, all I know is Jesus. I shake when I'm near you and sweat when I speak, I'm not persuasive, but instead I am a grand demonstration that God can use even me as weak as I am. What person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the his own spirit inside? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except His spirit. Now we have received His spirit to overwrite our own, so that we may know what naturally nobody else understands: What He has prepared for those who love Him. The spirit understands more than we do. We have His spirit not to instruct it, but to be instructed. (I echo Paul's sentiments as I condense 1st Cor. 2) Don’t get ahead of the Master and jump to conclusions with your judgments before all the evidence is in. When He comes, He will bring out in the open and place in evidence all kinds of things we never even dreamed of―inner motives and purposes and prayers. Only then will any of us get to hear the “well done”. -Paul
undefined How can I know forgivness? It's invisible usually. But when God inspires and uses me, it announces not only is God responsible for my results, but that He forgave me enough to involve this filth in His gameplan. I'm not benched, I'm forgiven. Father use me up, pour me out completely, let all that is good in me be surrendered to your purpose so that what is left of me may be eliminated. I deserve not even to be noticed by You yet You do, and I could never take pride in my accomplishment because You carry this game.
undefined #RegretlessLife : Wait Ten. Ten seconds before you respond, touch, yell, conclude, post, give-up, feel... You are no longer in immediate danger of being eaten by an animal, you can afford the extra time to think before you act. Over thinking is an impossibility. Slow down and think...
undefined Study validation, Finding internal value rather than relying on external value. Is what you are doing innately valuable? if so it doesn't matter what people think.
Love Team
undefined We are on the same team with the same purpose even if not everyone is aware. We all share the same purpose by design, but we are not all focused. If you ever think you need to be negative and ride the waves the same as everyone else remember there are plenty of negative warriors, so there is no need for you to join them, you are free to focus on what is coming and build it.
God's Love
Prepare for Life
undefined You either give up your life quickly or over a lifetime, what are you giving it for? People give up their life for freedom, or so their children can live. They do this by dieing for them but what about living for them poured out completely you spend your life either way. The question is what is the most effective way to spend your life.
Prepare for Failure
undefined Also loose pride in success or ascribe success with money or independence.
Prepare for Poorness
undefined Make friends so you can live without fear of having no money. You can always crash on their couch for a couple weeks then move onto the next friend until your back up on your feet.
Anxiety Rollercoaster
undefined Feelings about the future that hasent happened. You are completely healthy but your body is acting like it's already happened. See will smith on fear. But stress begets more inflammation and adriniline which can beget more stress and a runnaway rollercoaster is like loosing your freedom to brain chemicals. If you can reclaim your control over your stress the rest can follow.
undefined A mind that is stretched by a new idea, can never go back to its old dimensions." Imagine the best possible world, once the idea has expanded your mind, your dissatisfaction will manifest in action that shapes this world into that one.
Greatful (retooling everything)
undefined You are rich, count your blessings. When toilet paper is scarce, I get the opportunity to enjoy more showers and with that a water back massage, and hear my beautiful reverb sonnet. When washing hands is mandatory, I can fearlessly open the bathroom door with my hand. When resources are tight, I get to learn budget skills, cut waste, journal spending, live beneath by means, save strategically, & invest in what matters. When everyone turns to the internet, the infrastructure is improved, accelerating gigabit fiber roll out so I don't need to wait for flix and chill to load. When we door dash dine at home, our conversations don't need to be interrupted by a waiter every couple minutes. When there is an opportunity to help, there is also an opportunity to be inspired and to grow by watching how awesome people can be to eachother. When life is uncomfortable, I have more excuse to change which is critical for of improvement. When hygiene is mandatory, we get to form healthy habits with circumstance as our coach. When hospitals are not as accessible, we get a useful reminder to take care and be responsible with our bodies instead of "hold my drink and watch this stunt." When entertainment is restricted to home, VR sales mean VR get's developed quicker, prices are driven down and we can all escape to the world of our own creation. When life is hard I end up stronger. When there is a delay, I have bonus time. When life changes, I have new opportunities. When businesses retreat, competition is minimal. When stocks plummet, they are cheap to buy up. When physical distancing is mandatory, we get to avoid second hand smoke. When I am stuck at home, I get to tutor my kids. When meetings are remote, you get the opportunity to mute who is asking to be muted
undefined You are interested in what you find valuable. You see anything connected to your motives as valuable. Remember your motives are life, love, and purpose, so look for a connection between the topic you want to focus on and your motives and it will naturally be considered valuable and thus interesting. Somethings won't connect and so aren't worth your attention or time.
undefined Practice is a sure way to success. You will not give up on what matters, you hear me? Sometimes what matters requires stacks of skills, so get started. Expect that it will take X. X being the amount of times that it takes. Expect not to see results the first X times. Honesty with the task keeps gives you sight of the finish line which gives you the courage to fail the amount required. But don't call it failure, call it practice. everything can be tooled as a blessing. everything can be tooled as a blessing. Even exercise is failure tooled as practice, you
undefined Practice leads to liberty space, because as you practice you make autopilot optimizations. When I was a kid, I had chores I was forced to do, I hated them and fought to avoid doing them, they took me out of my headspace I preferred to be in because they took my active hardware to process how to tie the bag without getting dirty or fold the clothes in a way they wouldn't wrinkle. I was able to get away with not folding my clothes by not caring about wearing wrinkles, but I wasn't able to get away with not taking out the trash. But today I see those chores in a new light. When asked for why my parents told me because it needs to be done. Not even they knew the gift they were giving me. Today as an adult I still need the trash taken out, but because I practiced it as a child it takes no frontal cortex space so I can enjoy my headspace and explore whatever world I want while my body does the chore with little to no help from me. Today as an adult I also must have sorted laundry and wrinkles matter more when making an tricking on people that you are a responsible adult. However I found I hate folding clothes because it takes me out of my headspace as my brain is a slave to the task. This is because I have not setup any automation having avoided the practice as a kid. Now as an adult I can't afford to be out of headspace and hire an assistant to fold my laundry. I would be that much richer if I hadn't avoided this practice as a child. Now if I see an opportunity to practice I value that time knowing it is making autopilot optimizations that will result in more freedom in both budget and headspace to move toward my purpose.
undefined Freedom is a strength that gives you space to move.
How to say no
Anxiety Rollercoaster
undefined Feelings about the future that hasent happened. You are completely healthy but your body is acting like it's already happened. See will smith on fear. But stress begets more inflammation and adriniline which can beget more stress and a runnaway rollercoaster is like loosing your freedom to brain chemicals. If you can reclaim your control over your stress the rest can follow.
undefined Have you ever noticed how some apps, or websites or games are hard to close, often this is by design, but don't use that as an excuse, you are just as much a designer as those who made this bondage, you design your life, you can design your freedom . Before you start a videogame or go to a webpage, or open an app you've played before, recall the last times you've played and check wether you told yourself you would stop right after you did one last thing, but couldn't follow through with your promise to yourself and got stuck for perhaps hours? The first step of Stoping is taken before you Start. Some activities you may want to never start like that season you know has cliffhangers all season long. But for others we can come up with strategies before hand that will allow you to go through this time responsibly. I also noticed that when I browse pintrest or artstation.com I can have 100 tabs open and can't stop because I don't want to miss adding a critical piece of art to my saves. Remembering the late nights passing out from exhaustion and days where nothing got done, I designed a strategy; When I browse artstation I open a tab for every category of new art; Community, Trending, Latest, Picks, and Following. Then instead of scrolling(a black hole) I only fill the page, and if nothing is on it of worth, I close that tab. I also concentrated the value of the time further by looking at the work and likes of people who made the piece of art I liked from those first tabs. Rather than only looking at random categories, this way a full page of art is more likely to be something I like, because I am more likely to like more of the same artists work or what they like than I am random art. When playing exploration games like No Man's Sky, or Minecraft, or Outer Wilds, I can get stuck with the mental loop of the grass is greener over the next hill, this is the same as scrolling. With No Man's Sky, I have a rule that I can't refuel my lift off fuel until the start of another day, for minecraft I quit because I couldn't stop building once I started, for OuterWilds where knowledge is your key to progress, I take notes, journalling my what I've tried and want to try so that I can review those next time I play, this frees me to leave once I have made that day's notes.
Sequence Trap
undefined Feeling like a sequence is more critical than progress so you can avoid continuing until x is done. I remember growing up avoiding chores and seeing everything as an excuse. I was very good at directing my reason to external limitations. I didn't realize I was limiting myself by habit. I would say well I can't fold my clothes until the load in the drier is finished, and I can't clean my closet until I put away my clothes, inventing and elevating the importance of sequence until it was high enough to hang myself in laziness. And the whole time I thought I was freeing my time by making excuses, I was actually taking away my freedom to do whatever work I wanted. Remember Freetime isn't free to be free, it's free to be put to work.
Will Power
undefined Successful people aren't those who have more or use more will power but those who design their lives to avoid needing will power.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
Self Control / Story Telling
undefined Story telling is the mechanic of self control. Be careful what stories you tell yourself. Do you tell yourself things like, "if she hurts me one more time I'm going to loose it" or, "I deserve a cookie if I did 10 sit-ups," or "They did that because they don't love me" or, "Just 20 more steps then I'll take a break, 1, 2..." or "I don't want to scare the kids so I can ignore the pain till they leave" or have you heard stories about people who have crawled with a broken leg to the nearest help before passing out, they too told themselves a story.
Full live vs fullfilled life
Grind to Freedom
Infinite Bondage Scheduled Releases
Habit (Loops) (Subroutines)
Will Power
undefined I just realized when as a kid my parents gave us chores without a choice they gave us a gift. I was a rebel and thought they were stealing my time, but now I see clearly. They were investing my time into my future. By taking our liberty these habit forming activities liberated us. Each of us have a finite amount of will power to spend on all the things we want to be successful and need to survive. When there is a new task we use will power to accomplish it but if we practice it it actually becomes a habit and habits are free. This fact means now our daily budget is larger so we can spend that will power on other things. The chores that I routinely did became a habit and cost me no will power today but those I rebelled against are a struggle today as an adult and if too many of these withdraws occur I go into debt and can't achieve what I want. Paul said, "I do not do what I want and what I don't want to do I do." Paul was in will power debt. Dave Ramsey is a leading financial advisor and helps people get out of debt. As I noticed will power is like money and when I can't reach my goals it is said that I owe it to myself, or in other words I'm in debt. Dave suggests that when you are in debt you don't pay off the biggest debtor but instead the smallest and make a small snowball and begin pushing it down the hill. With tasks you push it until it becomes a habit and once it is rolling it has momentum and doesn't require effort. Now you have more energy to spend on the next smallest routine. Again and again until you have an abundance of will power to aim your whole life. Dave also urges a budget is a must. A budget is a plan for how much you plan to spend on each category of tasks and make sure all your needs are met. And where they aren't, then you need to make cuts, get help, or invest in habits. Be responsible with your willpower." Sounds like a Spiderman quote.
undefined We must assess the topic from an abstract perspective so we can first identify what is important so we know what won't be a waste and thus feel more free to pour ourselves into the topic without feeling like we are wasting our time.
undefined Sometimes it is better to just listen and take notes and think about it later when you have the mental resources to tink deeply. When you are in the moment your brian is being divided amoung many tasks.
undefined The greatest strategy I learned this year was to #Reload my mind;1.) List instructions that prevent regret, what is true, what is valuable.2.) Every morning read that list to remember to act in sync with those truths.
Self Control / Story Telling
undefined Story telling is the mechanic of self control. Be careful what stories you tell yourself. Do you tell yourself things like, "if she hurts me one more time I'm going to loose it" or, "I deserve a cookie if I did 10 sit-ups," or "They did that because they don't love me" or, "Just 20 more steps then I'll take a break, 1, 2..." or "I don't want to scare the kids so I can ignore the pain till they leave" or have you heard stories about people who have crawled with a broken leg to the nearest help before passing out, they too told themselves a story.
undefined Teach how to prepare to respond quickly, and how to rewire your mind to let you run as fast as you can instead of it artificially limiting(capping).
Simple Sugars
Starchs(Sugar Chains)
Fiber(Unabsorbed Sugar)
Energy Design
undefined Design your energy budget to fit your day, balance is key, too much energy and you get a roller coaster of bad sleep and too little and you won't have enough strength to pour into your purpose.
Waking Up
undefined "Early bird gets the worm" First of all who wants worms for breakfast? Secondly, getting up early doesn't CAUSE success it just may CORRELATE with success. Waking up early might indicate success or that it's Christmas, both are days worth starting. Instead of focusing on your alarm, focus your purpose, because a purpose fulfilled is a person fullfilled. The rest will follow. If I'm going to a school that doesn't excite me then getting up in the morning will be hard, but if I'm going to summer camp in the morning I can't wait to get up. Well your fullfiing purpose is just as arousing. So much it's hard to even sleep in the first place. So once you get to know your purpose check out the sleep strategy to balance that side because once you know your purpose you know what being awake is for as well as what going to bed is for. In fact your purpose informs you what all your drives are for. They are all for getting you to your purpose.
How to Procrastinate
Yes & No
undefined Read the Best Yes book
undefined Not only can 20% of the effort prioritized correctly increase your strength by 60%, but that strength can be turned around into a tool for more strength and you can stack strengths up to reach 100% line of sight with your Goals. When prioritizing, do you elevate your weaknesses or double down on your strengths. There are many schools of thought on this. Some times your weaknesses can give you a huge return for little investment because there is a lot of headroom in your resources. But getting 2% better at something you've been working at your whole life may or may not be worth the effort in comparison, but because strengths can stack you can always come back to this with the strength gained by addressing your weaknesses and make larger gains in even less time then if you had only been exercising your strengths. Another approach is there is plenty of people in the world that it doesn't need you to be good at what you are weak at since we are all on the same team, we can focus 100% on our headstart strengths and be a master above the rest in that field. However since being the best isn't your purpose, it would be better to look at your move and design your priorities based on what combo of strengths would best move that. Finally recruiting and delegating to your team known as humanity is utilizing all your strengths because those who move together are in a sense one creature and share strengths like your body does.
Measurement Loops
undefined Bake into your schedule, regular intervals and specific points to review your latest motions and targets and results, then redesign better targets and better motions. Then try them for the next interval. Also have nested measurement intervals so once a week micromanage your motions, and once a month make larger assessments and changes, and every 4 months make even larger life reinventions/measurements. The larger the interval the more data you have and more reliable the resulting design can be and so more drastic the next design can be allowed. Routinely ask yourself are you a different person than you were last month? Have you learned tried or reconsidered ideas and updated yourself as a response. If you were perfect you would expect this to be a no, but since you are not being near a no is a bad sign, consider your highest height of satisfaction a point of boiling affected by the change surrounding you and then then direct that change to be positive progressive accurate. You should be exhausting to interact with rather than boring, you should document your current world view, approach, experiments, attempts, and journal your failures, what you used to think and why you no longer do, results, and revisions.
Full live vs fullfilled life
Grind to Freedom
Infinite Bondage Scheduled Releases
Digital Space
Life Spreadsheet
undefined TickTick is a powerful note taking and scheduling app. Google Drive/Docs/Sheets/Backup this free suite of apps is the majority of my workspace. Freemind is for desktop only but there are less powerful or pricy alternatives for phones. Total Commander is the most powerful free file manager. Team Viewer adds to your freedom so you aren't limited by platform and can use desktop apps on your phone Sleep Cycle lets you track your sleep
Inspire / Motivation
undefined Use EVERYTHING as motivation, everything is fire, like any tool it can be used for strengthening or weakening, choose to convert everything into strengthening motivating inspiring, be it a comment, or an experience, or lack, or change, or excess, anything else. You are not in control of what tools are handed to you, but you are responsible for how you use them. Be strategic with your inspiration, it's schedule, quality, targets. Set time aside each loop(week, month, day...) to get the highest quality inspiration in your feed to get you moving and measure its effectiveness to continue to improve this strength resource.
Growth Journal
undefined A current Mindmap of your world view.
Home Space
Exercise Space
Exercise harder than you need
Body weight excercises
Tool aided excercises
Sleep Space
Recreation Space
Creation Space
Work Space
Eliminate Excuses
undefined When designing your workspace and gear, consider your excuses. I chose a laptop so I don't have to wait till I get home to make a move. It has a good sleep function and battery so I can't make the excuse that it takes forever to boot up so I'll do it later. I chose to work in my car because it's like an office that's always with me so I can't make the excuse it's too hot, or too cold, or the office is on the other side of town. I have a boogieboard(portable white board) so I can draw as I talk instead of excusing myself to not being able to explain something.
Mental Space
Mental Starship Bridge
undefined Waste is the most obvious metric for measuring your failure to fulfill your purpose. Nothing is a waste when you choose to use it.Be it working through play, playing through work, failing the final or winning a hug, use it all for inspiration, recovery, education, and motivation. Use everything, waste nothing.
Greatful (retooling everything)
undefined You are rich, count your blessings. When toilet paper is scarce, I get the opportunity to enjoy more showers and with that a water back massage, and hear my beautiful reverb sonnet. When washing hands is mandatory, I can fearlessly open the bathroom door with my hand. When resources are tight, I get to learn budget skills, cut waste, journal spending, live beneath by means, save strategically, & invest in what matters. When everyone turns to the internet, the infrastructure is improved, accelerating gigabit fiber roll out so I don't need to wait for flix and chill to load. When we door dash dine at home, our conversations don't need to be interrupted by a waiter every couple minutes. When there is an opportunity to help, there is also an opportunity to be inspired and to grow by watching how awesome people can be to eachother. When life is uncomfortable, I have more excuse to change which is critical for of improvement. When hygiene is mandatory, we get to form healthy habits with circumstance as our coach. When hospitals are not as accessible, we get a useful reminder to take care and be responsible with our bodies instead of "hold my drink and watch this stunt." When entertainment is restricted to home, VR sales mean VR get's developed quicker, prices are driven down and we can all escape to the world of our own creation. When life is hard I end up stronger. When there is a delay, I have bonus time. When life changes, I have new opportunities. When businesses retreat, competition is minimal. When stocks plummet, they are cheap to buy up. When physical distancing is mandatory, we get to avoid second hand smoke. When I am stuck at home, I get to tutor my kids. When meetings are remote, you get the opportunity to mute who is asking to be muted
undefined Freedom is a strength that gives you space to move.
How to say no
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
I'm healthy, comfortable, safe.
I don't even like people.
Love Strategies
Love Languages
undefined The belief of love is a source of strength. Love languages are standards of evidence that convince people that you love them. Love is an argument. Love languages are the standard of evidence someone has set to be convinced of your love;WordsServiceGiftsAttentionTouchBut there are more, like when preparing for any argument, do your research. Success in life is dependent on mastering this skill of convincing.
undefined ㋡ To Build Paradise, Be Constructive ㋡ To Be Constructive, ONLY give and listen to Constructive Criticism. ㋡ Constructive Criticism is that which protects and promotes the ultimate goals while reconsidering the steps. I don't value the opinion from the people who can't recognize value. Their appreciation is less than worthless. You are precious. Why do you care what the blind considers beautiful, worthwhile, successful, valuable?
Fools Say
undefined Make this into a releasable list No It's good enough That's not how the world works that's just how it is That's how it's always been That will never change It's too hard or complicated People don't like change We will just have to make due It will cost too much> see value over cost
undefined Your words are a gift, not a reward for doing good, but a strength to do good.I used to think compliments encouraged mediocre behavior, but weakness is the root of all unfulfilled life. Be sure your words make people stronger.
Story Telling
Learn as an example how to learn
Modes of Learning
Learn By Doing
Learn By Teaching
Learn By Watching
Learn By Reading
Learn By Writing
Learn By Questioning
Learn By Reading
Bike Riding Base
Student is inspired.
Student gets on
No frontloaded tutorial
Student Leads
Teacher Supports running along side
Teacher lets student balance within limits
Teacher Listens and Watches
undefined Instead of assuming students ability and knowledge, the teacher watches how good they are handling what they've been given and give them more opportunity to balance.
Teacher does not scold student
undefined Instead teacher knows the student trying to balance tasks his brain to work out the formulas without the student's involvement beyond the challenge to efficiency. The brain only needs time, opportunity to try it's algorithms.
Montisori Base
undefined This is a Tasting Strategy which is useful in discovering your interests and what is possible. Babys taste everything, How do you know what food you like unless you try foods, how do you know what your strengths are and thus what would be the most effective application of you unless you try things?
Interest Menu
undefined Students follow their interests. There are multiple project centers to choose from. The student chooses projects they are most interested in. They have to spend an amount of time on projects but the student gets to set their own pace and direction and project. Keep the path flexible to mirror the student's choices and understanding.
Wholistic Purpose Driven Project
undefined Instead of learning math and programming and design individually you learn to build a robot and chasing that goal you learn those subtopics along the way. Includes presentation.
Relationships, Not Tests
undefined because the teacher can tell through relationship what the student understands. They are paying attention, taking notes, and asking questions all the time.
Master Availible
undefined To answer questions or to ask pointed stimulating questions. Someone who knows the subject to a mastery level as a mentor to help them get it as needed. Not leading them but following them and giving them a nudge as needed.
Iteration Base
undefined For the example of learning to write, start by getting on the bike. Write on a topic of your interest.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Swap And Fix
undefined Take another persons' writing and fix it to your latest standard.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Things Not to Say
undefined Make a database of what not to say and why and alternatives like Can't, Instead say things like Not Yet
Radio Dramas
Novel Book
Interactive Bot Website
Tourettes and Shame
Not my Work
Clearity os thought
Love Team
undefined We are on the same team with the same purpose even if not everyone is aware. We all share the same purpose by design, but we are not all focused. If you ever think you need to be negative and ride the waves the same as everyone else remember there are plenty of negative warriors, so there is no need for you to join them, you are free to focus on what is coming and build it.
Love Yourself
undefined I struggle to love myself because I know me, but it is imperitive I find what God sees in me."How can You love me God?" I've learned to thank myself everytime I do something wise or healthy. Don't mistreat yourself and appreciate you, for treating you right. For you are God's, so you better treat His children right. Then as you make gratitude a habit you will begin to see what God sees. You've heard it said, love others as you love yourself, this is the famous golden rule, but if you haven't learned how to love how can you love yourself let alone others? Jesus didn't hold your love for yourself as a good example for how to love people, He said love how I have loved you. How did He love people? Ultimately he died, symbolically taking our place, but even while he was being tortured to death, he forgave his enemies. He humbled himself to be born in a animal food bowl, he didn't demand praise, he washed peoples feet, labored as a carpenter. He was slow to respond, once drawing in the dirt before responding to a question. Sometimes he remained silent as his response. He helped people and healed them, he welcomed the lowest society had rejected and didn't fear anything. He encouraged people and taught in questions stooping down to their level starting with what they knew and shepherding them to understanding. He also took time to be alone with His thoughts praying and reloading (realigning with his purpose) see reloading strategy. Your maker came and gave an official instruction in person, "Love each other as I have loved you." If you loose your life you get it but if you save up your life you missed the point of life. Imagine what would happen if we followed this one instruction and poured ourselves out, every drop, nobody would be hungry, or alone. Suffering would cease as people met Him by watching Him move in those that subscribed to His lead. A movement that would cross war lines in the sand and defy expectations of limitation. Don't hold back or hold out. God loves you, love like that. The one who made resources by an ok googleplex command is the God of abundance. Reject the lie of scarcity and pour out. Are you a pile or a flood? Do you store up for yourself or do you pour yourself out for others? Without God I can accomplish nothing of ultimate value. Anything good in me is not me. Thank You for teaching me to trust You with Your's and lifting stress off my shoulders and carrying Your will to completion. Thank you for teaching me to deny myself and edify Your reputation with this life.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
undefined To think of yourself how you are in reality, no greater no worse. Let's brag on God only, and not ourselves. It's not as if I'm clever or wise, all I know is Jesus. I shake when I'm near you and sweat when I speak, I'm not persuasive, but instead I am a grand demonstration that God can use even me as weak as I am. What person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the his own spirit inside? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except His spirit. Now we have received His spirit to overwrite our own, so that we may know what naturally nobody else understands: What He has prepared for those who love Him. The spirit understands more than we do. We have His spirit not to instruct it, but to be instructed. (I echo Paul's sentiments as I condense 1st Cor. 2) Don’t get ahead of the Master and jump to conclusions with your judgments before all the evidence is in. When He comes, He will bring out in the open and place in evidence all kinds of things we never even dreamed of―inner motives and purposes and prayers. Only then will any of us get to hear the “well done”. -Paul
undefined How can I know forgivness? It's invisible usually. But when God inspires and uses me, it announces not only is God responsible for my results, but that He forgave me enough to involve this filth in His gameplan. I'm not benched, I'm forgiven. Father use me up, pour me out completely, let all that is good in me be surrendered to your purpose so that what is left of me may be eliminated. I deserve not even to be noticed by You yet You do, and I could never take pride in my accomplishment because You carry this game.
undefined #RegretlessLife : Wait Ten. Ten seconds before you respond, touch, yell, conclude, post, give-up, feel... You are no longer in immediate danger of being eaten by an animal, you can afford the extra time to think before you act. Over thinking is an impossibility. Slow down and think...
undefined Study validation, Finding internal value rather than relying on external value. Is what you are doing innately valuable? if so it doesn't matter what people think.
God's Love
I love so much it hurts.
I don't have a purpose.
Purpose Strategies
Your Purpose is Paradise
Case For Hope
Your Purpose is to Build Paradise
Paradise is Knowable
Knowable by logical Implications
Knowable by logical Deductions
Paradise is Possible
By Definition
Progress Statistics
Discovery Trajectory
Invention Trajectory
Purpose Driven Benifits
I am purpose driven.
The future is likely to get ultimately worse
Hope Strategies
Then What
undefined One of the most powerful strats. Forcasting you personal life and the effect of events and choices step by step for the next 1000 years. Will it matter? What does it really matter?Will it contribute to your purpose? Will it fulfill you? It's not only a great strat for your budget by helping you clean your basket out of things you don't need to waste money on, or to clear tabs from things you don't need to waste your time on, but it will help you realize how little you are doing that matters and help you narrow in on the heading that will matter.
Merry Go Round
Gravity Well
Practice Reality Forecasting
Making The Future
undefined The Final Step of predicting the future is also the most accurate. I asked my sister how can I predict the future, how can I know that in 20 seconds I will reach down and pick up a phone out of the grass outside? Then I drop my phone in the grass. Then she answered you can predict the future by making the future.
Paradise Vision
undefined See Paradise Vision.mm
Paradise Definition
Discovery Examples
Invention Examples
Vision Casting
undefined How to cast a vision
Time Heart Book
Leah Richards
Jaden Stoaking
Em Emory
Anomaly Amplitude
Vi Violla
Zo Zoetrope
Time Heart
Highest Fall Due to Glitch, Brother died
Breakout of Sim
Stoaking is alive an Emory was the one who died
Emory is the kid genius who wrote an unifing operating system, His best friend Jaden Stoking starts a company and is the face of the company who takes credit for emorys work. Emory prefers this.
Emory likes to be alone with his thoughts and often retreats to a starship mind palace to work out issues. But this happens without his permission once which causes jadens death.
Emorys team gets retasked into the mind and starts noticing glitches in the universe his team can't notice and without jaden's protection he is removed from the company.
He researches the glitches alone and poor.
He finally decodes a message in the glithces learns to inject code into a memory leak for an escape hatch.
Escaping he meets Vi who uploads him to himself to smuggle him out of the mainframe
They tour the future on the way to meet vi who is masterminding where he meets the real stoaking, in the real world emory was the one who was lost in a coma.
The simulation is for growing empathetic ai but we figured out we could get emory out who is the only one who could stop vi, not this version but the distant version.
They find the time heart which was meant to be an energy source then a public interview service then a repair the past machine
The distant future version of Vi wants to prevent herself from being destroyed so she bans time travel.
Emory is off the system since his id is registered in the sim and no official ports were used for the exit so is untraced.
Vi teaches him to speak obscurity as he notices the quirks of her motions
they plan a way to set up the interview so the time heart is powered but then they use it to escape into the past and start rescues while attempting to evade future vi
Mind Palace
Escape Sim
Escape to the Past
Time Loop
undefined Pro, use the skill of dreaming to place a goal that moves you and then move. This is what frees you from now so you can move. Con, if you dream and dream and never move you are in bondage. Go watch a movie like you take a vacation, inspire and recharge, but don't watch movies like you eat chips because that is unhealthy.
The future is likely to get ultimately better
I'm worthless
Value Strategies
Inspire / Motivation
undefined Use EVERYTHING as motivation, everything is fire, like any tool it can be used for strengthening or weakening, choose to convert everything into strengthening motivating inspiring, be it a comment, or an experience, or lack, or change, or excess, anything else. You are not in control of what tools are handed to you, but you are responsible for how you use them. Be strategic with your inspiration, it's schedule, quality, targets. Set time aside each loop(week, month, day...) to get the highest quality inspiration in your feed to get you moving and measure its effectiveness to continue to improve this strength resource.
You have Potential.
undefined "If you don't like how things are, change it. You’re not a tree." Steve jobs realized you can mold the world you can push in and things will pop out, the greatest things in the world were made be people no greater than you.
Never Give Up
undefined "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." Gashed my foot on a rock. Tomorrow morning I'm still getting up, tieing it up and running anyways! No excuses for giving up. Join me publicly overcomers, imagine if nobody ever gave up. everything can be tooled as a blessing.
Better Place/Qualified
undefined I often ask myself would the world be a better place if everyone did this thing I'm considering doing? Would the world be a better place if there were more of me? Clones would be nice I could get so much more done, but when it's time to get things done why am I not myself? Why do I act as if the world would be better off with less of me as I dishonestly portray what I think people want to see or what would impress or what is less threatening to their egos that don't want to witness success. I know there are parts of me the world would be better off without, but I love the other parts and want to let him out. That guy is my favorite person in the world because he is the combination of everything I admire. Nobody else has the experience and thoughts that I have had, I am uniquely qualified for something that nobody else is.
I can change the world
Movement Strategies
Paradise Museum
undefined Make a Paradise Database documenting current projects around the world and what they are building towards, what projects have not yet been started and collect ideas for projects and for an open sourced vision of paradise itself.
undefined In the future humanity will live in a virtual reality universe of their own creation. The CoOS will be that reality. If you could choose one super power what would you choose to have? The CoOS will give you every Super Power.
To a Gamer
To a Designer
To a Joe
To an Artist
To a Programmer
To an Investor
To a Developer
Pain Points
undefined POWERLESS "I'm a very creative person, so when a collaborative sandbox came out in 2003, I jumped in head first. To build in Secondlife you drop basic shapes; cubes, spheres, cones..., then you stretch and twist them into eachother to build up your starship which ended up looking like a pile of donuts because that's what it literally was. Like I said I was creative so I tried to force the shapes to become what I imagined, it was miserable as I spend countless hours trying to make one shape blend into another without much success. In 2009 another sandbox came out, and this one exploded, everybody was playing it. We started an online server to build a giant world together. In Minecraft you build by again dropping in objects, but in this case they are all 1meter cubes. This limitation meant everything was square, which for a creative overcomer, means you have to build big and only look at it your work from a far while squinting to be able appreciate any detail. We've built sculptures out of wool and citys in mountains, castles on the ocean and even a floating teapot island! Sound amazing? Only if you were blind. These builds mainly served as labels for the full fidelity of our imagination. Our imagination is where these worlds would have to stay for the time being. Outside the gaming world I trained and got hired as a draftsman designing techology and as an artist illustrating that technology. There I used the tools that professionals use, Polygons, Vectors, Constraints. This was the power I needed to express myself, and looking around these primitive game worlds, it was obvious everyone needed this in their lives." CODELESS "Because of the limitations of basic minecraft we ""modded"" the game, but we weren't actually making the mods, just downloading them. If we saw a bug we would hope ""they"" would fix it in the next update. If we wanted a feature we would just request it online hoping ""they"" would read it and impliment it someday. We were powerless. Then I thought what if I was ""they""? Programmers could make it better. So I started to study how to program and what I learned was programming was hard. You had to learn a new language, the learning curve was steep. Before you can get dirty applying the basics you learn, you first have to then learn multiple frameworks and librarys, Then you had to type that language perfectly, or else it would just refuse to try. You had to teach the computer how to handle it's own resources otherwise a memory leak could crash your program. You would be neck deep in a project only to learn this language is fundamentally incapable of accomplishing this feature so you abandon it and go to another language that can. You have to refactor all your code to work in this new language. By the time you've finished your vision is so watered down in order to somewhat function, the software's almost useless. I started to do some research and found software had a few simple concepts, Condition, Logic, Response, Process, Data, Connections. But these concepts were buried beneath mountains of syntax. We would not put up with someone who ignored our goals with the excuse, ""well I just sat here because technically you said to go to the car but you didnt tell me what foot to use first"" With this revelation cooperating with computers is possible. We will unbury the power of modding and become the ""they"" who can make a difference." FRAMENTED "Once I imagined myself as a modder I started looking at the apps I use differently. Like ""This interface is not aligned!"" or ""this is wasting space on my sceen I wish I could just drag this smaller."" ""Dude, I love that tool I wish ""they"" had that in this other app."" ""Why is this missing?"" ""I have to export this and reimport it onto that app just to apply the mask?"" What if I could rip out that tool and reconnect it to my prefered app? Why not make all the tools sort of an app themselves, indipendant yet mixable. We could even make a super tool customized for all our individual preferences. As I toyed with the idea of customizing a super app, I considered what I would include in mine and noticed the learning curve for all these tools was unwarrented. If I gave you a hundred tools and told you to build a house, the task would be overwhelming, but in fact you only need a few of those tools, the rest are redundant and alternate ways to do the same thing. For example, Extend is all you need to make a solid shape, but all these tools; extrude, revolve, sweep, coil, emboss, rib, thicken, thread, they do the same thing; Extend, be it around a line or along a line. Consolidation gives everyone easy to use tools with the full power of the elite apps. The us and them illusion that seperates powerful professionals and the imaginitive kid is a lie made of over complexity. Then I thought why stop there? The apps arn't just tools but content too. Each app and website has a new interface to learn seperated databases but the same content types. What if we consolidated this content into a unified format? Then you could control how you engage with it. To my horror I realized these are all the same thing being fed to us with multiple spoons. Communication Lists: Email, Txt, Pm, Chat, Comments Feed Lists: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, News websites Media Packets: Videos, Movies, Podcasts, Audio Books, Camera Library Value Lists: Documents, Spreadsheets, Databases, Mindmaps Finally the internet would feel concise and elegant and managable." HOMELESS "For all the limitations of Minecraft and Secondlife, they had an amazing feature, a connected world. In principle no longer were there invisible walls seperating us. We lived together in a bigger universe. I'm exploring a cave but just outside my brother is building his house and over the horizon my friend was cutting down a tree with his bare hands and to the north my team just reappeared in their beds after dieing to a horde of pigzombies. They say home is where your friends are. Even if they weren't in this cave I was home. But in 2013 a new wall appeared . I was building a city in a dome on a mountain. Everyone got their hands dirty and chipped and we finished laying the last block by the end of the week. Our most ambitious build yet. All that dedication and invested time, we surprised ourselves. Then everyone went to their houses and logged off to bed. I stayed up planting grass on the newly carved mountain side. but the next morning nobody woke up. Nobody was in their houses. I checked the online list. I was alone. I went on skype and everyone was online but playing overwatch or league of legends or hearthstone. I tried to join them but to jump the walls between games you have to be on time and in step, everyone was seperated. So I sit in my Japanese Style House, in my square rocking chair that doesn't rock, and watch the square sunset as the truth sunk in, we were homeless. I was devistated but didn't realize how much until a new creative game came out. ""Hey you wanna play starbound with me?"" A space themed 2D minecraft. ""Sure."" I said and hopped over the wall. But then we got to playing around and we were like 'we could build a base and then and after some grinding upgrade our ship...' then as we began to build it became obvious we were spent, we couldn't build those giant ambitious projects anymore. At first I thought it was because we just all nighted it through the mountain city build but that wasn't it. We were scarred as if we just had a divorce and didn't want to be hurt again. Turns out creativity is like love, you can't build and then destroy or abandon your creation without a sense of loss and demorialization. I'm a creative person who can't create. They actually did a study where they paid kids to build bionicles(lego robots) and in a second group they did the same but dismantled their last robot right in front of them as they worked on the next. that second group did half as many builds before they had enough. I feel like I don't want to build in another world until I feel I'm not waisting my time contributing to a world that will be abandoned or destroyed."
Value Proposition (Why would customers want what we are selling?) (Summary of Solution)
undefined We provide Power, Freedom and True Cooperation by developing Limitless, Seamless, Shared; Space, Tools, and UI, through Software and Services.
Emotional Prototype
undefined Lived In Universe, with history from past cultures littering the world to uncover. Outerwilds, As you explore this Galaxy you learn about an alien race that visited the system and uncover clues of where they went and what projects they were working on and their debates over what would be the best path, you could find their secret passages, homes, and the stories of their failures. Watchdogs, You travel across an open world full of people and listen in on their conversations as they go about their lives and even hack into their apartments to see they are going about their lives even out of view. This is just scripted events but the idea that all NPCs have a life even when your not watching is compelling. That would provide a real person with which to interact, interfere, or partner with. Stumble onto community projects, be compelled to join in, or be inspired to build or collaborate Time Lapse of the Enterprise being built in Minecraft by hundreds of people at once captured this. Gource Visualization captures the same feeling but for programming projects. Imagine you are flying through space and you see these filiments twinkling and humming in the distance and as you approach time is displayed showing you the progress and slowing to present time as you get close. Something to write home about Mork and Mindy, My Little Pony Reboot, A measure wether a story was good, is if you were in the characters shoes you couldn't help but tell everyone about it. Adventures That Create Bonds Journey, The blizzard story from Journey; In the game you can't speak only chirp, as you play you randomly run into other players who are also headed for the same goal, you join eachother and help eachother, but as you get higher up the mountain we encountered a blizzard, the wind was deafening and our visibility as minimal, the wind would pile snow onto us if we stayed still and came in surges that blew us back, we were both struggling to survive and then i discovered I could hide from the wind behind a rock, I called out to my friend but he couldn't hear me over the wind. he was being buried alive and all I could do was watch and try to get his attention. the next morning when the blizzard had ended, he was gone. But this little game had me bond with someone I just met. Nonshalont God-like creating. Ambition short film, Planet formation as an education curiculium World Builder short film, Creating a town for you loved ones.
Revenue Streams (What ways do we make money?)
undefined Life ($500 One-Time) Security Deposit OP ($700 One-Time) Security Deposit Boost ($1400 One-Time) Security Deposit Life ($20/month) low res streaming & low def/ps rendering OP ($50/month) hi res streaming hi def/ps rendering Boost (+$15/month) double power. Automatically prompted when nearing a limit. Dev ( +1$/vote ) Incremental Development Milestones Through Crowdfunding Farm ( +0$/month ) (Use your home server to boost your account) •Registration fee covers the Storage and Mod Runtime hardware allocated for that account. This is because any used hard drive space or live mods are permanantly in the universe and need the hardware to live. This could be returned to you -permanent resources used. First year is monthly charge free. •The more customers that are on the platform the more value it grows due to creations worth experiencing. Prices will increase to meet cost fluctuation and values will increase to meet prices. •After Minimum Viable Product, New Features are Crowd Funded which eliminates waste and maximises customer priorities. •This pricing model seems to aim for the Mass Market in the Customer Segments section. •Fair Sutainable Universe is the purpose of this Revenue Model •def/ps is a value to indicate relativly how fast the details around your POV improove.
Cost Structure (Where will we spend invested money?)
undefined Initally, Save for a milestones then once milestone is funded, freelance that milestone. Then, pay for full time core team and continue to outsource the rest. This gradient depends on available revenue
Channels (How are we reaching our customers?)
undefined Outsource Marketing Begin building a hyped community ASAP for future build bashing and crowdfunding As the prototype is being used, the library of in game created vistas will contribute to marketing.
Product Build Release Schedule (What are your milestones?)
undefined Minimum Viable Prototype Space Engine Ideal Interface Tools Mods Minimum Viable Product Playtests Investors Bug Fixes Content Build Bashes Launch Release Bug Fixes Platform Ports Crowdfunded Features Rebuild for speed and enhancements
Key Activities (What does the CoOS team do?)
undefined Research and Develop Software Marketing and Retention Support and Maintain Services Add Stretch-Goal Features and Optimise Services
Key Resources (What is used to perform those activities?)
undefined Initially, Freelance Software Developers upon fundraising per milestone. Then, hired full time staff upon investment. Finally, temps upon crowdfunding.
undefined Indie Developers Gamers Game Developers CAD designers Artists Software Developers The entire world isn't our customer, so if someone wants to misue our software or demand that it become something outside our vision we don't need to comply. Some people may want to hide 3d objects at ransom of a price but there are other softwares for that. Some may want a software to have a private conversation but there other softwares for that.
Customer Segements (Who are our customers?)
Demand Matrix
Market Takeover Targets
undefined Art Illustrator 49,390 Companies $30/month Corel 23,108 Companies $17/month Maya 14,000 operators $129/month 3dsMax 6,182 Companies $129/month Zbrush 3,709 Companies $40/month Mudbox 1,410 Companies $10/month Engine Unity 5.5million operators $35/month Unreal Engine 7million operators Free + 5% on gross product revenue Cry Engine 396 Companies $10/month GoDot 11,000 operators free Cad Inventor 11,545 Companies $166/month OnShape 3million operators free-$125-$107/month Solidworks 44,679 companies $107/month Game Secondlife / Highfidelity Minecraft / Roblox VR Chat / Rec Room My stuff is changing the paradigm in multiple ways making it not comparable. For example you can't restrict people from landing on your planet so as a game developer you can't make a game then make a paywall like you would today. In fact this makes it less risk because the alternative is to make all games crowdfunded upfront.
Customer Relationship (What Relationship do our customers expect from us?)
undefined Google established dependable lasting personality Sufficant Documentation and Clear Tutorials Lag-free CoOS Run-time Use-Case Support To not feel scraped for every penny but to provide a fair trade of value Wise/Lean management to build trust in the saftey of the customer's CoOS home. Honest updates to build trust in the staff to overcome internet storms
XP Use Cases
Emergent Side Effects
Last Game
iPod First Gen Compatible
undefined Of course the first gen iPod doesn't have high-speed internet connection or a processor fast enough to render a streamed video, but if it did, the screen and clickwheel would be enough to run CoOS because the interface has been designed from first principles of human interaction, alternating tools and scalable empathy.
Last App
Relay, all in one communications app
Renet, An internet 2.0 feed, disrupting the idea of websites
Mods, Saturate Software Development
Design Principles
Every Problem has a Solution
undefined By starting with this base assumption you will go further than those who look for signs of impossibility as an excuse to give up. I have never found a problem without a solution, but sometimes while looking I find what I thought was a problem wasn't the real problem. Fake problems can only have fake solutions.
Inspiration Procrastination
undefined My inspired work is my best work but patience and allowance is key. To foster this I procrastinate better than most. I have a handful of projects that I am allowed to work on one day a week and throughout the week inspiration strikes as I passively make connections without being allowed to act on them beyond taking notes. Then on the work day I take the most inspired notes and act on them. By baking procrastination into your schedule on purpose you turn it into a strategy for inspiration. Again patience is key to success, but learn to wait by doing something else. You are not a domino waiting for your time, instead you are a human with the ability to prepare while you wait and then set your own time for action. Notes Move You may not think you are inspired, but the spark may actually already be in your hands. Start with what you know, do what you can, with what you have. This practice gets it on the table so what comes first or next is more obvious. Spread out the pieces and the holes will become clear. Iteration
Fidelity Oasis
undefined Does the viewer believe you achieved what you tried? Design is unfortunately fused with limitation. Time, money, quality, to increase one you often must sacrifice another. There is an exception however. We can establish a context of fidelity by our brush size. If you have limited time to cover a canvas, rather than drawing faster use a larger brush. Having leading many large scale productions, I can assure you this is what lets you unveil on schedule with no objections to the fidelity because it matches the scope. Fidelity has style oasis’s, the deserts between them need to either be fully crossed or you not at all. For example if you don’t have the time to make proper strokes don’t do your best, instead jump down to the next full fidelity style you can accomplish in your limitations such as Pointillism. Add Examples Quality over quantity, goodness over popularity, value over expectation Define the edges and consolidate your spark rather than spreading it out. When I produced movie sets as art pieces rather than spreading out the props over the entire exhibit hall, I consolidated them into a fully complete scene. Some designers add white space to “let it breathe” but white space is a natural result of consolidated value. Don’t release content every week because that’s the expectation instead focus on the content and release it when it provides a fair value for their time. Be honesty with yourself and your audience, are you capable of the scope you are framing up? Let's say the honest fidelity for a scene includes a line thickness that is proportional to the whole scene, if you draw this scene on a larger canvas then you have to increase your instrument/line thickness to keep the honest proportion. I often remember my family saying to fill the page because I would draw very small pictures but the fidelity matched so the skill came through. Ignoring bad advice that says to walk a tight rope before you can walk a curb is honest.
Free To Try
undefined Try again something that’s been tried to death, try to reinvent the wheel, goodbye wagons, try something new, even if they like it the old way, try to fix something thats not broke, try to set a new standard to then break again. As a designer you are free. Don’t let anything shy of good reason stop you from trying. Question everything, authority, popularity, criticism, success, history, education, profession, orders, questions, claims, evidence, poles, ... The customer is not always right. People can often be unaware what they want, or what’s wrong let alone what’s right.
Pet Design
undefined Good design is noticing an obstruction long enough to remove it. Many people get annoyed at an obstruction the first time, the second time they remember it was annoying but the third time they ignore the annoyance and just bare the friction. These frictions add up until people are crawling and don’t know why they aren’t making progress. The designer however doesn’t ignore obstructions they fester like a grudge until they are inspired enough to fix them and we can all benefit from that.
undefined Anything you can imagine you can make. Remove the concern of limits via automated preparation, presentation, farming, and slide of hand. The engine will continually work to maximize priority qualities. Visible entities, changes, distance. thermos, threads, polycounts, stroke counts, boundaries... Some people say, “limitation breeds creativity” logically humans can create their own constraints without systematic limitation being forced onto them, plus they can create what the limited cannot so I say freedom breeds more creativity.
undefined There are no walls in space. The universe is like a list of tagged content, you can refine that content into a single combined universe or refine it for a cozy personal universe. But you can’t enforce an invisible impenetrable wall on other’s. The CoOS tears down walls. There is no installing or loading or opening worlds, but instead you travel to worlds in a single seamless stirring pot. Look up at the night sky, you see a distant star of millions and you can fly up and travel there where you may find a world full of people making their own culture, cities, roads and you look back and you can see the world you just left all in a seamless environment." "Invisible Walless Loading Screenless Edit Modless Play Modless Leveless Objectless Sketchless Demoless Paywalless Functionwalless you should be able to use a search tool in any app, or a comment tool on any content this maybe should go in tool principles" Walls Government's put up walls to keep people out. Prisons put up walls to lock people in. Business put up walls to squeeze people. Social Media puts up walls to divide people. But every wall can and will be overcome, be it throwing up a ladder, drilled through with plasma and explosives, torn down with hammers and rope, or flown over with planes. This overcoming trend will not stop as long as humans exist. Games shouldn't be a demo of a genre or feature but a part of a big picture. In VR the age of game demos resurged as everyone was finding their footing and pushing the limits of a feature, but like the games before we expanded that world and backstory to be more believable and reasonable why were are escorting this soldier or opening the playground to your novel solutions using any combinations of features that would have been games in themselves long ago Proceedural generation will finish the planet letting you focus on your town to insure the world is seamless.
undefined You are not alone here. Massively MultiMaker Online (thousands of people can cooperate and create in real-time in 1 universe) Shared Storage (All content is made by anyone and free for anyone) Nothing is deleted, not even history. This will make the CoOS more valuable over time as the universe and library of creation grow. By this we will all contribute to a universe that breathes and grows instead of creating lonely pocket sized universes. You can share people too so you can copy your friends into your village to populate it and whatever they do where they are aware, they will also do in your village with path finding corrections This should go in Shared Space Designs Multiplayer is the default. Loneliness should be opt in. You can mute people from you perspective but they are in a shared universe by default., There is no longer the question if a game is multiplayer or not. Mineless There is no such thing as mine here. You may be holding a glass but that glass is in every pocket. Scarcity does not exist here. Paywalless You are free to join any adventure land any planet, open any door without condition. The only wall is perspective, you can wear a lens that disables specific abilities by choice and hides people not wearing the lens so you and your friends can be sure you are struggling and overcoming together. Remixfull Anyone can change anything at minimum from their own sharable perspective. The most locked down you can make an object is to save your version to a lens so if any changes are made you and those wearing your lens won’t see it. Grindless Steps in with procedural solutions to repetitive tedious tasks, and you don’t have to pick a hundred berrys to ride the gandella if you don’t want. You can skip the early levels of a tower and start your adventure half way up if you want to. Lockless This is an open door universe without locks or gatekeepers Competionless Idea Walless If we make an inverse kinematics model for a character the next person should not have to start from scratch on theirs. We should building a collective paradise. One brick on top of the last instead of only setting bricks next to eachother. You are a problem solver, but many of the problems we solve every day have already been solved. What if we considered not only space as shared but all of creation so we can combine our talents and efforts into a super solution. A shared universe is a cooperative universe.
Shared Files
Shared Space
undefined The universe is always changing and your Space Reactor’s job is to update the universe with the Mods you spawn. If you spawn a ball into the universe even if you didn’t originally create it, your reactor is running that ball. The universe therefore is highly parallel. If I am subscribed for 10 trillion flops I could fill the universe with 16billion reactions per frame simultaneously. Everyone is running their own set of processors. That’s a lot of changes at the same time. Add up all the operators including you and we have a living scalable universe.
undefined Some say the best UI is no UI, but I see UI(interface) as a bridge between the user and their targets and UO(obstruction) as the thing that needs to be removed from the bridge. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
undefined Consolidate interfaces by unifing features that are related and separating targets that are unrelated. Redundant features and Bloated targets has made easy power tools too complex to for anyone to use. It is popular to think the only options are; powerful complex tools, or easy simple tools, or somewhere in the middle. However this principle claims that by consolidating tools, thus making them more powerful, you make them less complex to learn. Clear and Concise principles obsolete Consistency and Simplicity principles. If you aren't making a new interface for every new feature, then it’s already consistent. If you aren't repeating the learning curve, then the interface is plenty simple. Redundant features are any that have been repeated elseware in the same target category. Commonly repeated features include; controllers, menus... Bloated features are any that belong to another target or family. Parent features include features like windows, scale, help, search, font that work accross the entire system.
Redundant Examples
undefined Extrude, Extend, Revolve, Sweep, Hole Thicken... These are all the same tool. By consolidating these into a single sweep tool, you have eliminated 5/6ths of the learning curve. Texting, Email, Facebook messenger, and comments are all the same task, we should have a combined toolset that is contributed to cohesively. This example is echoed in so many tasks. This principle is the practice of compiling the disparate tasks into an all in one tool for one collective task.
Bloat Examples
undefined Email, Txt, Discord, Live Chat, PM, Facebook Messenger, Comment... These are all the same application. By dismantling the features like search, filter, reply, format, contacts... and consolidating them, you have further eliminated the learning curve and contributed to a unified ux instead of dividing ux. Youtube, Netflix and VLC are all the same task, why does youtube give in player access to quality and netflix quality is behind your account settings? We should be able to isolate the features and recombine the player into a super player for all video content.
undefined Why is a bubble’s shape a sphere? It is in equilibrium between all the forces at play, surface tension and air pressure. Elegance isn’t Minimalism. These bubbles are fully elegant even though more forces are at play. Elegance balances 2 types of forces. Destiny (target result) can’t change. If you find your target is moving, you may be aiming for the air instead of the target. It is vital to identify the most fundamental, indivisible goals. Provision (technical methods and limitations) is frequently changing, with progress in research, technology, and infrastructure. For this reason, elegance is also a frequently changing state and so your interface must be rebalanced just as frequently. It is vital to identify all the provision forces in order to achieve balance.
undefined An interface that isn’t readable/reachable is useless. Typically design caters to the majority operator and then add on settings for the most impared. The result is an ugly useless interface for all but the minority rando that lands in the sweetspot. But what if we could know every operator’s ability? If we give the interface sight, we could tailor the interface in real time.
undefined Interfaces without permanent consequences results in fearless empowered users. Everything the user does, from selection to change, from menus to undo itself, should be remembered forever. Baking and other algorithms can be used but a copy needs to be made so all changes are reversible and earlier changes are changeable with the effects rippling down the history. This history acts as copies of the content in the different states and can be copied and tagged for later use or hotkeyed for reproducing functions or content. This isn't simply a scrubbable timeline but a list of actions that you can repeat or save for later. This also serves as a clipboard since your selections can be used as reference for later use. This also goes for completing a task in any order, making a clipboard an unlimited stack, and tweaking your selection precision. Study what makes an activity intimidating and remove that risk. Inviting, Unintimidating, Cute, style, this is actually not just fun but important Never save again. Every action you do is safe so no need to save yourself. All you might want to do is copy a version to a list for easy access. HIstory including tools, selections, and undos themselves. These serve as a cad feature list too. Nondestructive tools. Making tools procedural pages that can ripple effects.
undefined "You don’t know best, Interfaces are a cooperative activity so share the interface options with the operator. Don’t build channels as if you know what the operator wants or as if what you want the operator to do is more valid than what they want to do. Never Popup, give the operator the freedom to choose how content is displayed. Never popup, even when asking, “are you sure?” just do what your told instead of doubting the user and offer alternatives in the feed they have preset for inputs. Get out of people’s faces and out from under their cursors. Notices should appear in a reserved area out of the way, or better yet, user defined. Would you appreciate someone who jumped in your face blocking your view, or sneaking a button under your hand when you reach for a tool? The interface is like a waitress, is it best to dump the drink in their eyes, their lap, hand it out to them waiting impatiently for them to take it or is it best to set it on the table for them to take at their own pace? Prereserve an area for notifications and move new notices slowly enough so they dont end up under your cursor mid click. This also applied to workflow, your workflow isn't best, let's let them draw unconstrained imperfect sketches and then go back and constrain or start with constraints and add geometry later. Describe how iobit highlights the continue button that continues what they want not what you just told it you want. There are 2 humble approaches to highlights, ask the user what their goal is, if they tell you you can highlight the route like a GPS. Or keep everything equal opportunity, not knowing what the user’s goals are, you can’t help. Shortcuts can have defaults but these are always replaceable save a ripcord. Ripcord is a safemode way to access the main list in case you deleted other ways to get there. From the main list you can get everything back to a usable state.
undefined Prereserve an area for notifications and move new notices slowly enough so they dont end up under your cursor mid click.
undefined This does not mean an interface must be familiar relying on knowledge already know, because this knowledge is limited. Instead it must communicate. "Visual teaching is your interface’s responsibility. Don’t abandon users to learn through guessing. Make clear what is related, with visible cells, separators, and layers. Make the edges of buttons and handles clear, so users can approach with a reliable plan. Make concepts clear with expandable descriptions, animated glyphs, and embedded tutorials. Build Confidence in the operator. Make it obvious what will happen before you activate a tool, by communicating what the operator can expect before they click. This can be done through animated icons, the help button, and simulating likely application and animating. All related information is accessible from any part of the information. Communication is answering questions, asked or not. What questions are the operators asking? “How do I accomplish my big picture goal? “How do I accomplish this next step?” “What does this do?” “Where is this?” If you are searching through a list, obviously you would want to filter and sort the list to eliminate irrelevant concepts and systematically scroll and highlight what you’re after. But remember, space is a list too, everything you can see should be able to be filtered and sorted and highlighted.
undefined Since toolbar buttons are just filter presets, you can shift select them to combine their lists.
undefined This represents the minimal scale navigation, that every card acts like a single list that can be scrolled through and dug into like a classical directory structure. Clickwheel refers to the original ipod interface.
undefined Path, History, Global, Local
One Word Wide Message
undefined Selecting is tagging plus highlighting You can tag a bunch of shapes and it will highlight it one color, and then you can change your brush and select other shapes or some of the same and it will highlight it a different material Selections are automatically saved and historically searchable so you never need to copy just pull from to history AI and other people can select things too to help you and you can take their selections as easily as you take yours
undefined Hovering is selecting, which is tagging and highlighting
undefined Instead of disabling buttons(greying out), make would-be disabled buttons, approval for recommended required inputs(greyed in). Say you need to fill in some information before sending, The send button will be highlighted the color of the defaultinputs. For example the name field will be filled in with your name by the system with a grey highlight and the submit button will have a grey highlight to show if you click this it will fill in the field with the greyed in recommendation.
Day Night Cycle
undefined The light/darkmode is analog as if a star is orbiting the UI elements. When it goes around the backside, the card goes dark with the content lighting up like citys lightup at night.
undefined When you move, the interface feels like it's watching you and reaching for you.
Animated Icons
undefined This should be sufficient to explain what the operator can expect if they use it. This should also make the operator feel powerful.
undefined Many find themselves in bondage, either through shame or identity, they say things like “I can't” or “I’m a burger flipper, not a designer, or programmer, or writer, or an artist, or a leader, or an engineer, or a doctor, or an astronaut...” But we have found with the right tools anyone can be anything.
undefined Specify as much or as little detail as you want leaving the defaults or procedural generation for the rest.
Free Flow
undefined Constrain as you go or later or never. Block out a plan and go back and detail later or focus on the details you care about and let the system procedurally generate the rest until or if you ever care to.
Defined Defaults
undefined There is a default for every module's value so you can focus on defining only what you care to and move on while the system automatically fills in what you don’t care to define. These defaults can be changed but there should always be a default.
Minimum Vital toolbox
undefined There are so many more tools you can create for your workflow and more tools you can shortcut on your toolbar for convenience. But the focus of the CoOS tools are to be the minimum vital set of tools capable of creating anything. These tools are the building blocks from which all other tools are made. See Emergent Tools for custom tools beyond the Minimum Vital Toolbox. The way my friend puts this principle is “Why make a square tool if you have a rectangle tool?”
Super App
undefined From Shapes, to Tools everything in the universe is a List. So in the Cooperating System, that list should be viewable as a list and have all the privileges and responsibilities of a list; Scalability, Refinablity, Order... This means you can combine features into a single app and it means that when using someone else’s app you are never without your favorite feature, spell check, format font, save a copy, search... Every feature is everywhere. “Smartphone users spend 50 percent of their time in one app & 97 percent in their top 10 apps.”
Super Funnel
undefined Because all apps are in the universe they are all a part of a super app so instead of needing to go to various websites to access their content and having various toolsets for each, the tools follow you and the content is fed through your Funnel.
undefined Values can be viewed and modified either directly or indirectly with mirrored cards or controls. A mirrored card copies the content of another card and any changes you make to the mirror also happens to the original. This is useful when scaling down the original for sanity sake in a large instruction network. You can select a card that is scaled down to the size of a bubble and it’s contents are easily viewable in the mirror card so you can indirectly control it without having to scale up the original and loosing context of the big picture. Controls will be covered as it’s own tool in the next section.
Toggles Through Modes (Default)
Add Multiple Pointers
undefined and preset each to toggle between
Smooth String
Scope (See List Filters)
Mod Functions
Select All
Deselect All
Inverse Selection
Add Selection Measure
Select Along
Select Around
Change Pointer to Selection Mode
List Selected Group
List Selectable Candidates
Method From List
Change Pointer to Reference Drop Mode
List References
Change Pointer to Action Mode
Show Authored Action (Default)
List Latest Action
List Alternative Actions
By Type
By Time
Creation Start
Last Modified
By Position
By Proximity
Nearest To
Furthest From
By Tag
By Search
Selection Groups
Object Groups
If nothing is selected, change pointer to reference mode
If something is selected, use it as a reference(s)
From List
New List
New Shape
New Material
New Mod
Latest Pointer Reference (Default)
Changes Pointer effect to an eraser
Adds extra visible handles centered on the selected content.
Position Values
undefined This applies not only to point groups but also designed handles such as between cards
Scope Filter
If nothing is selected, change pointer to selection mode
If something is selected, change pointer to reference mode
Latest Selection (Default)
From List
Latest Pointer Reference (Default)
From List
1 (Default)
Custom Value
From List
undefined This includes weighted bones for animations, moldable surfaces for simulation.
Handles, Pointers, Gizmos for direct or indirect manipulation
Research Paradise Build Strategies
Journal Blog
undefined How do you know your favorite food if you have only ate a few types of food? Even though your purpose isn't dependant on your taste, to make the most effective move, you need to know what moves are available. Should there be a strategy to help you try a diverse variety of experiences that help you make an informed decision?
Design Principles
Every Problem has a Solution
undefined By starting with this base assumption you will go further than those who look for signs of impossibility as an excuse to give up. I have never found a problem without a solution, but sometimes while looking I find what I thought was a problem wasn't the real problem. Fake problems can only have fake solutions.
Inspiration Procrastination
undefined My inspired work is my best work but patience and allowance is key. To foster this I procrastinate better than most. I have a handful of projects that I am allowed to work on one day a week and throughout the week inspiration strikes as I passively make connections without being allowed to act on them beyond taking notes. Then on the work day I take the most inspired notes and act on them. By baking procrastination into your schedule on purpose you turn it into a strategy for inspiration. Again patience is key to success, but learn to wait by doing something else. You are not a domino waiting for your time, instead you are a human with the ability to prepare while you wait and then set your own time for action. Notes Move You may not think you are inspired, but the spark may actually already be in your hands. Start with what you know, do what you can, with what you have. This practice gets it on the table so what comes first or next is more obvious. Spread out the pieces and the holes will become clear. Iteration
Fidelity Oasis
undefined Does the viewer believe you achieved what you tried? Design is unfortunately fused with limitation. Time, money, quality, to increase one you often must sacrifice another. There is an exception however. We can establish a context of fidelity by our brush size. If you have limited time to cover a canvas, rather than drawing faster use a larger brush. Having leading many large scale productions, I can assure you this is what lets you unveil on schedule with no objections to the fidelity because it matches the scope. Fidelity has style oasis’s, the deserts between them need to either be fully crossed or you not at all. For example if you don’t have the time to make proper strokes don’t do your best, instead jump down to the next full fidelity style you can accomplish in your limitations such as Pointillism. Add Examples Quality over quantity, goodness over popularity, value over expectation Define the edges and consolidate your spark rather than spreading it out. When I produced movie sets as art pieces rather than spreading out the props over the entire exhibit hall, I consolidated them into a fully complete scene. Some designers add white space to “let it breathe” but white space is a natural result of consolidated value. Don’t release content every week because that’s the expectation instead focus on the content and release it when it provides a fair value for their time. Be honesty with yourself and your audience, are you capable of the scope you are framing up? Let's say the honest fidelity for a scene includes a line thickness that is proportional to the whole scene, if you draw this scene on a larger canvas then you have to increase your instrument/line thickness to keep the honest proportion. I often remember my family saying to fill the page because I would draw very small pictures but the fidelity matched so the skill came through. Ignoring bad advice that says to walk a tight rope before you can walk a curb is honest.
Free To Try
undefined Try again something that’s been tried to death, try to reinvent the wheel, goodbye wagons, try something new, even if they like it the old way, try to fix something thats not broke, try to set a new standard to then break again. As a designer you are free. Don’t let anything shy of good reason stop you from trying. Question everything, authority, popularity, criticism, success, history, education, profession, orders, questions, claims, evidence, poles, ... The customer is not always right. People can often be unaware what they want, or what’s wrong let alone what’s right.
Pet Design
undefined Good design is noticing an obstruction long enough to remove it. Many people get annoyed at an obstruction the first time, the second time they remember it was annoying but the third time they ignore the annoyance and just bare the friction. These frictions add up until people are crawling and don’t know why they aren’t making progress. The designer however doesn’t ignore obstructions they fester like a grudge until they are inspired enough to fix them and we can all benefit from that.
Get all in one tools
Don't demand perfect tools before you start
Paradise Museum
Heirarchy of Needs
Strategy Design
Strategy Format
Motivation (Why do they need to know it?) (Context)
undefined How does this connect your status to your purpose?
Knowledge (What do they need to know) (Facts)
Nugget (one burden thing that if they can grasp change their life) (Lesson)
undefined message leads up to and the looks back at the this
Application (What do they need to do) (Devotion)
undefined list show how it applies homework to take the next step
Inspiration (Why do they need to do it) (Vision)
undefined cast vision what would happen if we all did that this week
Tool (What will help them apply or remember it?)
undefined Notes, Websites, Apps, Accountability...
Organized Strategy Notes
Strategy Mediums
undefined Instead of reaching out to people and forcing strategies on them, hopehood should instead be searchable for those who are ready for strategic purposeful fulfillment.
Silhouette Videos
Coach Notes
Reality Model
Life Strategies
Personality is a Strategy
undefined You don't have a Personality Ruts feel like walls, but I tell you the truth, you CAN climb out and set a new groove! YOU ARE NOT your feelings, or your personality, or your label. You are what you choose to do and you are FREE to choose to do something else!
undefined Control Success
undefined Better at listening since you are slow to talk.
undefined Discourages practicing love/communication strategies causing a negative loop of energy tax on those same strats
undefined Affirming Relationship
undefined Human Interaction (by practice)
undefined Listening
undefined Hope
undefined Creative, imagination, idealistic, mentally elseware
undefined Paying attention to here/now
undefined Fix
undefined Responding to the world.
undefined Affected by circumstances
undefined Feelings feel unreliable
undefined Rationally Guided
undefined Poorly empathises
undefined Feeling Feelings are real
undefined Has sensitivity to other's emotions
undefined Poorly rationalizes
undefined Flexability
undefined Open Minded
undefined Struggles to Narrow to conclusion
undefined Completion
undefined Responsible
undefined Struggles to see big picture
Assertiveness (Extraversion)
Enthusiasm (Extraversion)
Withdrawal (Neuroticism)
Volatility (Neuroticism)
Compassion (Agreeableness)
Politeness (Agreeableness)
Industriousness (Conscientiousness)
Creative (Openness)
Intellect (Openness)
The Improvisers
PNTI - “quantum mechanic” - This mode uses a wild intellectual instinct to perfect systems
PNIT - "context jumper” (mashup) - Tends towards comparing seemingly incompatible systems, and thrives on unorthodox metaphors.
PINT - "secret courtesan" (mother of pearl) - court several identities at once without thought of consistency.
PITN - "reed in the wind" (ninja) - Hides in plain sight blends in to evade direct interaction.
PTNI - "cold shower" ("reality check") - This mode excels in efficiently reducing systems to the simplest metaphor. This activity can be sobering.
PTIN - "collector" - Somewhat similar to the "cold shower," this mode collects ideas into a centerless framework.
The Speculators
NPIT - "niche maker" – This mode tends to create systems starting from a specific example, creating the framework to fit the criteria of the intuition-object. They want to find a place for everything, and a frame big enough for everyone.
NPTI - "mediator" – With a kind, agreeable nature, an INTP in this mode wants to classify and sort much like the "niche maker", but tries to do this from within whichever system is dominant.
NIPT - "social hacker" (“virus”) – This identity mode tries to infect others with a prevailing thought in order to create self-replicating satellites. The best memes are created by this mode.
NITP - "specialist" -- The first of our value-heavy modes, this mode creates an identity through adherence to usually one thought-style or system-style (one that may evolve slowly over the years), finding the similarity of all things within this framework. All is integrated into the existing system or style based on recognizing pre-existing patterns and such, and incorporating new elements where they best fit.
NTIP - "armchair general" – This mode plays to win, and may not even realize not everyone shares that attitude. An "armchair general" will usually win long before playing the game, having created and/or perfected the gaming system.
NTPI - "arcologist" – Near kin to the "armchair general", this mode tends towards creating utopian architectures. It does this out of a strong intuition of global truth.
The Solipsists
INTP - "manifesto" – With a strong sense of values and identity, this hermit-like mode leads to a greater truth by quiet example.
INPT - Bodhidharma – This mode, the second of the hermit-like modes, seeks to transcend personality through calm reflection or meditation. This does not necessarily mean they're prayerful or even spiritual.
IPNT - Deadhead (Tolkienite) – Like long-simmering hippies, this mode may involve quiet yearning for a simpler existence, usually involving nature or anachronism.
IPTN - "gamer" ("pothead") – This mode uses themselves as the basic element in their fantasy worlds. Consequently, they tend to make self-indulgent frameworks to inhabit.
ITNP - "slow burn" (Ubermensch) – This mode wants to have the most unbiased perception possible, but in order to achieve this must constantly rethink and slowly obliterate any personal association that might fetter objectivity. This mode can get caught in an endless judging-perceiving cycle of re-examination.
ITPN - "reset button" – This mode has all the identity strife of the "slow burn", but tends to externalize it as a concrete activity of some kind. Both modes tend to be the most objective of all the modes insofar as they constantly force themselves to face their faults.
The Editors
TNIP - "global paradox" – One of two pure rationals, this mode has a knack for boiling anything down to a single metaphorical paradox.
TNPI - "saboteur" (“survival of the fittest”) – The second of the pure rationals, the "saboteur" tends to find a favored heuristic with which to destroy any system. This mode prefers to destroy in service of a stronger whole, which it ironically knows will never be perfect or complete.
TIPN - Ourobouros (the phoenix) – This artistic mode tends to be always destroying and creating itself, finding an identity in the process of constant self-creation. This is like a mellower version of the "slow burn" and "reset button" modes.
TINP - "silver bullet" (Kryptonite) – This mode tends to be always searching for the Achilles' heel of a system, and appreciates being recognized as the person who brought it down.
TPIN - "stress test" – This mode is the pure analyst who succeeds in dispassionately running simulations in their mind. These are potentially the best visualizers out of all the 384 so-called subtypes.
TPNI - "actuary" – This mode is the most ambivalent of INTP identity modes as well as the most logical. The pure debater.
Thought Experiments
undefined Give yourself a virtual bank account and then take all your friends and family and choose who and how much to invest in each of them. Now explain your decisions. Now the features you've described worth investing, apply them to yourself, and features you described not worth investing, remove from yourself
Life Coach
undefined Imagine you are a life coach and a client comes to you for help getting their life in order and accomplishing their goals. This client is also you, what do you tell them to help them overcome their problems?
Collect and Validate a Wide Variety of Perspectives
Make Connections
Story Telling
Learn as an example how to learn
Modes of Learning
Learn By Doing
Learn By Teaching
Learn By Watching
Learn By Reading
Learn By Writing
Learn By Questioning
Learn By Reading
Bike Riding Base
Student is inspired.
Student gets on
No frontloaded tutorial
Student Leads
Teacher Supports running along side
Teacher lets student balance within limits
Teacher Listens and Watches
undefined Instead of assuming students ability and knowledge, the teacher watches how good they are handling what they've been given and give them more opportunity to balance.
Teacher does not scold student
undefined Instead teacher knows the student trying to balance tasks his brain to work out the formulas without the student's involvement beyond the challenge to efficiency. The brain only needs time, opportunity to try it's algorithms.
Montisori Base
undefined This is a Tasting Strategy which is useful in discovering your interests and what is possible. Babys taste everything, How do you know what food you like unless you try foods, how do you know what your strengths are and thus what would be the most effective application of you unless you try things?
Interest Menu
undefined Students follow their interests. There are multiple project centers to choose from. The student chooses projects they are most interested in. They have to spend an amount of time on projects but the student gets to set their own pace and direction and project. Keep the path flexible to mirror the student's choices and understanding.
Wholistic Purpose Driven Project
undefined Instead of learning math and programming and design individually you learn to build a robot and chasing that goal you learn those subtopics along the way. Includes presentation.
Relationships, Not Tests
undefined because the teacher can tell through relationship what the student understands. They are paying attention, taking notes, and asking questions all the time.
Master Availible
undefined To answer questions or to ask pointed stimulating questions. Someone who knows the subject to a mastery level as a mentor to help them get it as needed. Not leading them but following them and giving them a nudge as needed.
Iteration Base
undefined For the example of learning to write, start by getting on the bike. Write on a topic of your interest.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Swap And Fix
undefined Take another persons' writing and fix it to your latest standard.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Reality Model
undefined Make a complete mindmap file of all of the topics you have beliefs about the world. Don't just include what is certain but the possibility space with ideas your unsure of. Weigh each possibility for reliable models. Return to this map to test and update it. Diverse Reality Model is more robust and harder to target and dismantle large portions in a fatal way, instead by researching ahead of time you can become comfortable with the possibilities ahead of new evidence.
undefined Ender Fallacy The Straw Man Fallacy Adhominium Fallacy False Dicotomy(Black and White) The Bandwagon Fallacy The Appeal to Authority Fallacy The False Dilemma Fallacy The Correlation/Causation Fallacy The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy Cherry Picking Fallacy The Burden of Proof Fallacy The "No True Scotsman" Fallacy Plausibility=possibility=likely fallacy Appeal to Emotion The Fallacy Fallacy Conjunction Fallacy Overfitting Underfitting Problem of induction Bias Opportunity cost Sunk Cost Loaded Question Begging the question (Circular) Appeal to Nature Genetic Fallacy Special Pleading Ambiguity No You Us Them
Perfect Form Principles
Show your work
undefined Provide support for every claim nested in your argument
undefined Don't let the argument be offended, don't cause or take offense or let anything end the conversation until each component of the argument has been completed.
Logic (The method of Reason)
undefined Theory What is logic? How would you define good logic? Dotails-Start with some examples, or better yet start with the goal of logic; to learn truth and communicate truth. The teacher said it would be like defining restruction a made up term. That's why he says to start with examples. Here are some bad ones; It's raining so I should bring an umbrella. I calculated the size of the room I'm in is 0. I know that altruism means sacrifice, I know that socialism sacrifices the rich to the needy, socialism is a system of altruism. Teacher says ask rebooting question; What facts of reality give rise to the need for such a concept? This is what I was saying that we start by understanding the need. In this case what facts give rise to the need of logic? Reality is independent Wishes and Beliefs and Preceptions don't normally change Facts, if they did you wouldn't need logic. We are free But you do need to think/judge wether the fact is true. The fact is presented, i need mountain dew, if I don't do work on that fact I am going react to what could be false. If I instead do work(logic) I can defend against false facts. We are limited and imperfect Ignorance and error is possible. Logic is a method of work to determine truth. Logic is a set of procedures for building and verifying knowledge(true concept of reality) Logic is a tool of integration and connecting different concepts. Logic is to form a concept which is to distinguish(draw a line) between a range and a foreign range. Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification. Art : A method involving choice and judgement. Identification : Discovery of identity(reality). This is done through integration(connecting appropriately and applying concepts of reality along those connections.) All thinking is a process of identification and integration(connections). mankind learns to identify a perceived object as a table, he learns the table is made of wood made of cells made of molecules made of atoms. This process(work) is for the purpose of answering "what is it" he means to establish truth which is logic. What is the steps of this method? Right Materials Preception (Proper collection of new knowledge) (Tests, senses, interpretations, corrections) Orientation (Compare based on a fundamentally appropriate characteristic) Connection (Integrate well) What are the Axioms of Logic Law of Identity A is A Law of Contradiction and Excluded Middle A isn't non-A Either A or non-A To be is to be something, so to be non-A is to be something else Because reality isn't contradictory if your identification is contradictory then you can know it doesn't reflect reality and is false. Also need to distinguish regular and exceptional reality. A way to do that is to use logic on logic by making the argument; If reality is independent from our will, and work, then proper logic will produce true statements. Sometimes the work of sharing logic is to share preceptions/definitions/knowledge but if you both have equal knowledge instead you will be activating the knowledge and drawing the connections to the logical conclusion. Give examples of Philosophy determines the course of history Thinking in Examples and Principles "To understand principles you have to think in examples" Wider Abstractions vs Exampled Convictions. The process of integration. Building a consistent holistic world view. Why do we want a world(reality) view rather than a situation only view? because it is sturdier and more likely to stand up against reality. We can have other motives but a stable foundational world view should come first if you hope to stand on any other view. Principles are abstractions and don't exist but can be perceived concrete through examples which do exist. Homework terms to define seven, I didn't know how to define, but he said the number just following 6 in a series of whole numbers. This is enlightening because it requires a history of knowledge to build upon like he first taught. The point is don't be circular window; a hole through which light and or air can pass. if this was defined with glass and sill in the definition you would be guilty of a "certain error" using current examples but instead of metaphysical wider examples of the principle of a window. Any man made thing is defined in terms of it's purpose, except life, and indeliberate junk. the point of this homework is don't be parochial(narrow) war; the act of fighting, or a specific fight on a large scale. Who says how large is large scale? A number of people could be given as part of the definition. prize; A cherished result of praise or of a praiseworthy action. dignity; a feeling of worth, or an action the produces that feeling racism; an act or belief that is rooted in unequal value among a species about race. How to Define Terms What facts of reality give rise to the need for definitions? What is the purpose of definitions? Every 1 of the 30,000 non-proper words indicates a concept. Definitions give you a means to sort your concepts. It's for recalling the already sorted concepts not for categorizing new concepts. Genus deferential method, Genus category or kind, Differentia is the difference or what makes it special within the category. I'm noticing this is further hierarchal and linear relationships and nested like windows folders, but from experience this is a wholly insufficient method for sorting, the superior method is unbound prioritized tagging and strict id number. He said it just needs to be fast but computers can help tags be possible through auto real time translation. Aristotle's rules can have exceptions these are just considered useful for him. He thought you can't know enough to define a thing perfectly because how do you know if the scope is too broad or too narrow until after you've defined all the things. The teacher's answer is that definition is the last step, so first you conceptualize the concept then you define it with a word. Rule 4 what is the fundamental difference in the thing? Rule 5 obey the fact that the human brain can only hold a few things in attention. Also the definitions aren't the unit but the node for calling up the connections to that node. So dog is for pulling up "likes bones" "produces hairballs" "sounds barks" Give examples of the concepts What facts of reality give rise to a need for the concept Give examples of nearest relative Identify the category Identify the difference that distinguishes it from other items in that category Formulate; write it all, essentialize it, Test against the rules at the end. I say instead the definition in the mainstream what the author of the claim intended not what the original definition is. How to Define Terms Part 2 The point is this proces is anaogous to thinking logically because there are 2 fundamentals of cognitions, to integrate, and to differentiate. Fallacies
undefined Preception is the base Preception in the neurology would be sensing and holding knowledge in attention memory. There are biological capacity limitations to hold many items in our attention at once which limits our ability to compare contrast and structure plan. But humans have a powerful ability to combine items into concepts(chunks) so you can hold these groups and in turn more items in attentive memory. Logic can depend on context outside what you are calling up into memory so use tools to draw it out and procedurally swap domains as you go in a way that self contains as possible allowing for larger context respecting deductions. You perceive as an input but also you perceive the connections which can loop back as more inputs.
undefined Most often error in logic is not one of preception, it's not that your eyes feed you a different reality. Most often error in logic is not one of inference except for the error undistributed middle confusing confuse "all" for "only"; All A is B C is B Therefore C is A Errors are most often made in concepts. How do you define a concept and what do you categorize and overlap your definitions? Do those concepts disagree? Does your concepts hold appropriate concreteness/functionality or are they sloppy or lazy weighed? "S is P" means: S is a unit of or integrates with other things in the category P Therefore apply to S what you know about P
undefined Deduction is explication to make explicit what's implicit. You know implicitly Socrates is mortal based on the implications of the prior knowledge of his being human and the knowledge of all humans being mortal. But you have to draw explicit conclusion for Socrates yourself for the logic to have been completed for him. You can skip the work as redundant or you can draw the line connecting the knowledge to Socrates' case depending on the need for the proof or showing your work in other words can be necessary or unnecessary. What is 140 times 30,281? You know the answer implicitly and that may be enough depending on the requirements of your life, but the requirements of your life may demand the explicit knowledge produced by running the calculation and converting the knowledge to a useful form like 4,239,340. S is M M is P S is P The Subject is connected by Middle term to Predicate.
undefined Simplest atom of deduction All A is B C is A Therefore C is B
undefined Proposition is a sentence that says one thing. Socrates is Mortal. We nearly never state all the premises of a concrete argument because common sense or culturally or perceptually they are close enough to what is understood already and is a waste of time being obvious to all parties involved in the argument.
undefined These are abstract ideas so you need to have examples of real things that the abstractions refer to in order to define Concepts. The wall is wooden. This proposition has no meaning unless the concept of wooden already or it is connected with further explanation or example. Logic is to form a concept which is to distinguish(draw a line) between a range and a foreign range. Before you can share an argument you have to equalize the concepts meaning you have to redefine the terms and concepts and then your argument line can be drawn to connect them. If the person you are arguing to does not accept your concepts the line connecting them will not logically follow for them.
Holistic World View Model
undefined Concretes exist and Abstractions do not exist. A specific color of green is concrete but the range concept of green is an abstraction.
undefined Richard Feynman, "To understand a principle I have to carry along an example and watch the principle run it." "People think I'm slow because I ask for concrete examples of their abstract equation components, but I can notice errors in their equations to their surprise they think I'm following the mathematical steps but that's not what I'm doing, I have the specific example of what he is trying to analyze and I know from instinct and experience the properties of the example, so I jump up with a mistake noticing my example is not acting as they propose. Movies are examples of the abstract concepts about the world or a situation or philosophy perceivable in action. A good example is clear An example won't do it's job of clarifying an abstraction if it itself is not clear. A good example is clear cut An example won't make your abstraction obvious if it itself is not obvious, avoid making examples that are edge case or could work for multiple abstractions. Make sure it calls to memory the right status or connections. Don't refer to a 17 year old as a boy because while it may be true it brings to mind the wrong connections. Simplify it so you don't overwhelm the persons attention so they won't let you integrate it into their own world view. The more metaphysical it is the more timeless it is. The more dramatic and emotional it is the more it draws out your connected thoughts. It also stimulates your subconscious to do the work it would otherwise lazily avoid the work. What does your consciousness value worth doing the work. Include all the units and only the units. Even if the fundamental characteristic the definition can still apply if enough surrounding relatives are still hold it in place so if a human is someone who survives by rational characteristic and a defect makes a human loose that characteristic it can share enough in common with other humans to hold it in place as well as there is the fact that other humans' rationality can help the retarded person survive and maintain their definition that way.
First Principles
Do I want to save energy and take the elevator
Do I want to save time and take the elevator
Do I want to wire my brain to take the hard choice by taking the stairs
Intuition emotional low resource cost
Logical, methodical, considerate, high resource cost
undefined Solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.
Refactor Everything
Question Everything
Divergent Thinking vs Convergent Thinking
undefined Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. It is often used in conjunction with its cognitive opposite, convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a ‘correct’ solution.” (related: groupthink; Maslow’s hammer — “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
Scientific Method
This method is for analyzing only some types of information
Base Assumptions
Standard of evidence
undefined Thinking about the logical fact that there is someone on the planet who has the most accurate world view when compared with everyone else on the planet, that there is a most right person, gives me the fuel to know that knowledge about reality is at minimum somewhat possible.
Belief is a Tool
undefined You are not your beliefs, like tools beliefs are strategies you pickup when appropriate During training you can choose to believe you are worthless and need to constantly improve yourself, so you wake up and work hard, then you can choose to put that tool down and pickup the belief that you ar unstoppable on race day to motivate yourself to reach your own expectation. You can believe you might die tomorrow and so prioritise and optimize you final day and not waste it. And at the same time you can put on the belief that you will live for hundreds of years and so plan bigger than life projects, you will feel free to imagine a better world and then start building it. Do not identify with your belief otherwise you can't grow and you limit your toolbox and you capability. But what about truth? There are base assumptions we all make because they are outside our ability to know for sure, its the uncertainty that we are applying as tools. If we can test a belief to certainty we should use it every time but for the huge amounts of uncertainty, use belief as a tool.
Belief is not Identity
Truth vs Rule Based Living
undefined You can live by truth, First you discover truths, if an option occurs you can check all truth articles to decide from. You can Live by rule, First you discover truth, then you develop rules based on truths, if an option occurs you can check all rule articles to decide from. Both strategies have strengths and weaknesses.
Overthink(Overthinking is Impossible)
undefined True freedom is found through captive thoughts. Self control frees you. Don't let your thoughts control you but force them to align with your purpose so you can be fulfilled."We take every thought captive, to make it obedient to Jesus." 2 Corinthians 10:5b We often quote, 'take every thought captive' but Paul's advice doesn't stop there, remember 'to make it obediant to Jesus.' What is the purpose of captivity but to rehabilitate, to be then released as a functional part of society? Likewise, Take every negative thought Then compare it with an inoscent version of yourself. Then trade your thought for his for he is who you want to be. Take every harmful belief, Find the countering optomistic truth. Then obsolete the false belief for you don't want your life to be recorded as harmful. Take every unfortunate circumstance, event, memory. Then imagine the long term positive eventual conclusion. Then live the habit of optimism, knowing God wins for us in the end. "We know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose." Roman's 8:28
Prepare for Death
undefined Consider what is worth dieing for, the idea comes to mind on the show stargate when a replicator was made with the purpose of absorbing a planet and dieing in the process, when asked about it, she said it was fulfilling and she looked forward to it.
Life Torch
undefined Write a file that points to each of your project files. This will serve as a last will and testiment and should include access to your accounts. Anything that helps you pass the torch should be included.
Love Yourself
undefined I struggle to love myself because I know me, but it is imperitive I find what God sees in me."How can You love me God?" I've learned to thank myself everytime I do something wise or healthy. Don't mistreat yourself and appreciate you, for treating you right. For you are God's, so you better treat His children right. Then as you make gratitude a habit you will begin to see what God sees. You've heard it said, love others as you love yourself, this is the famous golden rule, but if you haven't learned how to love how can you love yourself let alone others? Jesus didn't hold your love for yourself as a good example for how to love people, He said love how I have loved you. How did He love people? Ultimately he died, symbolically taking our place, but even while he was being tortured to death, he forgave his enemies. He humbled himself to be born in a animal food bowl, he didn't demand praise, he washed peoples feet, labored as a carpenter. He was slow to respond, once drawing in the dirt before responding to a question. Sometimes he remained silent as his response. He helped people and healed them, he welcomed the lowest society had rejected and didn't fear anything. He encouraged people and taught in questions stooping down to their level starting with what they knew and shepherding them to understanding. He also took time to be alone with His thoughts praying and reloading (realigning with his purpose) see reloading strategy. Your maker came and gave an official instruction in person, "Love each other as I have loved you." If you loose your life you get it but if you save up your life you missed the point of life. Imagine what would happen if we followed this one instruction and poured ourselves out, every drop, nobody would be hungry, or alone. Suffering would cease as people met Him by watching Him move in those that subscribed to His lead. A movement that would cross war lines in the sand and defy expectations of limitation. Don't hold back or hold out. God loves you, love like that. The one who made resources by an ok googleplex command is the God of abundance. Reject the lie of scarcity and pour out. Are you a pile or a flood? Do you store up for yourself or do you pour yourself out for others? Without God I can accomplish nothing of ultimate value. Anything good in me is not me. Thank You for teaching me to trust You with Your's and lifting stress off my shoulders and carrying Your will to completion. Thank you for teaching me to deny myself and edify Your reputation with this life.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
undefined To think of yourself how you are in reality, no greater no worse. Let's brag on God only, and not ourselves. It's not as if I'm clever or wise, all I know is Jesus. I shake when I'm near you and sweat when I speak, I'm not persuasive, but instead I am a grand demonstration that God can use even me as weak as I am. What person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the his own spirit inside? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except His spirit. Now we have received His spirit to overwrite our own, so that we may know what naturally nobody else understands: What He has prepared for those who love Him. The spirit understands more than we do. We have His spirit not to instruct it, but to be instructed. (I echo Paul's sentiments as I condense 1st Cor. 2) Don’t get ahead of the Master and jump to conclusions with your judgments before all the evidence is in. When He comes, He will bring out in the open and place in evidence all kinds of things we never even dreamed of―inner motives and purposes and prayers. Only then will any of us get to hear the “well done”. -Paul
undefined How can I know forgivness? It's invisible usually. But when God inspires and uses me, it announces not only is God responsible for my results, but that He forgave me enough to involve this filth in His gameplan. I'm not benched, I'm forgiven. Father use me up, pour me out completely, let all that is good in me be surrendered to your purpose so that what is left of me may be eliminated. I deserve not even to be noticed by You yet You do, and I could never take pride in my accomplishment because You carry this game.
undefined #RegretlessLife : Wait Ten. Ten seconds before you respond, touch, yell, conclude, post, give-up, feel... You are no longer in immediate danger of being eaten by an animal, you can afford the extra time to think before you act. Over thinking is an impossibility. Slow down and think...
undefined Study validation, Finding internal value rather than relying on external value. Is what you are doing innately valuable? if so it doesn't matter what people think.
Love Team
undefined We are on the same team with the same purpose even if not everyone is aware. We all share the same purpose by design, but we are not all focused. If you ever think you need to be negative and ride the waves the same as everyone else remember there are plenty of negative warriors, so there is no need for you to join them, you are free to focus on what is coming and build it.
God's Love
Prepare for Life
undefined You either give up your life quickly or over a lifetime, what are you giving it for? People give up their life for freedom, or so their children can live. They do this by dieing for them but what about living for them poured out completely you spend your life either way. The question is what is the most effective way to spend your life.
Prepare for Failure
undefined Also loose pride in success or ascribe success with money or independence.
Prepare for Poorness
undefined Make friends so you can live without fear of having no money. You can always crash on their couch for a couple weeks then move onto the next friend until your back up on your feet.
Anxiety Rollercoaster
undefined Feelings about the future that hasent happened. You are completely healthy but your body is acting like it's already happened. See will smith on fear. But stress begets more inflammation and adriniline which can beget more stress and a runnaway rollercoaster is like loosing your freedom to brain chemicals. If you can reclaim your control over your stress the rest can follow.
undefined A mind that is stretched by a new idea, can never go back to its old dimensions." Imagine the best possible world, once the idea has expanded your mind, your dissatisfaction will manifest in action that shapes this world into that one.
Greatful (retooling everything)
undefined You are rich, count your blessings. When toilet paper is scarce, I get the opportunity to enjoy more showers and with that a water back massage, and hear my beautiful reverb sonnet. When washing hands is mandatory, I can fearlessly open the bathroom door with my hand. When resources are tight, I get to learn budget skills, cut waste, journal spending, live beneath by means, save strategically, & invest in what matters. When everyone turns to the internet, the infrastructure is improved, accelerating gigabit fiber roll out so I don't need to wait for flix and chill to load. When we door dash dine at home, our conversations don't need to be interrupted by a waiter every couple minutes. When there is an opportunity to help, there is also an opportunity to be inspired and to grow by watching how awesome people can be to eachother. When life is uncomfortable, I have more excuse to change which is critical for of improvement. When hygiene is mandatory, we get to form healthy habits with circumstance as our coach. When hospitals are not as accessible, we get a useful reminder to take care and be responsible with our bodies instead of "hold my drink and watch this stunt." When entertainment is restricted to home, VR sales mean VR get's developed quicker, prices are driven down and we can all escape to the world of our own creation. When life is hard I end up stronger. When there is a delay, I have bonus time. When life changes, I have new opportunities. When businesses retreat, competition is minimal. When stocks plummet, they are cheap to buy up. When physical distancing is mandatory, we get to avoid second hand smoke. When I am stuck at home, I get to tutor my kids. When meetings are remote, you get the opportunity to mute who is asking to be muted
undefined You are interested in what you find valuable. You see anything connected to your motives as valuable. Remember your motives are life, love, and purpose, so look for a connection between the topic you want to focus on and your motives and it will naturally be considered valuable and thus interesting. Somethings won't connect and so aren't worth your attention or time.
undefined Practice is a sure way to success. You will not give up on what matters, you hear me? Sometimes what matters requires stacks of skills, so get started. Expect that it will take X. X being the amount of times that it takes. Expect not to see results the first X times. Honesty with the task keeps gives you sight of the finish line which gives you the courage to fail the amount required. But don't call it failure, call it practice. everything can be tooled as a blessing. everything can be tooled as a blessing. Even exercise is failure tooled as practice, you
undefined Practice leads to liberty space, because as you practice you make autopilot optimizations. When I was a kid, I had chores I was forced to do, I hated them and fought to avoid doing them, they took me out of my headspace I preferred to be in because they took my active hardware to process how to tie the bag without getting dirty or fold the clothes in a way they wouldn't wrinkle. I was able to get away with not folding my clothes by not caring about wearing wrinkles, but I wasn't able to get away with not taking out the trash. But today I see those chores in a new light. When asked for why my parents told me because it needs to be done. Not even they knew the gift they were giving me. Today as an adult I still need the trash taken out, but because I practiced it as a child it takes no frontal cortex space so I can enjoy my headspace and explore whatever world I want while my body does the chore with little to no help from me. Today as an adult I also must have sorted laundry and wrinkles matter more when making an tricking on people that you are a responsible adult. However I found I hate folding clothes because it takes me out of my headspace as my brain is a slave to the task. This is because I have not setup any automation having avoided the practice as a kid. Now as an adult I can't afford to be out of headspace and hire an assistant to fold my laundry. I would be that much richer if I hadn't avoided this practice as a child. Now if I see an opportunity to practice I value that time knowing it is making autopilot optimizations that will result in more freedom in both budget and headspace to move toward my purpose.
undefined Freedom is a strength that gives you space to move.
How to say no
Anxiety Rollercoaster
undefined Feelings about the future that hasent happened. You are completely healthy but your body is acting like it's already happened. See will smith on fear. But stress begets more inflammation and adriniline which can beget more stress and a runnaway rollercoaster is like loosing your freedom to brain chemicals. If you can reclaim your control over your stress the rest can follow.
undefined Have you ever noticed how some apps, or websites or games are hard to close, often this is by design, but don't use that as an excuse, you are just as much a designer as those who made this bondage, you design your life, you can design your freedom . Before you start a videogame or go to a webpage, or open an app you've played before, recall the last times you've played and check wether you told yourself you would stop right after you did one last thing, but couldn't follow through with your promise to yourself and got stuck for perhaps hours? The first step of Stoping is taken before you Start. Some activities you may want to never start like that season you know has cliffhangers all season long. But for others we can come up with strategies before hand that will allow you to go through this time responsibly. I also noticed that when I browse pintrest or artstation.com I can have 100 tabs open and can't stop because I don't want to miss adding a critical piece of art to my saves. Remembering the late nights passing out from exhaustion and days where nothing got done, I designed a strategy; When I browse artstation I open a tab for every category of new art; Community, Trending, Latest, Picks, and Following. Then instead of scrolling(a black hole) I only fill the page, and if nothing is on it of worth, I close that tab. I also concentrated the value of the time further by looking at the work and likes of people who made the piece of art I liked from those first tabs. Rather than only looking at random categories, this way a full page of art is more likely to be something I like, because I am more likely to like more of the same artists work or what they like than I am random art. When playing exploration games like No Man's Sky, or Minecraft, or Outer Wilds, I can get stuck with the mental loop of the grass is greener over the next hill, this is the same as scrolling. With No Man's Sky, I have a rule that I can't refuel my lift off fuel until the start of another day, for minecraft I quit because I couldn't stop building once I started, for OuterWilds where knowledge is your key to progress, I take notes, journalling my what I've tried and want to try so that I can review those next time I play, this frees me to leave once I have made that day's notes.
Sequence Trap
undefined Feeling like a sequence is more critical than progress so you can avoid continuing until x is done. I remember growing up avoiding chores and seeing everything as an excuse. I was very good at directing my reason to external limitations. I didn't realize I was limiting myself by habit. I would say well I can't fold my clothes until the load in the drier is finished, and I can't clean my closet until I put away my clothes, inventing and elevating the importance of sequence until it was high enough to hang myself in laziness. And the whole time I thought I was freeing my time by making excuses, I was actually taking away my freedom to do whatever work I wanted. Remember Freetime isn't free to be free, it's free to be put to work.
Will Power
undefined Successful people aren't those who have more or use more will power but those who design their lives to avoid needing will power.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
Self Control / Story Telling
undefined Story telling is the mechanic of self control. Be careful what stories you tell yourself. Do you tell yourself things like, "if she hurts me one more time I'm going to loose it" or, "I deserve a cookie if I did 10 sit-ups," or "They did that because they don't love me" or, "Just 20 more steps then I'll take a break, 1, 2..." or "I don't want to scare the kids so I can ignore the pain till they leave" or have you heard stories about people who have crawled with a broken leg to the nearest help before passing out, they too told themselves a story.
Full live vs fullfilled life
Grind to Freedom
Infinite Bondage Scheduled Releases
Habit (Loops) (Subroutines)
Will Power
undefined I just realized when as a kid my parents gave us chores without a choice they gave us a gift. I was a rebel and thought they were stealing my time, but now I see clearly. They were investing my time into my future. By taking our liberty these habit forming activities liberated us. Each of us have a finite amount of will power to spend on all the things we want to be successful and need to survive. When there is a new task we use will power to accomplish it but if we practice it it actually becomes a habit and habits are free. This fact means now our daily budget is larger so we can spend that will power on other things. The chores that I routinely did became a habit and cost me no will power today but those I rebelled against are a struggle today as an adult and if too many of these withdraws occur I go into debt and can't achieve what I want. Paul said, "I do not do what I want and what I don't want to do I do." Paul was in will power debt. Dave Ramsey is a leading financial advisor and helps people get out of debt. As I noticed will power is like money and when I can't reach my goals it is said that I owe it to myself, or in other words I'm in debt. Dave suggests that when you are in debt you don't pay off the biggest debtor but instead the smallest and make a small snowball and begin pushing it down the hill. With tasks you push it until it becomes a habit and once it is rolling it has momentum and doesn't require effort. Now you have more energy to spend on the next smallest routine. Again and again until you have an abundance of will power to aim your whole life. Dave also urges a budget is a must. A budget is a plan for how much you plan to spend on each category of tasks and make sure all your needs are met. And where they aren't, then you need to make cuts, get help, or invest in habits. Be responsible with your willpower." Sounds like a Spiderman quote.
undefined We must assess the topic from an abstract perspective so we can first identify what is important so we know what won't be a waste and thus feel more free to pour ourselves into the topic without feeling like we are wasting our time.
undefined Sometimes it is better to just listen and take notes and think about it later when you have the mental resources to tink deeply. When you are in the moment your brian is being divided amoung many tasks.
undefined The greatest strategy I learned this year was to #Reload my mind;1.) List instructions that prevent regret, what is true, what is valuable.2.) Every morning read that list to remember to act in sync with those truths.
Self Control / Story Telling
undefined Story telling is the mechanic of self control. Be careful what stories you tell yourself. Do you tell yourself things like, "if she hurts me one more time I'm going to loose it" or, "I deserve a cookie if I did 10 sit-ups," or "They did that because they don't love me" or, "Just 20 more steps then I'll take a break, 1, 2..." or "I don't want to scare the kids so I can ignore the pain till they leave" or have you heard stories about people who have crawled with a broken leg to the nearest help before passing out, they too told themselves a story.
undefined Teach how to prepare to respond quickly, and how to rewire your mind to let you run as fast as you can instead of it artificially limiting(capping).
Simple Sugars
Starchs(Sugar Chains)
Fiber(Unabsorbed Sugar)
Energy Design
undefined Design your energy budget to fit your day, balance is key, too much energy and you get a roller coaster of bad sleep and too little and you won't have enough strength to pour into your purpose.
Waking Up
undefined "Early bird gets the worm" First of all who wants worms for breakfast? Secondly, getting up early doesn't CAUSE success it just may CORRELATE with success. Waking up early might indicate success or that it's Christmas, both are days worth starting. Instead of focusing on your alarm, focus your purpose, because a purpose fulfilled is a person fullfilled. The rest will follow. If I'm going to a school that doesn't excite me then getting up in the morning will be hard, but if I'm going to summer camp in the morning I can't wait to get up. Well your fullfiing purpose is just as arousing. So much it's hard to even sleep in the first place. So once you get to know your purpose check out the sleep strategy to balance that side because once you know your purpose you know what being awake is for as well as what going to bed is for. In fact your purpose informs you what all your drives are for. They are all for getting you to your purpose.
How to Procrastinate
Yes & No
undefined Read the Best Yes book
undefined Not only can 20% of the effort prioritized correctly increase your strength by 60%, but that strength can be turned around into a tool for more strength and you can stack strengths up to reach 100% line of sight with your Goals. When prioritizing, do you elevate your weaknesses or double down on your strengths. There are many schools of thought on this. Some times your weaknesses can give you a huge return for little investment because there is a lot of headroom in your resources. But getting 2% better at something you've been working at your whole life may or may not be worth the effort in comparison, but because strengths can stack you can always come back to this with the strength gained by addressing your weaknesses and make larger gains in even less time then if you had only been exercising your strengths. Another approach is there is plenty of people in the world that it doesn't need you to be good at what you are weak at since we are all on the same team, we can focus 100% on our headstart strengths and be a master above the rest in that field. However since being the best isn't your purpose, it would be better to look at your move and design your priorities based on what combo of strengths would best move that. Finally recruiting and delegating to your team known as humanity is utilizing all your strengths because those who move together are in a sense one creature and share strengths like your body does.
Measurement Loops
undefined Bake into your schedule, regular intervals and specific points to review your latest motions and targets and results, then redesign better targets and better motions. Then try them for the next interval. Also have nested measurement intervals so once a week micromanage your motions, and once a month make larger assessments and changes, and every 4 months make even larger life reinventions/measurements. The larger the interval the more data you have and more reliable the resulting design can be and so more drastic the next design can be allowed. Routinely ask yourself are you a different person than you were last month? Have you learned tried or reconsidered ideas and updated yourself as a response. If you were perfect you would expect this to be a no, but since you are not being near a no is a bad sign, consider your highest height of satisfaction a point of boiling affected by the change surrounding you and then then direct that change to be positive progressive accurate. You should be exhausting to interact with rather than boring, you should document your current world view, approach, experiments, attempts, and journal your failures, what you used to think and why you no longer do, results, and revisions.
Full live vs fullfilled life
Grind to Freedom
Infinite Bondage Scheduled Releases
Digital Space
Life Spreadsheet
undefined TickTick is a powerful note taking and scheduling app. Google Drive/Docs/Sheets/Backup this free suite of apps is the majority of my workspace. Freemind is for desktop only but there are less powerful or pricy alternatives for phones. Total Commander is the most powerful free file manager. Team Viewer adds to your freedom so you aren't limited by platform and can use desktop apps on your phone Sleep Cycle lets you track your sleep
Inspire / Motivation
undefined Use EVERYTHING as motivation, everything is fire, like any tool it can be used for strengthening or weakening, choose to convert everything into strengthening motivating inspiring, be it a comment, or an experience, or lack, or change, or excess, anything else. You are not in control of what tools are handed to you, but you are responsible for how you use them. Be strategic with your inspiration, it's schedule, quality, targets. Set time aside each loop(week, month, day...) to get the highest quality inspiration in your feed to get you moving and measure its effectiveness to continue to improve this strength resource.
Growth Journal
undefined A current Mindmap of your world view.
Home Space
Exercise Space
Exercise harder than you need
Body weight excercises
Tool aided excercises
Sleep Space
Recreation Space
Creation Space
Work Space
Eliminate Excuses
undefined When designing your workspace and gear, consider your excuses. I chose a laptop so I don't have to wait till I get home to make a move. It has a good sleep function and battery so I can't make the excuse that it takes forever to boot up so I'll do it later. I chose to work in my car because it's like an office that's always with me so I can't make the excuse it's too hot, or too cold, or the office is on the other side of town. I have a boogieboard(portable white board) so I can draw as I talk instead of excusing myself to not being able to explain something.
Mental Space
Mental Starship Bridge
undefined Waste is the most obvious metric for measuring your failure to fulfill your purpose. Nothing is a waste when you choose to use it.Be it working through play, playing through work, failing the final or winning a hug, use it all for inspiration, recovery, education, and motivation. Use everything, waste nothing.
Greatful (retooling everything)
undefined You are rich, count your blessings. When toilet paper is scarce, I get the opportunity to enjoy more showers and with that a water back massage, and hear my beautiful reverb sonnet. When washing hands is mandatory, I can fearlessly open the bathroom door with my hand. When resources are tight, I get to learn budget skills, cut waste, journal spending, live beneath by means, save strategically, & invest in what matters. When everyone turns to the internet, the infrastructure is improved, accelerating gigabit fiber roll out so I don't need to wait for flix and chill to load. When we door dash dine at home, our conversations don't need to be interrupted by a waiter every couple minutes. When there is an opportunity to help, there is also an opportunity to be inspired and to grow by watching how awesome people can be to eachother. When life is uncomfortable, I have more excuse to change which is critical for of improvement. When hygiene is mandatory, we get to form healthy habits with circumstance as our coach. When hospitals are not as accessible, we get a useful reminder to take care and be responsible with our bodies instead of "hold my drink and watch this stunt." When entertainment is restricted to home, VR sales mean VR get's developed quicker, prices are driven down and we can all escape to the world of our own creation. When life is hard I end up stronger. When there is a delay, I have bonus time. When life changes, I have new opportunities. When businesses retreat, competition is minimal. When stocks plummet, they are cheap to buy up. When physical distancing is mandatory, we get to avoid second hand smoke. When I am stuck at home, I get to tutor my kids. When meetings are remote, you get the opportunity to mute who is asking to be muted
undefined Freedom is a strength that gives you space to move.
How to say no
Anxiety Rollercoaster
undefined Feelings about the future that hasent happened. You are completely healthy but your body is acting like it's already happened. See will smith on fear. But stress begets more inflammation and adriniline which can beget more stress and a runnaway rollercoaster is like loosing your freedom to brain chemicals. If you can reclaim your control over your stress the rest can follow.
undefined Have you ever noticed how some apps, or websites or games are hard to close, often this is by design, but don't use that as an excuse, you are just as much a designer as those who made this bondage, you design your life, you can design your freedom . Before you start a videogame or go to a webpage, or open an app you've played before, recall the last times you've played and check wether you told yourself you would stop right after you did one last thing, but couldn't follow through with your promise to yourself and got stuck for perhaps hours? The first step of Stoping is taken before you Start. Some activities you may want to never start like that season you know has cliffhangers all season long. But for others we can come up with strategies before hand that will allow you to go through this time responsibly. I also noticed that when I browse pintrest or artstation.com I can have 100 tabs open and can't stop because I don't want to miss adding a critical piece of art to my saves. Remembering the late nights passing out from exhaustion and days where nothing got done, I designed a strategy; When I browse artstation I open a tab for every category of new art; Community, Trending, Latest, Picks, and Following. Then instead of scrolling(a black hole) I only fill the page, and if nothing is on it of worth, I close that tab. I also concentrated the value of the time further by looking at the work and likes of people who made the piece of art I liked from those first tabs. Rather than only looking at random categories, this way a full page of art is more likely to be something I like, because I am more likely to like more of the same artists work or what they like than I am random art. When playing exploration games like No Man's Sky, or Minecraft, or Outer Wilds, I can get stuck with the mental loop of the grass is greener over the next hill, this is the same as scrolling. With No Man's Sky, I have a rule that I can't refuel my lift off fuel until the start of another day, for minecraft I quit because I couldn't stop building once I started, for OuterWilds where knowledge is your key to progress, I take notes, journalling my what I've tried and want to try so that I can review those next time I play, this frees me to leave once I have made that day's notes.
Sequence Trap
undefined Feeling like a sequence is more critical than progress so you can avoid continuing until x is done. I remember growing up avoiding chores and seeing everything as an excuse. I was very good at directing my reason to external limitations. I didn't realize I was limiting myself by habit. I would say well I can't fold my clothes until the load in the drier is finished, and I can't clean my closet until I put away my clothes, inventing and elevating the importance of sequence until it was high enough to hang myself in laziness. And the whole time I thought I was freeing my time by making excuses, I was actually taking away my freedom to do whatever work I wanted. Remember Freetime isn't free to be free, it's free to be put to work.
Will Power
undefined Successful people aren't those who have more or use more will power but those who design their lives to avoid needing will power.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
Self Control / Story Telling
undefined Story telling is the mechanic of self control. Be careful what stories you tell yourself. Do you tell yourself things like, "if she hurts me one more time I'm going to loose it" or, "I deserve a cookie if I did 10 sit-ups," or "They did that because they don't love me" or, "Just 20 more steps then I'll take a break, 1, 2..." or "I don't want to scare the kids so I can ignore the pain till they leave" or have you heard stories about people who have crawled with a broken leg to the nearest help before passing out, they too told themselves a story.
Full live vs fullfilled life
Grind to Freedom
Infinite Bondage Scheduled Releases
Love Strategies
Love Languages
undefined The belief of love is a source of strength. Love languages are standards of evidence that convince people that you love them. Love is an argument. Love languages are the standard of evidence someone has set to be convinced of your love;WordsServiceGiftsAttentionTouchBut there are more, like when preparing for any argument, do your research. Success in life is dependent on mastering this skill of convincing.
undefined ㋡ To Build Paradise, Be Constructive ㋡ To Be Constructive, ONLY give and listen to Constructive Criticism. ㋡ Constructive Criticism is that which protects and promotes the ultimate goals while reconsidering the steps. I don't value the opinion from the people who can't recognize value. Their appreciation is less than worthless. You are precious. Why do you care what the blind considers beautiful, worthwhile, successful, valuable?
Fools Say
undefined Make this into a releasable list No It's good enough That's not how the world works that's just how it is That's how it's always been That will never change It's too hard or complicated People don't like change We will just have to make due It will cost too much> see value over cost
undefined Your words are a gift, not a reward for doing good, but a strength to do good.I used to think compliments encouraged mediocre behavior, but weakness is the root of all unfulfilled life. Be sure your words make people stronger.
Story Telling
Learn as an example how to learn
Modes of Learning
Learn By Doing
Learn By Teaching
Learn By Watching
Learn By Reading
Learn By Writing
Learn By Questioning
Learn By Reading
Bike Riding Base
Student is inspired.
Student gets on
No frontloaded tutorial
Student Leads
Teacher Supports running along side
Teacher lets student balance within limits
Teacher Listens and Watches
undefined Instead of assuming students ability and knowledge, the teacher watches how good they are handling what they've been given and give them more opportunity to balance.
Teacher does not scold student
undefined Instead teacher knows the student trying to balance tasks his brain to work out the formulas without the student's involvement beyond the challenge to efficiency. The brain only needs time, opportunity to try it's algorithms.
Montisori Base
undefined This is a Tasting Strategy which is useful in discovering your interests and what is possible. Babys taste everything, How do you know what food you like unless you try foods, how do you know what your strengths are and thus what would be the most effective application of you unless you try things?
Interest Menu
undefined Students follow their interests. There are multiple project centers to choose from. The student chooses projects they are most interested in. They have to spend an amount of time on projects but the student gets to set their own pace and direction and project. Keep the path flexible to mirror the student's choices and understanding.
Wholistic Purpose Driven Project
undefined Instead of learning math and programming and design individually you learn to build a robot and chasing that goal you learn those subtopics along the way. Includes presentation.
Relationships, Not Tests
undefined because the teacher can tell through relationship what the student understands. They are paying attention, taking notes, and asking questions all the time.
Master Availible
undefined To answer questions or to ask pointed stimulating questions. Someone who knows the subject to a mastery level as a mentor to help them get it as needed. Not leading them but following them and giving them a nudge as needed.
Iteration Base
undefined For the example of learning to write, start by getting on the bike. Write on a topic of your interest.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Swap And Fix
undefined Take another persons' writing and fix it to your latest standard.
undefined Submit your writing to a master for review. Recieve the review notes and apply them in the next step.
undefined Write on a new topic executing on those review notes. Keep iterating on this until the master review is golden.
Things Not to Say
undefined Make a database of what not to say and why and alternatives like Can't, Instead say things like Not Yet
Radio Dramas
Novel Book
Interactive Bot Website
Tourettes and Shame
Not my Work
Clearity os thought
Love Team
undefined We are on the same team with the same purpose even if not everyone is aware. We all share the same purpose by design, but we are not all focused. If you ever think you need to be negative and ride the waves the same as everyone else remember there are plenty of negative warriors, so there is no need for you to join them, you are free to focus on what is coming and build it.
Love Yourself
undefined I struggle to love myself because I know me, but it is imperitive I find what God sees in me."How can You love me God?" I've learned to thank myself everytime I do something wise or healthy. Don't mistreat yourself and appreciate you, for treating you right. For you are God's, so you better treat His children right. Then as you make gratitude a habit you will begin to see what God sees. You've heard it said, love others as you love yourself, this is the famous golden rule, but if you haven't learned how to love how can you love yourself let alone others? Jesus didn't hold your love for yourself as a good example for how to love people, He said love how I have loved you. How did He love people? Ultimately he died, symbolically taking our place, but even while he was being tortured to death, he forgave his enemies. He humbled himself to be born in a animal food bowl, he didn't demand praise, he washed peoples feet, labored as a carpenter. He was slow to respond, once drawing in the dirt before responding to a question. Sometimes he remained silent as his response. He helped people and healed them, he welcomed the lowest society had rejected and didn't fear anything. He encouraged people and taught in questions stooping down to their level starting with what they knew and shepherding them to understanding. He also took time to be alone with His thoughts praying and reloading (realigning with his purpose) see reloading strategy. Your maker came and gave an official instruction in person, "Love each other as I have loved you." If you loose your life you get it but if you save up your life you missed the point of life. Imagine what would happen if we followed this one instruction and poured ourselves out, every drop, nobody would be hungry, or alone. Suffering would cease as people met Him by watching Him move in those that subscribed to His lead. A movement that would cross war lines in the sand and defy expectations of limitation. Don't hold back or hold out. God loves you, love like that. The one who made resources by an ok googleplex command is the God of abundance. Reject the lie of scarcity and pour out. Are you a pile or a flood? Do you store up for yourself or do you pour yourself out for others? Without God I can accomplish nothing of ultimate value. Anything good in me is not me. Thank You for teaching me to trust You with Your's and lifting stress off my shoulders and carrying Your will to completion. Thank you for teaching me to deny myself and edify Your reputation with this life.
Self Discipline
undefined Self discipline is Self Love, See Will Smiths video
undefined To think of yourself how you are in reality, no greater no worse. Let's brag on God only, and not ourselves. It's not as if I'm clever or wise, all I know is Jesus. I shake when I'm near you and sweat when I speak, I'm not persuasive, but instead I am a grand demonstration that God can use even me as weak as I am. What person knows the thoughts and motives of a man except the his own spirit inside? So also no one knows the thoughts of God except His spirit. Now we have received His spirit to overwrite our own, so that we may know what naturally nobody else understands: What He has prepared for those who love Him. The spirit understands more than we do. We have His spirit not to instruct it, but to be instructed. (I echo Paul's sentiments as I condense 1st Cor. 2) Don’t get ahead of the Master and jump to conclusions with your judgments before all the evidence is in. When He comes, He will bring out in the open and place in evidence all kinds of things we never even dreamed of―inner motives and purposes and prayers. Only then will any of us get to hear the “well done”. -Paul
undefined How can I know forgivness? It's invisible usually. But when God inspires and uses me, it announces not only is God responsible for my results, but that He forgave me enough to involve this filth in His gameplan. I'm not benched, I'm forgiven. Father use me up, pour me out completely, let all that is good in me be surrendered to your purpose so that what is left of me may be eliminated. I deserve not even to be noticed by You yet You do, and I could never take pride in my accomplishment because You carry this game.
undefined #RegretlessLife : Wait Ten. Ten seconds before you respond, touch, yell, conclude, post, give-up, feel... You are no longer in immediate danger of being eaten by an animal, you can afford the extra time to think before you act. Over thinking is an impossibility. Slow down and think...
undefined Study validation, Finding internal value rather than relying on external value. Is what you are doing innately valuable? if so it doesn't matter what people think.
God's Love
Value Strategies
Inspire / Motivation
undefined Use EVERYTHING as motivation, everything is fire, like any tool it can be used for strengthening or weakening, choose to convert everything into strengthening motivating inspiring, be it a comment, or an experience, or lack, or change, or excess, anything else. You are not in control of what tools are handed to you, but you are responsible for how you use them. Be strategic with your inspiration, it's schedule, quality, targets. Set time aside each loop(week, month, day...) to get the highest quality inspiration in your feed to get you moving and measure its effectiveness to continue to improve this strength resource.
You have Potential.
undefined "If you don't like how things are, change it. You’re not a tree." Steve jobs realized you can mold the world you can push in and things will pop out, the greatest things in the world were made be people no greater than you.
Never Give Up
undefined "If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." Gashed my foot on a rock. Tomorrow morning I'm still getting up, tieing it up and running anyways! No excuses for giving up. Join me publicly overcomers, imagine if nobody ever gave up. everything can be tooled as a blessing.
Better Place/Qualified
undefined I often ask myself would the world be a better place if everyone did this thing I'm considering doing? Would the world be a better place if there were more of me? Clones would be nice I could get so much more done, but when it's time to get things done why am I not myself? Why do I act as if the world would be better off with less of me as I dishonestly portray what I think people want to see or what would impress or what is less threatening to their egos that don't want to witness success. I know there are parts of me the world would be better off without, but I love the other parts and want to let him out. That guy is my favorite person in the world because he is the combination of everything I admire. Nobody else has the experience and thoughts that I have had, I am uniquely qualified for something that nobody else is.
Purpose Strategies
Your Purpose is Paradise
Case For Hope
Your Purpose is to Build Paradise
Paradise is Knowable
Knowable by logical Implications
Knowable by logical Deductions
Paradise is Possible
By Definition
Progress Statistics
Discovery Trajectory
Invention Trajectory
Purpose Driven Benifits
Hope Strategies
Then What
undefined One of the most powerful strats. Forcasting you personal life and the effect of events and choices step by step for the next 1000 years. Will it matter? What does it really matter?Will it contribute to your purpose? Will it fulfill you? It's not only a great strat for your budget by helping you clean your basket out of things you don't need to waste money on, or to clear tabs from things you don't need to waste your time on, but it will help you realize how little you are doing that matters and help you narrow in on the heading that will matter.
Merry Go Round
Gravity Well
Practice Reality Forecasting
Making The Future
undefined The Final Step of predicting the future is also the most accurate. I asked my sister how can I predict the future, how can I know that in 20 seconds I will reach down and pick up a phone out of the grass outside? Then I drop my phone in the grass. Then she answered you can predict the future by making the future.
Paradise Vision
undefined See Paradise Vision.mm
Paradise Definition
Discovery Examples
Invention Examples
Vision Casting
undefined How to cast a vision
Time Heart Book
Leah Richards
Jaden Stoaking
Em Emory
Anomaly Amplitude
Vi Violla
Zo Zoetrope
Time Heart
Highest Fall Due to Glitch, Brother died
Breakout of Sim
Stoaking is alive an Emory was the one who died
Emory is the kid genius who wrote an unifing operating system, His best friend Jaden Stoking starts a company and is the face of the company who takes credit for emorys work. Emory prefers this.
Emory likes to be alone with his thoughts and often retreats to a starship mind palace to work out issues. But this happens without his permission once which causes jadens death.
Emorys team gets retasked into the mind and starts noticing glitches in the universe his team can't notice and without jaden's protection he is removed from the company.
He researches the glitches alone and poor.
He finally decodes a message in the glithces learns to inject code into a memory leak for an escape hatch.
Escaping he meets Vi who uploads him to himself to smuggle him out of the mainframe
They tour the future on the way to meet vi who is masterminding where he meets the real stoaking, in the real world emory was the one who was lost in a coma.
The simulation is for growing empathetic ai but we figured out we could get emory out who is the only one who could stop vi, not this version but the distant version.
They find the time heart which was meant to be an energy source then a public interview service then a repair the past machine
The distant future version of Vi wants to prevent herself from being destroyed so she bans time travel.
Emory is off the system since his id is registered in the sim and no official ports were used for the exit so is untraced.
Vi teaches him to speak obscurity as he notices the quirks of her motions
they plan a way to set up the interview so the time heart is powered but then they use it to escape into the past and start rescues while attempting to evade future vi
Mind Palace
Escape Sim
Escape to the Past
Time Loop
undefined Pro, use the skill of dreaming to place a goal that moves you and then move. This is what frees you from now so you can move. Con, if you dream and dream and never move you are in bondage. Go watch a movie like you take a vacation, inspire and recharge, but don't watch movies like you eat chips because that is unhealthy.
Movement Strategies
Paradise Museum
undefined Make a Paradise Database documenting current projects around the world and what they are building towards, what projects have not yet been started and collect ideas for projects and for an open sourced vision of paradise itself.
undefined In the future humanity will live in a virtual reality universe of their own creation. The CoOS will be that reality. If you could choose one super power what would you choose to have? The CoOS will give you every Super Power.
To a Gamer
To a Designer
To a Joe
To an Artist
To a Programmer
To an Investor
To a Developer
Pain Points
undefined POWERLESS "I'm a very creative person, so when a collaborative sandbox came out in 2003, I jumped in head first. To build in Secondlife you drop basic shapes; cubes, spheres, cones..., then you stretch and twist them into eachother to build up your starship which ended up looking like a pile of donuts because that's what it literally was. Like I said I was creative so I tried to force the shapes to become what I imagined, it was miserable as I spend countless hours trying to make one shape blend into another without much success. In 2009 another sandbox came out, and this one exploded, everybody was playing it. We started an online server to build a giant world together. In Minecraft you build by again dropping in objects, but in this case they are all 1meter cubes. This limitation meant everything was square, which for a creative overcomer, means you have to build big and only look at it your work from a far while squinting to be able appreciate any detail. We've built sculptures out of wool and citys in mountains, castles on the ocean and even a floating teapot island! Sound amazing? Only if you were blind. These builds mainly served as labels for the full fidelity of our imagination. Our imagination is where these worlds would have to stay for the time being. Outside the gaming world I trained and got hired as a draftsman designing techology and as an artist illustrating that technology. There I used the tools that professionals use, Polygons, Vectors, Constraints. This was the power I needed to express myself, and looking around these primitive game worlds, it was obvious everyone needed this in their lives." CODELESS "Because of the limitations of basic minecraft we ""modded"" the game, but we weren't actually making the mods, just downloading them. If we saw a bug we would hope ""they"" would fix it in the next update. If we wanted a feature we would just request it online hoping ""they"" would read it and impliment it someday. We were powerless. Then I thought what if I was ""they""? Programmers could make it better. So I started to study how to program and what I learned was programming was hard. You had to learn a new language, the learning curve was steep. Before you can get dirty applying the basics you learn, you first have to then learn multiple frameworks and librarys, Then you had to type that language perfectly, or else it would just refuse to try. You had to teach the computer how to handle it's own resources otherwise a memory leak could crash your program. You would be neck deep in a project only to learn this language is fundamentally incapable of accomplishing this feature so you abandon it and go to another language that can. You have to refactor all your code to work in this new language. By the time you've finished your vision is so watered down in order to somewhat function, the software's almost useless. I started to do some research and found software had a few simple concepts, Condition, Logic, Response, Process, Data, Connections. But these concepts were buried beneath mountains of syntax. We would not put up with someone who ignored our goals with the excuse, ""well I just sat here because technically you said to go to the car but you didnt tell me what foot to use first"" With this revelation cooperating with computers is possible. We will unbury the power of modding and become the ""they"" who can make a difference." FRAMENTED "Once I imagined myself as a modder I started looking at the apps I use differently. Like ""This interface is not aligned!"" or ""this is wasting space on my sceen I wish I could just drag this smaller."" ""Dude, I love that tool I wish ""they"" had that in this other app."" ""Why is this missing?"" ""I have to export this and reimport it onto that app just to apply the mask?"" What if I could rip out that tool and reconnect it to my prefered app? Why not make all the tools sort of an app themselves, indipendant yet mixable. We could even make a super tool customized for all our individual preferences. As I toyed with the idea of customizing a super app, I considered what I would include in mine and noticed the learning curve for all these tools was unwarrented. If I gave you a hundred tools and told you to build a house, the task would be overwhelming, but in fact you only need a few of those tools, the rest are redundant and alternate ways to do the same thing. For example, Extend is all you need to make a solid shape, but all these tools; extrude, revolve, sweep, coil, emboss, rib, thicken, thread, they do the same thing; Extend, be it around a line or along a line. Consolidation gives everyone easy to use tools with the full power of the elite apps. The us and them illusion that seperates powerful professionals and the imaginitive kid is a lie made of over complexity. Then I thought why stop there? The apps arn't just tools but content too. Each app and website has a new interface to learn seperated databases but the same content types. What if we consolidated this content into a unified format? Then you could control how you engage with it. To my horror I realized these are all the same thing being fed to us with multiple spoons. Communication Lists: Email, Txt, Pm, Chat, Comments Feed Lists: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, News websites Media Packets: Videos, Movies, Podcasts, Audio Books, Camera Library Value Lists: Documents, Spreadsheets, Databases, Mindmaps Finally the internet would feel concise and elegant and managable." HOMELESS "For all the limitations of Minecraft and Secondlife, they had an amazing feature, a connected world. In principle no longer were there invisible walls seperating us. We lived together in a bigger universe. I'm exploring a cave but just outside my brother is building his house and over the horizon my friend was cutting down a tree with his bare hands and to the north my team just reappeared in their beds after dieing to a horde of pigzombies. They say home is where your friends are. Even if they weren't in this cave I was home. But in 2013 a new wall appeared . I was building a city in a dome on a mountain. Everyone got their hands dirty and chipped and we finished laying the last block by the end of the week. Our most ambitious build yet. All that dedication and invested time, we surprised ourselves. Then everyone went to their houses and logged off to bed. I stayed up planting grass on the newly carved mountain side. but the next morning nobody woke up. Nobody was in their houses. I checked the online list. I was alone. I went on skype and everyone was online but playing overwatch or league of legends or hearthstone. I tried to join them but to jump the walls between games you have to be on time and in step, everyone was seperated. So I sit in my Japanese Style House, in my square rocking chair that doesn't rock, and watch the square sunset as the truth sunk in, we were homeless. I was devistated but didn't realize how much until a new creative game came out. ""Hey you wanna play starbound with me?"" A space themed 2D minecraft. ""Sure."" I said and hopped over the wall. But then we got to playing around and we were like 'we could build a base and then and after some grinding upgrade our ship...' then as we began to build it became obvious we were spent, we couldn't build those giant ambitious projects anymore. At first I thought it was because we just all nighted it through the mountain city build but that wasn't it. We were scarred as if we just had a divorce and didn't want to be hurt again. Turns out creativity is like love, you can't build and then destroy or abandon your creation without a sense of loss and demorialization. I'm a creative person who can't create. They actually did a study where they paid kids to build bionicles(lego robots) and in a second group they did the same but dismantled their last robot right in front of them as they worked on the next. that second group did half as many builds before they had enough. I feel like I don't want to build in another world until I feel I'm not waisting my time contributing to a world that will be abandoned or destroyed."
Value Proposition (Why would customers want what we are selling?) (Summary of Solution)
undefined We provide Power, Freedom and True Cooperation by developing Limitless, Seamless, Shared; Space, Tools, and UI, through Software and Services.
Emotional Prototype
undefined Lived In Universe, with history from past cultures littering the world to uncover. Outerwilds, As you explore this Galaxy you learn about an alien race that visited the system and uncover clues of where they went and what projects they were working on and their debates over what would be the best path, you could find their secret passages, homes, and the stories of their failures. Watchdogs, You travel across an open world full of people and listen in on their conversations as they go about their lives and even hack into their apartments to see they are going about their lives even out of view. This is just scripted events but the idea that all NPCs have a life even when your not watching is compelling. That would provide a real person with which to interact, interfere, or partner with. Stumble onto community projects, be compelled to join in, or be inspired to build or collaborate Time Lapse of the Enterprise being built in Minecraft by hundreds of people at once captured this. Gource Visualization captures the same feeling but for programming projects. Imagine you are flying through space and you see these filiments twinkling and humming in the distance and as you approach time is displayed showing you the progress and slowing to present time as you get close. Something to write home about Mork and Mindy, My Little Pony Reboot, A measure wether a story was good, is if you were in the characters shoes you couldn't help but tell everyone about it. Adventures That Create Bonds Journey, The blizzard story from Journey; In the game you can't speak only chirp, as you play you randomly run into other players who are also headed for the same goal, you join eachother and help eachother, but as you get higher up the mountain we encountered a blizzard, the wind was deafening and our visibility as minimal, the wind would pile snow onto us if we stayed still and came in surges that blew us back, we were both struggling to survive and then i discovered I could hide from the wind behind a rock, I called out to my friend but he couldn't hear me over the wind. he was being buried alive and all I could do was watch and try to get his attention. the next morning when the blizzard had ended, he was gone. But this little game had me bond with someone I just met. Nonshalont God-like creating. Ambition short film, Planet formation as an education curiculium World Builder short film, Creating a town for you loved ones.
Revenue Streams (What ways do we make money?)
undefined Life ($500 One-Time) Security Deposit OP ($700 One-Time) Security Deposit Boost ($1400 One-Time) Security Deposit Life ($20/month) low res streaming & low def/ps rendering OP ($50/month) hi res streaming hi def/ps rendering Boost (+$15/month) double power. Automatically prompted when nearing a limit. Dev ( +1$/vote ) Incremental Development Milestones Through Crowdfunding Farm ( +0$/month ) (Use your home server to boost your account) •Registration fee covers the Storage and Mod Runtime hardware allocated for that account. This is because any used hard drive space or live mods are permanantly in the universe and need the hardware to live. This could be returned to you -permanent resources used. First year is monthly charge free. •The more customers that are on the platform the more value it grows due to creations worth experiencing. Prices will increase to meet cost fluctuation and values will increase to meet prices. •After Minimum Viable Product, New Features are Crowd Funded which eliminates waste and maximises customer priorities. •This pricing model seems to aim for the Mass Market in the Customer Segments section. •Fair Sutainable Universe is the purpose of this Revenue Model •def/ps is a value to indicate relativly how fast the details around your POV improove.
Cost Structure (Where will we spend invested money?)
undefined Initally, Save for a milestones then once milestone is funded, freelance that milestone. Then, pay for full time core team and continue to outsource the rest. This gradient depends on available revenue
Channels (How are we reaching our customers?)
undefined Outsource Marketing Begin building a hyped community ASAP for future build bashing and crowdfunding As the prototype is being used, the library of in game created vistas will contribute to marketing.
Product Build Release Schedule (What are your milestones?)
undefined Minimum Viable Prototype Space Engine Ideal Interface Tools Mods Minimum Viable Product Playtests Investors Bug Fixes Content Build Bashes Launch Release Bug Fixes Platform Ports Crowdfunded Features Rebuild for speed and enhancements
Key Activities (What does the CoOS team do?)
undefined Research and Develop Software Marketing and Retention Support and Maintain Services Add Stretch-Goal Features and Optimise Services
Key Resources (What is used to perform those activities?)
undefined Initially, Freelance Software Developers upon fundraising per milestone. Then, hired full time staff upon investment. Finally, temps upon crowdfunding.
undefined Indie Developers Gamers Game Developers CAD designers Artists Software Developers The entire world isn't our customer, so if someone wants to misue our software or demand that it become something outside our vision we don't need to comply. Some people may want to hide 3d objects at ransom of a price but there are other softwares for that. Some may want a software to have a private conversation but there other softwares for that.
Customer Segements (Who are our customers?)
Demand Matrix
Market Takeover Targets
undefined Art Illustrator 49,390 Companies $30/month Corel 23,108 Companies $17/month Maya 14,000 operators $129/month 3dsMax 6,182 Companies $129/month Zbrush 3,709 Companies $40/month Mudbox 1,410 Companies $10/month Engine Unity 5.5million operators $35/month Unreal Engine 7million operators Free + 5% on gross product revenue Cry Engine 396 Companies $10/month GoDot 11,000 operators free Cad Inventor 11,545 Companies $166/month OnShape 3million operators free-$125-$107/month Solidworks 44,679 companies $107/month Game Secondlife / Highfidelity Minecraft / Roblox VR Chat / Rec Room My stuff is changing the paradigm in multiple ways making it not comparable. For example you can't restrict people from landing on your planet so as a game developer you can't make a game then make a paywall like you would today. In fact this makes it less risk because the alternative is to make all games crowdfunded upfront.
Customer Relationship (What Relationship do our customers expect from us?)
undefined Google established dependable lasting personality Sufficant Documentation and Clear Tutorials Lag-free CoOS Run-time Use-Case Support To not feel scraped for every penny but to provide a fair trade of value Wise/Lean management to build trust in the saftey of the customer's CoOS home. Honest updates to build trust in the staff to overcome internet storms
XP Use Cases
Emergent Side Effects
Last Game
iPod First Gen Compatible
undefined Of course the first gen iPod doesn't have high-speed internet connection or a processor fast enough to render a streamed video, but if it did, the screen and clickwheel would be enough to run CoOS because the interface has been designed from first principles of human interaction, alternating tools and scalable empathy.
Last App
Relay, all in one communications app
Renet, An internet 2.0 feed, disrupting the idea of websites
Mods, Saturate Software Development
Design Principles
Every Problem has a Solution
undefined By starting with this base assumption you will go further than those who look for signs of impossibility as an excuse to give up. I have never found a problem without a solution, but sometimes while looking I find what I thought was a problem wasn't the real problem. Fake problems can only have fake solutions.
Inspiration Procrastination
undefined My inspired work is my best work but patience and allowance is key. To foster this I procrastinate better than most. I have a handful of projects that I am allowed to work on one day a week and throughout the week inspiration strikes as I passively make connections without being allowed to act on them beyond taking notes. Then on the work day I take the most inspired notes and act on them. By baking procrastination into your schedule on purpose you turn it into a strategy for inspiration. Again patience is key to success, but learn to wait by doing something else. You are not a domino waiting for your time, instead you are a human with the ability to prepare while you wait and then set your own time for action. Notes Move You may not think you are inspired, but the spark may actually already be in your hands. Start with what you know, do what you can, with what you have. This practice gets it on the table so what comes first or next is more obvious. Spread out the pieces and the holes will become clear. Iteration
Fidelity Oasis
undefined Does the viewer believe you achieved what you tried? Design is unfortunately fused with limitation. Time, money, quality, to increase one you often must sacrifice another. There is an exception however. We can establish a context of fidelity by our brush size. If you have limited time to cover a canvas, rather than drawing faster use a larger brush. Having leading many large scale productions, I can assure you this is what lets you unveil on schedule with no objections to the fidelity because it matches the scope. Fidelity has style oasis’s, the deserts between them need to either be fully crossed or you not at all. For example if you don’t have the time to make proper strokes don’t do your best, instead jump down to the next full fidelity style you can accomplish in your limitations such as Pointillism. Add Examples Quality over quantity, goodness over popularity, value over expectation Define the edges and consolidate your spark rather than spreading it out. When I produced movie sets as art pieces rather than spreading out the props over the entire exhibit hall, I consolidated them into a fully complete scene. Some designers add white space to “let it breathe” but white space is a natural result of consolidated value. Don’t release content every week because that’s the expectation instead focus on the content and release it when it provides a fair value for their time. Be honesty with yourself and your audience, are you capable of the scope you are framing up? Let's say the honest fidelity for a scene includes a line thickness that is proportional to the whole scene, if you draw this scene on a larger canvas then you have to increase your instrument/line thickness to keep the honest proportion. I often remember my family saying to fill the page because I would draw very small pictures but the fidelity matched so the skill came through. Ignoring bad advice that says to walk a tight rope before you can walk a curb is honest.
Free To Try
undefined Try again something that’s been tried to death, try to reinvent the wheel, goodbye wagons, try something new, even if they like it the old way, try to fix something thats not broke, try to set a new standard to then break again. As a designer you are free. Don’t let anything shy of good reason stop you from trying. Question everything, authority, popularity, criticism, success, history, education, profession, orders, questions, claims, evidence, poles, ... The customer is not always right. People can often be unaware what they want, or what’s wrong let alone what’s right.
Pet Design
undefined Good design is noticing an obstruction long enough to remove it. Many people get annoyed at an obstruction the first time, the second time they remember it was annoying but the third time they ignore the annoyance and just bare the friction. These frictions add up until people are crawling and don’t know why they aren’t making progress. The designer however doesn’t ignore obstructions they fester like a grudge until they are inspired enough to fix them and we can all benefit from that.
undefined Anything you can imagine you can make. Remove the concern of limits via automated preparation, presentation, farming, and slide of hand. The engine will continually work to maximize priority qualities. Visible entities, changes, distance. thermos, threads, polycounts, stroke counts, boundaries... Some people say, “limitation breeds creativity” logically humans can create their own constraints without systematic limitation being forced onto them, plus they can create what the limited cannot so I say freedom breeds more creativity.
undefined There are no walls in space. The universe is like a list of tagged content, you can refine that content into a single combined universe or refine it for a cozy personal universe. But you can’t enforce an invisible impenetrable wall on other’s. The CoOS tears down walls. There is no installing or loading or opening worlds, but instead you travel to worlds in a single seamless stirring pot. Look up at the night sky, you see a distant star of millions and you can fly up and travel there where you may find a world full of people making their own culture, cities, roads and you look back and you can see the world you just left all in a seamless environment." "Invisible Walless Loading Screenless Edit Modless Play Modless Leveless Objectless Sketchless Demoless Paywalless Functionwalless you should be able to use a search tool in any app, or a comment tool on any content this maybe should go in tool principles" Walls Government's put up walls to keep people out. Prisons put up walls to lock people in. Business put up walls to squeeze people. Social Media puts up walls to divide people. But every wall can and will be overcome, be it throwing up a ladder, drilled through with plasma and explosives, torn down with hammers and rope, or flown over with planes. This overcoming trend will not stop as long as humans exist. Games shouldn't be a demo of a genre or feature but a part of a big picture. In VR the age of game demos resurged as everyone was finding their footing and pushing the limits of a feature, but like the games before we expanded that world and backstory to be more believable and reasonable why were are escorting this soldier or opening the playground to your novel solutions using any combinations of features that would have been games in themselves long ago Proceedural generation will finish the planet letting you focus on your town to insure the world is seamless.
undefined You are not alone here. Massively MultiMaker Online (thousands of people can cooperate and create in real-time in 1 universe) Shared Storage (All content is made by anyone and free for anyone) Nothing is deleted, not even history. This will make the CoOS more valuable over time as the universe and library of creation grow. By this we will all contribute to a universe that breathes and grows instead of creating lonely pocket sized universes. You can share people too so you can copy your friends into your village to populate it and whatever they do where they are aware, they will also do in your village with path finding corrections This should go in Shared Space Designs Multiplayer is the default. Loneliness should be opt in. You can mute people from you perspective but they are in a shared universe by default., There is no longer the question if a game is multiplayer or not. Mineless There is no such thing as mine here. You may be holding a glass but that glass is in every pocket. Scarcity does not exist here. Paywalless You are free to join any adventure land any planet, open any door without condition. The only wall is perspective, you can wear a lens that disables specific abilities by choice and hides people not wearing the lens so you and your friends can be sure you are struggling and overcoming together. Remixfull Anyone can change anything at minimum from their own sharable perspective. The most locked down you can make an object is to save your version to a lens so if any changes are made you and those wearing your lens won’t see it. Grindless Steps in with procedural solutions to repetitive tedious tasks, and you don’t have to pick a hundred berrys to ride the gandella if you don’t want. You can skip the early levels of a tower and start your adventure half way up if you want to. Lockless This is an open door universe without locks or gatekeepers Competionless Idea Walless If we make an inverse kinematics model for a character the next person should not have to start from scratch on theirs. We should building a collective paradise. One brick on top of the last instead of only setting bricks next to eachother. You are a problem solver, but many of the problems we solve every day have already been solved. What if we considered not only space as shared but all of creation so we can combine our talents and efforts into a super solution. A shared universe is a cooperative universe.
Shared Files
Shared Space
undefined The universe is always changing and your Space Reactor’s job is to update the universe with the Mods you spawn. If you spawn a ball into the universe even if you didn’t originally create it, your reactor is running that ball. The universe therefore is highly parallel. If I am subscribed for 10 trillion flops I could fill the universe with 16billion reactions per frame simultaneously. Everyone is running their own set of processors. That’s a lot of changes at the same time. Add up all the operators including you and we have a living scalable universe.
undefined Some say the best UI is no UI, but I see UI(interface) as a bridge between the user and their targets and UO(obstruction) as the thing that needs to be removed from the bridge. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
undefined Consolidate interfaces by unifing features that are related and separating targets that are unrelated. Redundant features and Bloated targets has made easy power tools too complex to for anyone to use. It is popular to think the only options are; powerful complex tools, or easy simple tools, or somewhere in the middle. However this principle claims that by consolidating tools, thus making them more powerful, you make them less complex to learn. Clear and Concise principles obsolete Consistency and Simplicity principles. If you aren't making a new interface for every new feature, then it’s already consistent. If you aren't repeating the learning curve, then the interface is plenty simple. Redundant features are any that have been repeated elseware in the same target category. Commonly repeated features include; controllers, menus... Bloated features are any that belong to another target or family. Parent features include features like windows, scale, help, search, font that work accross the entire system.
Redundant Examples
undefined Extrude, Extend, Revolve, Sweep, Hole Thicken... These are all the same tool. By consolidating these into a single sweep tool, you have eliminated 5/6ths of the learning curve. Texting, Email, Facebook messenger, and comments are all the same task, we should have a combined toolset that is contributed to cohesively. This example is echoed in so many tasks. This principle is the practice of compiling the disparate tasks into an all in one tool for one collective task.
Bloat Examples
undefined Email, Txt, Discord, Live Chat, PM, Facebook Messenger, Comment... These are all the same application. By dismantling the features like search, filter, reply, format, contacts... and consolidating them, you have further eliminated the learning curve and contributed to a unified ux instead of dividing ux. Youtube, Netflix and VLC are all the same task, why does youtube give in player access to quality and netflix quality is behind your account settings? We should be able to isolate the features and recombine the player into a super player for all video content.
undefined Why is a bubble’s shape a sphere? It is in equilibrium between all the forces at play, surface tension and air pressure. Elegance isn’t Minimalism. These bubbles are fully elegant even though more forces are at play. Elegance balances 2 types of forces. Destiny (target result) can’t change. If you find your target is moving, you may be aiming for the air instead of the target. It is vital to identify the most fundamental, indivisible goals. Provision (technical methods and limitations) is frequently changing, with progress in research, technology, and infrastructure. For this reason, elegance is also a frequently changing state and so your interface must be rebalanced just as frequently. It is vital to identify all the provision forces in order to achieve balance.
undefined An interface that isn’t readable/reachable is useless. Typically design caters to the majority operator and then add on settings for the most impared. The result is an ugly useless interface for all but the minority rando that lands in the sweetspot. But what if we could know every operator’s ability? If we give the interface sight, we could tailor the interface in real time.
undefined Interfaces without permanent consequences results in fearless empowered users. Everything the user does, from selection to change, from menus to undo itself, should be remembered forever. Baking and other algorithms can be used but a copy needs to be made so all changes are reversible and earlier changes are changeable with the effects rippling down the history. This history acts as copies of the content in the different states and can be copied and tagged for later use or hotkeyed for reproducing functions or content. This isn't simply a scrubbable timeline but a list of actions that you can repeat or save for later. This also serves as a clipboard since your selections can be used as reference for later use. This also goes for completing a task in any order, making a clipboard an unlimited stack, and tweaking your selection precision. Study what makes an activity intimidating and remove that risk. Inviting, Unintimidating, Cute, style, this is actually not just fun but important Never save again. Every action you do is safe so no need to save yourself. All you might want to do is copy a version to a list for easy access. HIstory including tools, selections, and undos themselves. These serve as a cad feature list too. Nondestructive tools. Making tools procedural pages that can ripple effects.
undefined "You don’t know best, Interfaces are a cooperative activity so share the interface options with the operator. Don’t build channels as if you know what the operator wants or as if what you want the operator to do is more valid than what they want to do. Never Popup, give the operator the freedom to choose how content is displayed. Never popup, even when asking, “are you sure?” just do what your told instead of doubting the user and offer alternatives in the feed they have preset for inputs. Get out of people’s faces and out from under their cursors. Notices should appear in a reserved area out of the way, or better yet, user defined. Would you appreciate someone who jumped in your face blocking your view, or sneaking a button under your hand when you reach for a tool? The interface is like a waitress, is it best to dump the drink in their eyes, their lap, hand it out to them waiting impatiently for them to take it or is it best to set it on the table for them to take at their own pace? Prereserve an area for notifications and move new notices slowly enough so they dont end up under your cursor mid click. This also applied to workflow, your workflow isn't best, let's let them draw unconstrained imperfect sketches and then go back and constrain or start with constraints and add geometry later. Describe how iobit highlights the continue button that continues what they want not what you just told it you want. There are 2 humble approaches to highlights, ask the user what their goal is, if they tell you you can highlight the route like a GPS. Or keep everything equal opportunity, not knowing what the user’s goals are, you can’t help. Shortcuts can have defaults but these are always replaceable save a ripcord. Ripcord is a safemode way to access the main list in case you deleted other ways to get there. From the main list you can get everything back to a usable state.
undefined Prereserve an area for notifications and move new notices slowly enough so they dont end up under your cursor mid click.
undefined This does not mean an interface must be familiar relying on knowledge already know, because this knowledge is limited. Instead it must communicate. "Visual teaching is your interface’s responsibility. Don’t abandon users to learn through guessing. Make clear what is related, with visible cells, separators, and layers. Make the edges of buttons and handles clear, so users can approach with a reliable plan. Make concepts clear with expandable descriptions, animated glyphs, and embedded tutorials. Build Confidence in the operator. Make it obvious what will happen before you activate a tool, by communicating what the operator can expect before they click. This can be done through animated icons, the help button, and simulating likely application and animating. All related information is accessible from any part of the information. Communication is answering questions, asked or not. What questions are the operators asking? “How do I accomplish my big picture goal? “How do I accomplish this next step?” “What does this do?” “Where is this?” If you are searching through a list, obviously you would want to filter and sort the list to eliminate irrelevant concepts and systematically scroll and highlight what you’re after. But remember, space is a list too, everything you can see should be able to be filtered and sorted and highlighted.
undefined Since toolbar buttons are just filter presets, you can shift select them to combine their lists.
undefined This represents the minimal scale navigation, that every card acts like a single list that can be scrolled through and dug into like a classical directory structure. Clickwheel refers to the original ipod interface.
undefined Path, History, Global, Local
One Word Wide Message
undefined Selecting is tagging plus highlighting You can tag a bunch of shapes and it will highlight it one color, and then you can change your brush and select other shapes or some of the same and it will highlight it a different material Selections are automatically saved and historically searchable so you never need to copy just pull from to history AI and other people can select things too to help you and you can take their selections as easily as you take yours
undefined Hovering is selecting, which is tagging and highlighting
undefined Instead of disabling buttons(greying out), make would-be disabled buttons, approval for recommended required inputs(greyed in). Say you need to fill in some information before sending, The send button will be highlighted the color of the defaultinputs. For example the name field will be filled in with your name by the system with a grey highlight and the submit button will have a grey highlight to show if you click this it will fill in the field with the greyed in recommendation.
Day Night Cycle
undefined The light/darkmode is analog as if a star is orbiting the UI elements. When it goes around the backside, the card goes dark with the content lighting up like citys lightup at night.
undefined When you move, the interface feels like it's watching you and reaching for you.
Animated Icons
undefined This should be sufficient to explain what the operator can expect if they use it. This should also make the operator feel powerful.
undefined Many find themselves in bondage, either through shame or identity, they say things like “I can't” or “I’m a burger flipper, not a designer, or programmer, or writer, or an artist, or a leader, or an engineer, or a doctor, or an astronaut...” But we have found with the right tools anyone can be anything.
undefined Specify as much or as little detail as you want leaving the defaults or procedural generation for the rest.
Free Flow
undefined Constrain as you go or later or never. Block out a plan and go back and detail later or focus on the details you care about and let the system procedurally generate the rest until or if you ever care to.
Defined Defaults
undefined There is a default for every module's value so you can focus on defining only what you care to and move on while the system automatically fills in what you don’t care to define. These defaults can be changed but there should always be a default.
Minimum Vital toolbox
undefined There are so many more tools you can create for your workflow and more tools you can shortcut on your toolbar for convenience. But the focus of the CoOS tools are to be the minimum vital set of tools capable of creating anything. These tools are the building blocks from which all other tools are made. See Emergent Tools for custom tools beyond the Minimum Vital Toolbox. The way my friend puts this principle is “Why make a square tool if you have a rectangle tool?”
Super App
undefined From Shapes, to Tools everything in the universe is a List. So in the Cooperating System, that list should be viewable as a list and have all the privileges and responsibilities of a list; Scalability, Refinablity, Order... This means you can combine features into a single app and it means that when using someone else’s app you are never without your favorite feature, spell check, format font, save a copy, search... Every feature is everywhere. “Smartphone users spend 50 percent of their time in one app & 97 percent in their top 10 apps.”
Super Funnel
undefined Because all apps are in the universe they are all a part of a super app so instead of needing to go to various websites to access their content and having various toolsets for each, the tools follow you and the content is fed through your Funnel.
undefined Values can be viewed and modified either directly or indirectly with mirrored cards or controls. A mirrored card copies the content of another card and any changes you make to the mirror also happens to the original. This is useful when scaling down the original for sanity sake in a large instruction network. You can select a card that is scaled down to the size of a bubble and it’s contents are easily viewable in the mirror card so you can indirectly control it without having to scale up the original and loosing context of the big picture. Controls will be covered as it’s own tool in the next section.
Toggles Through Modes (Default)
Add Multiple Pointers
undefined and preset each to toggle between
Smooth String
Scope (See List Filters)
Mod Functions
Select All
Deselect All
Inverse Selection
Add Selection Measure
Select Along
Select Around
Change Pointer to Selection Mode
List Selected Group
List Selectable Candidates
Method From List
Change Pointer to Reference Drop Mode
List References
Change Pointer to Action Mode
Show Authored Action (Default)
List Latest Action
List Alternative Actions
By Type
By Time
Creation Start
Last Modified
By Position
By Proximity
Nearest To
Furthest From
By Tag
By Search
Selection Groups
Object Groups
If nothing is selected, change pointer to reference mode
If something is selected, use it as a reference(s)
From List
New List
New Shape
New Material
New Mod
Latest Pointer Reference (Default)
Changes Pointer effect to an eraser
Adds extra visible handles centered on the selected content.
Position Values
undefined This applies not only to point groups but also designed handles such as between cards
Scope Filter
If nothing is selected, change pointer to selection mode
If something is selected, change pointer to reference mode
Latest Selection (Default)
From List
Latest Pointer Reference (Default)
From List
1 (Default)
Custom Value
From List
undefined This includes weighted bones for animations, moldable surfaces for simulation.
Handles, Pointers, Gizmos for direct or indirect manipulation
Research Paradise Build Strategies
Journal Blog
undefined How do you know your favorite food if you have only ate a few types of food? Even though your purpose isn't dependant on your taste, to make the most effective move, you need to know what moves are available. Should there be a strategy to help you try a diverse variety of experiences that help you make an informed decision?
Design Principles
Every Problem has a Solution
undefined By starting with this base assumption you will go further than those who look for signs of impossibility as an excuse to give up. I have never found a problem without a solution, but sometimes while looking I find what I thought was a problem wasn't the real problem. Fake problems can only have fake solutions.
Inspiration Procrastination
undefined My inspired work is my best work but patience and allowance is key. To foster this I procrastinate better than most. I have a handful of projects that I am allowed to work on one day a week and throughout the week inspiration strikes as I passively make connections without being allowed to act on them beyond taking notes. Then on the work day I take the most inspired notes and act on them. By baking procrastination into your schedule on purpose you turn it into a strategy for inspiration. Again patience is key to success, but learn to wait by doing something else. You are not a domino waiting for your time, instead you are a human with the ability to prepare while you wait and then set your own time for action. Notes Move You may not think you are inspired, but the spark may actually already be in your hands. Start with what you know, do what you can, with what you have. This practice gets it on the table so what comes first or next is more obvious. Spread out the pieces and the holes will become clear. Iteration
Fidelity Oasis
undefined Does the viewer believe you achieved what you tried? Design is unfortunately fused with limitation. Time, money, quality, to increase one you often must sacrifice another. There is an exception however. We can establish a context of fidelity by our brush size. If you have limited time to cover a canvas, rather than drawing faster use a larger brush. Having leading many large scale productions, I can assure you this is what lets you unveil on schedule with no objections to the fidelity because it matches the scope. Fidelity has style oasis’s, the deserts between them need to either be fully crossed or you not at all. For example if you don’t have the time to make proper strokes don’t do your best, instead jump down to the next full fidelity style you can accomplish in your limitations such as Pointillism. Add Examples Quality over quantity, goodness over popularity, value over expectation Define the edges and consolidate your spark rather than spreading it out. When I produced movie sets as art pieces rather than spreading out the props over the entire exhibit hall, I consolidated them into a fully complete scene. Some designers add white space to “let it breathe” but white space is a natural result of consolidated value. Don’t release content every week because that’s the expectation instead focus on the content and release it when it provides a fair value for their time. Be honesty with yourself and your audience, are you capable of the scope you are framing up? Let's say the honest fidelity for a scene includes a line thickness that is proportional to the whole scene, if you draw this scene on a larger canvas then you have to increase your instrument/line thickness to keep the honest proportion. I often remember my family saying to fill the page because I would draw very small pictures but the fidelity matched so the skill came through. Ignoring bad advice that says to walk a tight rope before you can walk a curb is honest.
Free To Try
undefined Try again something that’s been tried to death, try to reinvent the wheel, goodbye wagons, try something new, even if they like it the old way, try to fix something thats not broke, try to set a new standard to then break again. As a designer you are free. Don’t let anything shy of good reason stop you from trying. Question everything, authority, popularity, criticism, success, history, education, profession, orders, questions, claims, evidence, poles, ... The customer is not always right. People can often be unaware what they want, or what’s wrong let alone what’s right.
Pet Design
undefined Good design is noticing an obstruction long enough to remove it. Many people get annoyed at an obstruction the first time, the second time they remember it was annoying but the third time they ignore the annoyance and just bare the friction. These frictions add up until people are crawling and don’t know why they aren’t making progress. The designer however doesn’t ignore obstructions they fester like a grudge until they are inspired enough to fix them and we can all benefit from that.
Get all in one tools
Don't demand perfect tools before you start
Paradise Museum
Heirarchy of Needs
Strategy Design
Strategy Format
Motivation (Why do they need to know it?) (Context)
undefined How does this connect your status to your purpose?
Knowledge (What do they need to know) (Facts)
Nugget (one burden thing that if they can grasp change their life) (Lesson)
undefined message leads up to and the looks back at the this
Application (What do they need to do) (Devotion)
undefined list show how it applies homework to take the next step
Inspiration (Why do they need to do it) (Vision)
undefined cast vision what would happen if we all did that this week
Tool (What will help them apply or remember it?)
undefined Notes, Websites, Apps, Accountability...
Organized Strategy Notes
Strategy Mediums
undefined Instead of reaching out to people and forcing strategies on them, hopehood should instead be searchable for those who are ready for strategic purposeful fulfillment.
Silhouette Videos
Coach Notes
Hopehood Journal
Wear Hope
Fulfillment Test
CoOS Design Guide
Design Principles
Interface Principles
Tech Study
No Code Study
Case Study
Market Study
CoOS Plans
Inspiring Scenes
Inspiring Characters
At The Movies
Gedanken Jam
Hopehood Movement Ideas
Write books, films, games
Produce videos, files, study guides, resources;
self help for strength strategies,
fictional stories for vision casting,
Cover towns in temporary hope graffiti at night,
concerts, banners, paint, ads, flashmobs...
Develop Websites, Apps, Video Games, Board Games...
Write anthems, movement music, poems...
Give talks, seminars, conferences, festivals, expos...
Art: 3d Models of paradise solutions, inspiring landscapes of CoOS use cases, Paintings, Hopeful Sculpture, Art Gallery, Museum of the Future
Host life groups, meetups, podcasts, interviews
Post bite sized hope on all social media
Start a secret agent program for sleeper agents waiting for activation.
Partner with churches, businesses, cities.
Award Contests, Team Games, Team Matching
Marketing, Crowdfundunding, Fundraising, Commercials
Make merch; shirts, hoodies, stickers...
Interactive AI interview prompted as being a paradise citizen.
Open community campus
Hopehood Daily Activities
Write Ideas in Sheet CoOS
Write Ideas in Sheet Time Heart
Write Ideas in Sheet Hope Fuel
Write Ideas in Sheet Paradise
Write Ideas in Sheet Journal my process and what I learned each week
Check for available Website upgrades
Check for available Apps, tools, methods for producing and publishing
Check for available Animation Tool Options
Organize Ideas from sheets To see if enough holes have been filled to start Pansing Time Heart
Organize Ideas from sheets To consolidate them into a CoOS document
Organize Ideas from sheets Robust Strategy Documents like Peace Hike
Draw illustrations of Hopehood Concepts
Draw illustrations of CoOS features
Post To website
Post To social media
Post To Link Collections
Collect Fun gifs from 9gag to accompany Hope Fuel
Collect Appropriate Unsplash Pictures to land hopehood points
Collect Artstation, Dribbble, Pintrest = Scenes and Mods for CoOS
Research No Code
Research Programming
Research Game development
Research Writing
Research Future visions
Research Science Discoveries
Research Tech Innovations
Research Good Hopeful News
Test CoOS features with Use Case Studies step by step
Test Strength Strats
Make Hopehood Videos
Make Meme Gif Hope Fuel
Coach Debate online to test ideas for defendability
Coach Help people one on one online
Coach Help the kids one on one in person
Coach Give talks and seminars and workshops
Your Move