Quick Guide for EdrawMind
Looking for some help? Here you can get quick answers and step-by-step instructions on how to use EdrawMind.
EdrawMind Guide
Get Started with EdrawMind
Quick Using EdrawMind
Learn to Use Topics
Insert/Add Elements
Theme and Style
Advanced Features
View Mind Map
Shortcut Keys
Andriod App Guide
iOS APP Guide
Online Collaboration
Video Tutorial
Shortcut Keys
Navigate to File > Options > Shortcuts, you can find the list of shortcut keys and you are also able to set custom shortcuts to your liking.

Common Operations
Function | Shortcuts |
Activate Window (Hotkey) | Ctrl + Shift + M |
Create a new document | Ctrl + N |
Open | Ctrl + O |
Find | Ctrl + F |
Save | Ctrl + S |
Save as | F12 |
Save all | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Close current document | Ctrl + F4 |
Close all | Ctrl + Shift + F4 |
Switch document | Ctrl + Tab |
Ctrl + P | |
Undo | Ctrl + Z; Alt + Backspace |
Redo | Ctrl + Y; Alt + Shift + Backspace; Ctrl + Shift + Z |
Copy | Ctrl + C |
Paste | Ctrl + V |
Cut | Ctrl + X |
Format Painter | Ctrl + Shift + C |
Paste special | Ctrl + Alt + V |
Delete | Delete; Backspace |
Delete Selected Topic | Shift + Del |
Add Topic and Related Elements
Function | Shortcuts |
Add Subtopic | Tab; Insert; Ctrl + Enter |
Add Topic | Enter |
Add Topic Before | Shift + Enter |
Add Parent Topic | Shift + Insert |
Add Callout | Alt + Enter |
Add Floating Topic | Alt + F |
Add Multiple Topic | Ctrl + M |
Add Relationship | Ctrl + R |
Add Boundary | Ctrl + Shift + B |
Add Summary | Ctrl + ] |
Add Picture | Ctrl + Shift + P |
Add Priority Mark | Ctrl + 1, 2, 3... |
Add Attachment | Ctrl + H |
Add Note | Ctrl + T |
Add Comment | Ctrl + Shift + T |
Add Number | Ctrl + Shift + U |
Add Task | Alt + G |
Select Topic and Topic Operations
Function | Shortcuts |
Select all topics | Ctrl + A |
Select same type | Alt + A |
Select more topics | Shift + Arrow keys |
Select more levels | Shift + Alt + Arrow keys |
Select same level | Ctrl + Shift + A |
Select topic | Arrow keys |
Select first topic in the same level | Home |
Select last topic in the same level | End |
Select Main Idea | Ctrl + Home |
Move up topic | Ctrl + Shift + Up |
Move down topic | Ctrl + Shift + Down |
Move topic to top | Ctrl + Shift + Home |
Move topic to bottom | Ctrl + Shift + End |
Text Editing and Font Settings
Function | Shortcuts |
Edit topic text | F2 |
Edit and move cursor to text start | Shift + Spacebar |
Edit and move cursor to text end | Spacebar |
Add line break | Shift + Enter; Ctrl + Enter |
Bold | Ctrl + B |
Italic | Ctrl + I |
Underline | Ctrl + U |
Increase font size | Ctrl + Shift + Period |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + Shift +Comma |
Set font color | Ctrl + Shift + D |
Topic Traversal and Slides
Function | Shortcuts |
Traverse topics | F5 |
Traverse branches | Shift + F5 |
Display slide page | Ctrl + Shift + F5 |
Map View
Function | Shortcuts |
Show different levels | Alt + 1,2,3… |
Show all levels | Alt + 0 |
Display branch | Alt + D |
Focus on topic | F3 |
Drill/Stop drill | F4 |
Fit Map to page width | Alt + F3 |
Fold | Ctrl + F3 |
Zoom to 100% | Ctrl + 0 |
Zoom in | Ctrl + Equal |
Zoom out | Ctrl + Minus |
Vertically move page | PageUp; PageDown |
Horizontally move page | Ctrl + PageUp; Ctrl + PageDown |
Full Screen Mode
Function | Shortcuts |
Start brainstorming | F8 |
Full screen (editable) | Ctrl+F5 |
Laser pointer | Ctrl + L |
Color pencil | Ctrl + P |
Draw rectangle | Ctrl + Shift + R |
Draw oval/ellipse | Ctrl + Shift + E |
Draw arrow | Ctrl + Shift + W |
Eraser | Ctrl + E |
Map zoom in | Ctrl + Equal |
Select Main Idea | Ctrl + Home |
Eraser all traces | E (Capital) |
Open Pane/Window
Function | Shortcuts |
Open tag manager | Ctrl + G |
Open clipart pane | Ctrl + Shift + I |
Open format pane | F6 |
Open spelling check pane | F7 |
Open mark pane | F9 |
Open task pane | F10 |
Open outline pane | F11 |
Function | Shortcuts |
Cancel operation or close dialog | Esc |
Video Tutorial | F1 |